Florida Pulse gay club attacked

You seem to think all humans are as stupid as you are.

If a guy wants to kill people, he is going to kill them whether or not he has access to legal fire power. That's because people can make guns, they can make bombs, they can smuggle arms, they can build them in their basements.

You fucking imbecile. They exist. And you think the only people who should ever touch them are criminals and psychopaths. Die, or get out of the way. You're chaff.
But we dont have to make acquiring guns any easier for them, and the attempted purchase can be just cause to bring them in for questioning and investigating their behavior to see if any terrorist activity can be uncovered.

"Bring them in for questioning!"

Typical lefty totalitarian response. THIS GUY WAS ALREADY ON A WATCH LIST. You fucking moron. chaff. I look forward to the culling.
How, fucktard? What does bitching about the Imams preaching violence have to do with Whether or not the parents of a kid born in the United States, and a United States citizen should have been allowed into the country, before their kid was even born, or not?
Because you dont just bitch about them, stupid ****.

You monitor their associations, you deport them, you freeze their assets, etc.

Gawd, you libtards are so fucking brainless it is painful to read you brain dead crap.
You seem to think all humans are as stupid as you are.

If a guy wants to kill people, he is going to kill them whether or not he has access to legal fire power. That's because people can make guns, they can make bombs, they can smuggle arms, they can build them in their basements.

You fucking imbecile. They exist. And you think the only people who should ever touch them are criminals and psychopaths. Die, or get out of the way. You're chaff.
But we dont have to make acquiring guns any easier for them, and the attempted purchase can be just cause to bring them in for questioning and investigating their behavior to see if any terrorist activity can be uncovered.

"Bring them in for questioning!"

Typical lefty totalitarian response. THIS GUY WAS ALREADY ON A WATCH LIST. You fucking moron. chaff. I look forward to the culling.

I said it could be used for justification to bring them in for quesitoning and investigating their behavior to see if any terrorist activity can be uncovered.

That would have worked in this case,
and WTF are you calling me a lefty totalitarian for?
Oo. So now we've reached the part of the game where all we do is call each other names. Okay. Whiner.
The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
If you say so. I'm not the one who was reduced to nothing but name calling, retard.
I wasn't reduced to anything. I pointed out the stupidity of a comment you made, your ass got puckered up and then you tried to save face by telling me I was whining, losing, leaving etc. etc.

The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
You didn't point out shit moron. My comment was that banning Muslims, and worrying about vetting Muslim immigrants for possible terrorist affiliations does nothing to prevent the children of Muslims - who were not terrorists - children who were born in the United States, and are American Citizens, from being radicalized. You posted some bullshit about how Mateen had been questioned by the FBI - which has nothing to do with the vetting of immigrant Muslims, or with banning Muslims - as if that had some relevance.

You have yet to explain how the FBI interviews have anything to do with the vetting of Muslims, or the banning of Muslims, which was what my post was about. Instead all you have done is call me "motormouth" a "creep", and an "idiot".

As I said: retard reduced to nothing but name calling.
I pointed out your stupidity and will do so again. Your tirade was:

"What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

So I said the was interviewed by the FBI three times and not for being the son of immigrants. Meaning there was some other reason than what your idiotic rant was going on about.

Have a child walk you through it.
Repeating your stupidity doesn't make it any less stupid.

JimBowie1958 said, and I quote, "Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal."

Which prompted me to point out, "What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

Notice the parts i highlighted? They would be the relevant points of the conversation. So, again, retard, what does your stupid red herring about the FBI interviews with Mateen have to do with the conversation that was going on?
One things for certain the gun has nothing to do with it, the guilt by association Is tired and weak…

Guns and religions are both tools. Liberals blame guns. Conservatives blame religion.
I would like to just blame individual behavior, something political correctness would never do. But then again Islam is the most violent cult the planet has ever seen...

Your statement indicates you have no desire to blame individual behavior.

There's been a huge increase in mass shootings over the years. Don't you think that Gun Nuts are the most violent cult the planet has ever seen?


there are 357,000,000 million guns in private hands in the United STates....

There are 1,500,000 Americans who use guns each year to actually stop violent criminal attack and even to stop mass shooters...

There are 8,124 gun murders in 2014.....of those 90% of the shooters were convicted felons who could not legally own or carry the gun they used....

so no.....American gun culture is responsible and peaceful....and use guns for self defense, hunting, competition and collecting.....

American thug culture use illegally acquired guns which they are not allowed to own or carry to commit crimes and murder...

You are wrong.

Consider this then.

There are 3.3 million Muslims in the United States peacefully practicing their religion.

There have been 6 successful Islamic terrorist attacks on US Soil since 9/11. There have been 31 foiled attacks by Islamic extremists in that timeframe (15 years).

Which begs the question who needs us constantly jacked up on anxiety and fear? Who benefits?
How, fucktard? What does bitching about the Imams preaching violence have to do with Whether or not the parents of a kid born in the United States, and a United States citizen should have been allowed into the country, before their kid was even born, or not?
Because you dont just bitch about them, stupid ****.

You monitor their associations, you deport them, you freeze their assets, etc.

Gawd, you libtards are so fucking brainless it is painful to read you brain dead crap.
Okay, fucktard. So, you are saying to deport anyone who is already here, and an American Citizen, if they listen to the "wrong" kind of preaching.

First, you c*ntlick, that has NOTHING to do with banning immigrants from coming here, in the first place! Second, asshat, you really want to advocate deporting people for listening to the "wrong' kind of speeches?!?! Because, if so, don't act all surprised, and butt-hurt, when someone, somewhere down the road, decides it's you who is listening to the "wrong' kind of speeches, and needs to go. Trust me that is really not a door you want to open.
One of the fun things about being an old man is that one can still remember history that happened in their own lifetime. For example:

Carter decided that America would boycott the Olympics, because the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. He even sent Ali to African Countries to get them to do the same. They laughed at Ali over American hypocrisy, and Ali asked to come home.

Reagan armed the afghans to fight the Soviets.

Bush invaded Afghanistan, who fought back using weapons supplied by Reagan

We occupied Afghanistan for 13 years, and then were amazed to discover that Afghanistan resented that fact.

...and the beat goes on....

Bingo. This is why the system cannot handle too many clear coherent human beings who see through the illusion. And that is why we have a 6 mutinational corporation controlled media; so as not to have too many aware citizens such as yourself.
How, fucktard? What does bitching about the Imams preaching violence have to do with Whether or not the parents of a kid born in the United States, and a United States citizen should have been allowed into the country, before their kid was even born, or not?
Because you dont just bitch about them, stupid ****.

You monitor their associations, you deport them, you freeze their assets, etc.

Gawd, you libtards are so fucking brainless it is painful to read you brain dead crap.
Okay, fucktard. So, you are saying to deport anyone who is already here, and an American Citizen, if they listen to the "wrong" kind of preaching.

First, you c*ntlick, that has NOTHING to do with banning immigrants from coming here, in the first place! Second, asshat, you really want to advocate deporting people for listening to the "wrong' kind of speeches?!?! Because, if so, don't act all surprised, and butt-hurt, when someone, somewhere down the road, decides it's you who is listening to the "wrong' kind of speeches, and needs to go. Trust me that is really not a door you want to open.

I think he would probably add anyone who doesn't shat themselves at the thought of burning a flag.
Okay, fucktard. So, you are saying to deport anyone who is already here, and an American Citizen, if they listen to the "wrong" kind of preaching.
No that is not what I said, not even close.

Welcome to my ignore list, troll.

[Shudder] Oh noooo no, pulease, not ignore. Sheesh.

It isnt a threat, dickless, just a polite notice that I am not going to respond to any more of his horse shit.
Bingo. This is why the system cannot handle too many clear coherent human beings who see through the illusion. And that is why we have a 6 mutinational corporation controlled media; so as not to have too many aware citizens such as yourself.
May God teach you some wisdom on this topic.
Okay, fucktard. So, you are saying to deport anyone who is already here, and an American Citizen, if they listen to the "wrong" kind of preaching.
No that is not what I said, not even close.

Welcome to my ignore list, troll.

[Shudder] Oh noooo no, pulease, not ignore. Sheesh.

It isnt a threat, dickless, just a polite notice that I am not going to respond to any more of his horse shit.

Oh I quite understood it to be surrender, no worries.
Okay, fucktard. So, you are saying to deport anyone who is already here, and an American Citizen, if they listen to the "wrong" kind of preaching.
No that is not what I said, not even close.

Welcome to my ignore list, troll.

[Shudder] Oh noooo no, pulease, not ignore. Sheesh.

It isnt a threat, dickless, just a polite notice that I am not going to respond to any more of his horse shit.

Oh I quite understood it to be surrender, no worries.
Go fuck yourself, again, perv.
Which begs the question who needs us constantly jacked up on anxiety and fear? Who benefits?
The terrorists do, dumbfuck, which is why THEY DO IT.

Nope, your 6 mutlinational corporate controlled media force feeds you unbalanced information all day every day. And it clearly works on the likes of you. You rant total nonamerican values tripe endlessly and promote violence against fellow citizens holding other views. You advocate against freedom all the time. Who wants you in this frame of mind? Think closer to home. Who benefits from a fearful anxious public?
You seem to think all humans are as stupid as you are.

If a guy wants to kill people, he is going to kill them whether or not he has access to legal fire power. That's because people can make guns, they can make bombs, they can smuggle arms, they can build them in their basements.

You fucking imbecile. They exist. And you think the only people who should ever touch them are criminals and psychopaths. Die, or get out of the way. You're chaff.
But we dont have to make acquiring guns any easier for them, and the attempted purchase can be just cause to bring them in for questioning and investigating their behavior to see if any terrorist activity can be uncovered.

"Bring them in for questioning!"

Typical lefty totalitarian response. THIS GUY WAS ALREADY ON A WATCH LIST. You fucking moron. chaff. I look forward to the culling.

I said it could be used for justification to bring them in for quesitoning and investigating their behavior to see if any terrorist activity can be uncovered.

That would have worked in this case,
and WTF are you calling me a lefty totalitarian for?

Because you are acting like one. You advocate for pulling in people for questioning people for having weapons.
Okay, fucktard. So, you are saying to deport anyone who is already here, and an American Citizen, if they listen to the "wrong" kind of preaching.
No that is not what I said, not even close.

Welcome to my ignore list, troll.

[Shudder] Oh noooo no, pulease, not ignore. Sheesh.

It isnt a threat, dickless, just a polite notice that I am not going to respond to any more of his horse shit.

Oh I quite understood it to be surrender, no worries.
Go fuck yourself, again, perv.

Once again, this is what you've been reduced to.

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