Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Bingo. This is why the system cannot handle too many clear coherent human beings who see through the illusion. And that is why we have a 6 mutinational corporation controlled media; so as not to have too many aware citizens such as yourself.
May God teach you some wisdom on this topic.

If that's where you got your world view? Pass.
You gotta love the irony of womeone calling people "c*nt", perv, and telling them to "go fuck themselves", then cavalierly suggesting they need God to provide them "wisdom". :wtf:
Bingo. This is why the system cannot handle too many clear coherent human beings who see through the illusion. And that is why we have a 6 mutinational corporation controlled media; so as not to have too many aware citizens such as yourself.
May God teach you some wisdom on this topic.

If that's where you got your world view? Pass.
Same place the Founding Fathers got their world view, moron.
Bingo. This is why the system cannot handle too many clear coherent human beings who see through the illusion. And that is why we have a 6 mutinational corporation controlled media; so as not to have too many aware citizens such as yourself.
May God teach you some wisdom on this topic.

If that's where you got your world view? Pass.
Same place the Founding Fathers got their world view, moron.

From God? Bullshit.
Bingo. This is why the system cannot handle too many clear coherent human beings who see through the illusion. And that is why we have a 6 mutinational corporation controlled media; so as not to have too many aware citizens such as yourself.
May God teach you some wisdom on this topic.

If that's where you got your world view? Pass.
Same place the Founding Fathers got their world view, moron.

From God? Bullshit.
That is what the Founding Fathers believed, you ignoramus
Bingo. This is why the system cannot handle too many clear coherent human beings who see through the illusion. And that is why we have a 6 mutinational corporation controlled media; so as not to have too many aware citizens such as yourself.
May God teach you some wisdom on this topic.

If that's where you got your world view? Pass.
Same place the Founding Fathers got their world view, moron.
Enlightenment philosophers trying to get away from the whole "rule by Divine Right" thing.
Let's hope and continue to dig.
As you libtards bury the USA from within.

You and the labels you've been programmed to broadbrush everyone with are the most pressing problem this society has. It is why nothing ever gets resolved. And yet, like Pavlov's dogs, you've been trained to slobber on command.
You truly are a waste of time. We have to protect the people and anarchist fools like you merely get in the way.....until you dont any more.
Bingo. This is why the system cannot handle too many clear coherent human beings who see through the illusion. And that is why we have a 6 mutinational corporation controlled media; so as not to have too many aware citizens such as yourself.
May God teach you some wisdom on this topic.

If that's where you got your world view? Pass.
Same place the Founding Fathers got their world view, moron.

From God? Bullshit.
That is what the Founding Fathers believed, you ignoramus

I don't think all that much of them hon. Slavery, genocide AND "freedom" for land holding affluent white males alone. Not impressed.
Let's hope and continue to dig.
As you libtards bury the USA from within.

You and the labels you've been programmed to broadbrush everyone with are the most pressing problem this society has. It is why nothing ever gets resolved. And yet, like Pavlov's dogs, you've been trained to slobber on command.
You truly are a waste of time. We have to protect the people and anarchist fools like you merely get in the way.....until you dont any more.

I'm ok with that, just don't try to tell me you're about freedom, equality, democracy and all that other BS you do not believe in.
Want to stop mass shootings in gay bars? Close the bars....

Makes about as much sense as more gun laws.
I would like to get on board the party line to hate our new enemies, the Muslims, but I guess that I am still sort of stuck in the past, hating the North Vietnamese. I was told that not to do that was unAmerican, and that it was necessary for us to go over there to kill them, and anybody who refused was a traitor. Of course, now, they not only have "most favored nation" trade status, but we are selling them arms and weapons. I am sure that the government knows best who we should kill, or not, but you can't know exactly who to hate unless you have a program. My step father had the same problem regarding the Japanese and the Germans. In fact, he was totally baffled when JFK was making a speech , declaring that "I am a Berliner!", just a few years after we were hanging them for murdering 6 million Jews.
not surprising the coon lowers the flag. he doesn't lower the flag to half mast for Americans defending their country who died in combat, but he lowers it for people in a
bar who died getting teabagged. Or is the half mast a sign of submission to Islam?
Those AMERICANS died just having fun, and not suspecting that their government dropped the ball yet again and they were about to pay the price for supporting a glib idiot for President.

Apparently the terrorist was under FBI active surveillance for 10 MONTHS.

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