Florida Pulse gay club attacked

You didn't point out shit moron. My comment was that banning Muslims, and worrying about vetting Muslim immigrants for possible terrorist affiliations does nothing to prevent the children of Muslims - who were not terrorists - children who were born in the United States, and are American Citizens, from being radicalized. You posted some bullshit about how Mateen had been questioned by the FBI - which has nothing to do with the vetting of immigrant Muslims, or with banning Muslims - as if that had some relevance.

You have yet to explain how the FBI interviews have anything to do with the vetting of Muslims, or the banning of Muslims, which was what my post was about. Instead all you have done is call me "motormouth" a "creep", and an "idiot".

As I said: retard reduced to nothing but name calling.
I pointed out your stupidity and will do so again. Your tirade was:

"What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

So I said the was interviewed by the FBI three times and not for being the son of immigrants. Meaning there was some other reason than what your idiotic rant was going on about.

Have a child walk you through it.
Repeating your stupidity doesn't make it any less stupid.

JimBowie1958 said, and I quote, "Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal."

Which prompted me to point out, "What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

Notice the parts i highlighted? They would be the relevant points of the conversation. So, again, retard, what does your stupid red herring about the FBI interviews with Mateen have to do with the conversation that was going on?
Your point was stupid. He was on a watch list for reasons other than immigration.
Except that's a lie. He was interviewed by the FBI. He was never, at any time, on any "watch list". The only stupidity here is you posting shit that isn't true, and is irrelevant to the discussion. Well, that and JimBowie's stupid comment about immigration.
I responded to your comment, twerp.
Yes, you, liar. You responded to my comment with a lie. "He was on a watch list..." No. he wasn't. That was a lie. Calling me a twerp does not make your lie any less untrue.

Nor is it relevant to the immigration stupidity presented by JimBowie, to which I was responding.
I pointed out your stupidity and will do so again. Your tirade was:

"What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

So I said the was interviewed by the FBI three times and not for being the son of immigrants. Meaning there was some other reason than what your idiotic rant was going on about.

Have a child walk you through it.
Repeating your stupidity doesn't make it any less stupid.

JimBowie1958 said, and I quote, "Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal."

Which prompted me to point out, "What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

Notice the parts i highlighted? They would be the relevant points of the conversation. So, again, retard, what does your stupid red herring about the FBI interviews with Mateen have to do with the conversation that was going on?
Your point was stupid. He was on a watch list for reasons other than immigration.
Except that's a lie. He was interviewed by the FBI. He was never, at any time, on any "watch list". The only stupidity here is you posting shit that isn't true, and is irrelevant to the discussion. Well, that and JimBowie's stupid comment about immigration.
I responded to your comment, twerp.
Yes, you, liar. You responded to my comment with a lie. "He was on a watch list..." No. he wasn't. That was a lie. Calling me a twerp does not make your lie any less untrue.
See above, Sugartits.
Repeating your stupidity doesn't make it any less stupid.

JimBowie1958 said, and I quote, "Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal."

Which prompted me to point out, "What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

Notice the parts i highlighted? They would be the relevant points of the conversation. So, again, retard, what does your stupid red herring about the FBI interviews with Mateen have to do with the conversation that was going on?
Your point was stupid. He was on a watch list for reasons other than immigration.
Except that's a lie. He was interviewed by the FBI. He was never, at any time, on any "watch list". The only stupidity here is you posting shit that isn't true, and is irrelevant to the discussion. Well, that and JimBowie's stupid comment about immigration.
I responded to your comment, twerp.
Yes, you, liar. You responded to my comment with a lie. "He was on a watch list..." No. he wasn't. That was a lie. Calling me a twerp does not make your lie any less untrue.
See above, Sugartits.
Nothing you posted, cupcake, validates your lie that Mateen was "...on a watch list..." Having been interviewed by the FBI is not the same as being placed on a watch list. I do, however stand corrected. He was, once, on a watch list. However he was not at the time of the shooting.

Omar Mateen was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in 2013 and 2014 about potential ties to terrorism, according to U.S. law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.

He was subsequently removed from that database after the FBI closed its two investigations, one official said.

So, what? Because he was, at one time, placed on a Federal watchlist, and subsequently cleared of any suspicious activity, he should forever be considered a threat, and kept under surveillance? Or, are you suggesting he should have been thrown out of the country, just because the FBI questioned him?
Your point was stupid. He was on a watch list for reasons other than immigration.
Except that's a lie. He was interviewed by the FBI. He was never, at any time, on any "watch list". The only stupidity here is you posting shit that isn't true, and is irrelevant to the discussion. Well, that and JimBowie's stupid comment about immigration.
I responded to your comment, twerp.
Yes, you, liar. You responded to my comment with a lie. "He was on a watch list..." No. he wasn't. That was a lie. Calling me a twerp does not make your lie any less untrue.
See above, Sugartits.
Nothing you posted, cupcake, validates your lie that Mateen was "...on a watch list..." Having been interviewed by the FBI is not the same as being placed on a watch list. I do, however stand corrected. He was, once, on a watch list. However he was not at the time of the shooting.

Omar Mateen was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in 2013 and 2014 about potential ties to terrorism, according to U.S. law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.

He was subsequently removed from that database after the FBI closed its two investigations, one official said.

So, what? Because he was, at one time, placed on a Federal watchlist, and subsequently cleared of any suspicious activity, he should forever be considered a threat, and kept under surveillance? Or, are you suggesting he should have been thrown out of the country, just because the FBI questioned him?
What do you mean so what? You said he wasn't on a watch list. He was. You keep proven what a dumbfuck you are, so much so you keep digging your hole.

Except that's a lie. He was interviewed by the FBI. He was never, at any time, on any "watch list". The only stupidity here is you posting shit that isn't true, and is irrelevant to the discussion. Well, that and JimBowie's stupid comment about immigration.
I responded to your comment, twerp.
Yes, you, liar. You responded to my comment with a lie. "He was on a watch list..." No. he wasn't. That was a lie. Calling me a twerp does not make your lie any less untrue.
See above, Sugartits.
Nothing you posted, cupcake, validates your lie that Mateen was "...on a watch list..." Having been interviewed by the FBI is not the same as being placed on a watch list. I do, however stand corrected. He was, once, on a watch list. However he was not at the time of the shooting.

Omar Mateen was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in 2013 and 2014 about potential ties to terrorism, according to U.S. law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.

He was subsequently removed from that database after the FBI closed its two investigations, one official said.

So, what? Because he was, at one time, placed on a Federal watchlist, and subsequently cleared of any suspicious activity, he should forever be considered a threat, and kept under surveillance? Or, are you suggesting he should have been thrown out of the country, just because the FBI questioned him?
So what? You said he wasn't on a watch list. He was. You keep proven what a dumbfuck you are, so much so you keep digging your hole.

Not at the time of the shooting. So, your observation is irrelevant, and meaningless. Congratulations for being correct about an irrelevant, and meaningless factoid.

Moving on...
How so? There needs to be a legitimate reason to outlaw something or it is constitutionally protected. Making liberals feel good isn't a legitimate reason.
All the people who die or are injured every year from gunshots aren't a legitimate reason? :cuckoo:
Untill they ban cars for being used to kill over 50k people a year, dont touch my fucking guns or ammo, libtard.

No one is pulling your gun or touch your gun. Law abiding citizens like you can still buy GUNS ......... Hillary and Obama never said .......... They will yank your guns or stop you from buying guns.
I don't understand your or other problems.
What I see:

PC is getting in the way of proper surveillance and identification of possible terror suspects.

The FBI is not getting notified when suspects buy guns, why is that?

The police will wait, if they deem a bomb could be involved. Any guesses how many new terrorists will claim a bomb?

So...if the FBI can't help you and the police will wait, who does that leave to get you out of a mass shooting? Yourself and your trusty gun.
I responded to your comment, twerp.
Yes, you, liar. You responded to my comment with a lie. "He was on a watch list..." No. he wasn't. That was a lie. Calling me a twerp does not make your lie any less untrue.
See above, Sugartits.
Nothing you posted, cupcake, validates your lie that Mateen was "...on a watch list..." Having been interviewed by the FBI is not the same as being placed on a watch list. I do, however stand corrected. He was, once, on a watch list. However he was not at the time of the shooting.

Omar Mateen was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in 2013 and 2014 about potential ties to terrorism, according to U.S. law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.

He was subsequently removed from that database after the FBI closed its two investigations, one official said.

So, what? Because he was, at one time, placed on a Federal watchlist, and subsequently cleared of any suspicious activity, he should forever be considered a threat, and kept under surveillance? Or, are you suggesting he should have been thrown out of the country, just because the FBI questioned him?
So what? You said he wasn't on a watch list. He was. You keep proven what a dumbfuck you are, so much so you keep digging your hole.

Not at the time of the shooting. So, your observation is irrelevant, and meaningless. Congratulations for being correct about an irrelevant, and meaningless factoid.

Moving on...
You're trying to move the goal posts. The hallmark of a loser.
I don't think PC has anything to do with it.

What I see:

PC is getting in the way of proper surveillance and identification of possible terror suspects.

Do you have any specific evidence that PC was involved in this?

The FBI is not getting notified when suspects buy guns, why is that?

For one - as I understand it, he isn't/wasn't a suspect. He was investigated, but nothing actionable was found. So the question here is - do we change the way this is done? Are we willing to accept less in the way of evidence and what will that do to our rights as citizens?

What law exists that notifies the FBI when a non-criminal purchases a gun? Are people on terrorist watch lists flagged when they purchase guns? (this is an area of the law that I'm unfamiliar with).

Personally, I kind of think that there should be a red flag when large amounts of certain types of ammo and weapons are purchased or...maybe specific types of weapons (for example - how was the San Diego shooter able to amass such an arsonal? Ans - it was legal.)
No one is pulling your gun or touch your gun. Law abiding citizens like you can still buy GUNS ......... Hillary and Obama never said .......... They will yank your guns or stop you from buying guns.
I don't understand your or other problems.

Would a new law help the FBI find out when current or past terror suspects are buying guns?

Will another law put more protection in gay bars?

Can a new law make it easier for citizens to buy a gun to protect themselves from terrorists when the police wait outside?
I don't think PC has anything to do with it.

What I see:

PC is getting in the way of proper surveillance and identification of possible terror suspects.

Do you have any specific evidence that PC was involved in this?

The FBI is not getting notified when suspects buy guns, why is that?

For one - as I understand it, he isn't/wasn't a suspect. He was investigated, but nothing actionable was found. So the question here is - do we change the way this is done? Are we willing to accept less in the way of evidence and what will that do to our rights as citizens?

What law exists that notifies the FBI when a non-criminal purchases a gun? Are people on terrorist watch lists flagged when they purchase guns? (this is an area of the law that I'm unfamiliar with).

Personally, I kind of think that there should be a red flag when large amounts of certain types of ammo and weapons are purchased or...maybe specific types of weapons (for example - how was the San Diego shooter able to amass such an arsonal? Ans - it was legal.)

The Obama administration appears to have a terrorist “hands off” list that permits individuals with extremist ties to enter the country, according to internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents obtained by a United States Senator.

It’s unimaginable that any government would do this, but it seems like the Obama administration is constantly breaking new ground. The disturbing details of this secret initiative were made public this week by Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, who has obtained DHS electronic mail discussing what could be a terrorist “hands off” list. The exchange includes a 2012 email chain between U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) asking whether to admit an individual with ties to various terrorist groups. The individual had scheduled an upcoming flight into the U.S., according to an announcement issued by the senator.

DHS Emails Reveal U.S. May Have Terrorist “Hands Off” List - Judicial Watch
Yes, you, liar. You responded to my comment with a lie. "He was on a watch list..." No. he wasn't. That was a lie. Calling me a twerp does not make your lie any less untrue.
See above, Sugartits.
Nothing you posted, cupcake, validates your lie that Mateen was "...on a watch list..." Having been interviewed by the FBI is not the same as being placed on a watch list. I do, however stand corrected. He was, once, on a watch list. However he was not at the time of the shooting.

Omar Mateen was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in 2013 and 2014 about potential ties to terrorism, according to U.S. law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.

He was subsequently removed from that database after the FBI closed its two investigations, one official said.

So, what? Because he was, at one time, placed on a Federal watchlist, and subsequently cleared of any suspicious activity, he should forever be considered a threat, and kept under surveillance? Or, are you suggesting he should have been thrown out of the country, just because the FBI questioned him?
So what? You said he wasn't on a watch list. He was. You keep proven what a dumbfuck you are, so much so you keep digging your hole.

Not at the time of the shooting. So, your observation is irrelevant, and meaningless. Congratulations for being correct about an irrelevant, and meaningless factoid.

Moving on...
You're trying to move the goal posts. The hallmark of a loser.
How am I trying to move the goal posts? My response to you has been the same ever since you started this stupidity. The discussion I was having with JimBowie was based on his stupid comment about Immigration, as if banning Muslims from coming into this country would, somehow, have prevented this shooting. When I pointed out that this was a US citizen, and that this US Citizen's parents are not, were not, were never, and were never suspected of having any ties with any terrorist, or radical Islamic organization, and that his comment was tantamount to wanting to keep Muslims out of the country, not for what they might do, but for what their, as yet unborn, children might possibly, maybe, someday do, you interjected with your comment about how Mateen was interviewed by the FBI three times (It was twice, according to the FBI), as if that somehow had relevance to my response to JimBowie's ignorant immigration comment. You then changed your argument to "He was on a watchlist", by which I presume you meant he was on a watchlist , at the time of the shooting. That is not true. It is true that he was, at one time, on a watch list, then removed when he was determined to not be a threat. This is also irrelevant to my response to JimBowie's ignorant immigration comment.

Since my position, from the start of this stupid exchange with you has been that your comments are irrelevant, and meaningless, and my position is still that your comments are irrelevant, and meaningless, how, exactly have I "moved the goal posts"?
I don't think PC has anything to do with it.

What I see:

PC is getting in the way of proper surveillance and identification of possible terror suspects.

Do you have any specific evidence that PC was involved in this?

The FBI is not getting notified when suspects buy guns, why is that?

For one - as I understand it, he isn't/wasn't a suspect. He was investigated, but nothing actionable was found. So the question here is - do we change the way this is done? Are we willing to accept less in the way of evidence and what will that do to our rights as citizens?

What law exists that notifies the FBI when a non-criminal purchases a gun? Are people on terrorist watch lists flagged when they purchase guns? (this is an area of the law that I'm unfamiliar with).

Personally, I kind of think that there should be a red flag when large amounts of certain types of ammo and weapons are purchased or...maybe specific types of weapons (for example - how was the San Diego shooter able to amass such an arsonal? Ans - it was legal.)

The Obama administration appears to have a terrorist “hands off” list that permits individuals with extremist ties to enter the country, according to internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents obtained by a United States Senator.

It’s unimaginable that any government would do this, but it seems like the Obama administration is constantly breaking new ground. The disturbing details of this secret initiative were made public this week by Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, who has obtained DHS electronic mail discussing what could be a terrorist “hands off” list. The exchange includes a 2012 email chain between U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) asking whether to admit an individual with ties to various terrorist groups. The individual had scheduled an upcoming flight into the U.S., according to an announcement issued by the senator.

DHS Emails Reveal U.S. May Have Terrorist “Hands Off” List - Judicial Watch

There is a lot of ambiguity here....it's couched with "appears to be" "may have",
could be" and no named sources. It also describes one, unnamed individual only, who is "believed to be" associated with terrorists. There seems to be some concern with "scrubbing" names off terrorist watch lists but I don't see why - if it's found they no longer have reason to be suspected, they should be scrubbed. I can't find anything mainstream on this.
See above, Sugartits.
Nothing you posted, cupcake, validates your lie that Mateen was "...on a watch list..." Having been interviewed by the FBI is not the same as being placed on a watch list. I do, however stand corrected. He was, once, on a watch list. However he was not at the time of the shooting.

Omar Mateen was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in 2013 and 2014 about potential ties to terrorism, according to U.S. law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.

He was subsequently removed from that database after the FBI closed its two investigations, one official said.

So, what? Because he was, at one time, placed on a Federal watchlist, and subsequently cleared of any suspicious activity, he should forever be considered a threat, and kept under surveillance? Or, are you suggesting he should have been thrown out of the country, just because the FBI questioned him?
So what? You said he wasn't on a watch list. He was. You keep proven what a dumbfuck you are, so much so you keep digging your hole.

Not at the time of the shooting. So, your observation is irrelevant, and meaningless. Congratulations for being correct about an irrelevant, and meaningless factoid.

Moving on...
You're trying to move the goal posts. The hallmark of a loser.
How am I trying to move the goal posts? My response to you has been the same ever since you started this stupidity. The discussion I was having with JimBowie was based on his stupid comment about Immigration, as if banning Muslims from coming into this country would, somehow, have prevented this shooting. When I pointed out that this was a US citizen, and that this US Citizen's parents are not, were not, were never, and were never suspected of having any ties with any terrorist, or radical Islamic organization, and that his comment was tantamount to wanting to keep Muslims out of the country, not for what they might do, but for what their, as yet unborn, children might possibly, maybe, someday do, you interjected with your comment about how Mateen was interviewed by the FBI three times (It was twice, according to the FBI), as if that somehow had relevance to my response to JimBowie's ignorant immigration comment. You then changed your argument to "He was on a watchlist", by which I presume you meant he was on a watchlist , at the time of the shooting. That is not true. It is true that he was, at one time, on a watch list, then removed when he was determined to not be a threat. This is also irrelevant to my response to JimBowie's ignorant immigration comment.

Since my position, from the start of this stupid exchange with you has been that your comments are irrelevant, and meaningless, and my position is still that your comments are irrelevant, and meaningless, how, exactly have I "moved the goal posts"?
I didn't say what you want me to have said. I said he was on a watch list and interviewed for a reason, it had nothing to do with immigration. You said he wasn't on a list. You make stupid comments then false comments then dance around in victory. You are a special kind of stupid.
You didn't point out shit moron. My comment was that banning Muslims, and worrying about vetting Muslim immigrants for possible terrorist affiliations does nothing to prevent the children of Muslims - who were not terrorists - children who were born in the United States, and are American Citizens, from being radicalized. You posted some bullshit about how Mateen had been questioned by the FBI - which has nothing to do with the vetting of immigrant Muslims, or with banning Muslims - as if that had some relevance.

You have yet to explain how the FBI interviews have anything to do with the vetting of Muslims, or the banning of Muslims, which was what my post was about. Instead all you have done is call me "motormouth" a "creep", and an "idiot".

As I said: retard reduced to nothing but name calling.
I pointed out your stupidity and will do so again. Your tirade was:

"What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

So I said the was interviewed by the FBI three times and not for being the son of immigrants. Meaning there was some other reason than what your idiotic rant was going on about.

Have a child walk you through it.
Repeating your stupidity doesn't make it any less stupid.

JimBowie1958 said, and I quote, "Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal."

Which prompted me to point out, "What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

Notice the parts i highlighted? They would be the relevant points of the conversation. So, again, retard, what does your stupid red herring about the FBI interviews with Mateen have to do with the conversation that was going on?
Your point was stupid. He was on a watch list for reasons other than immigration.
Except that's a lie. He was interviewed by the FBI. He was never, at any time, on any "watch list". The only stupidity here is you posting shit that isn't true, and is irrelevant to the discussion. Well, that and JimBowie's stupid comment about immigration.
I responded to your comment, twerp. LOL, read it and weep, Sugartits:

Omar Mateen was taken off a terrorist watch list, but keeping him on it wouldn't have stopped him from buying guns
Omar Mateen was taken off a terrorist watch list, but keeping him on it wouldn't have stopped him from buying guns

Omar Mateen was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in 2013 and 2014 about potential ties to terrorism, according to U.S. law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.
What was somebody on the terrorist watch list doing working as a Security Guard? G4S hiring practices need to be investigated.
Nothing you posted, cupcake, validates your lie that Mateen was "...on a watch list..." Having been interviewed by the FBI is not the same as being placed on a watch list. I do, however stand corrected. He was, once, on a watch list. However he was not at the time of the shooting.

Omar Mateen was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in 2013 and 2014 about potential ties to terrorism, according to U.S. law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.

He was subsequently removed from that database after the FBI closed its two investigations, one official said.

So, what? Because he was, at one time, placed on a Federal watchlist, and subsequently cleared of any suspicious activity, he should forever be considered a threat, and kept under surveillance? Or, are you suggesting he should have been thrown out of the country, just because the FBI questioned him?
So what? You said he wasn't on a watch list. He was. You keep proven what a dumbfuck you are, so much so you keep digging your hole.

Not at the time of the shooting. So, your observation is irrelevant, and meaningless. Congratulations for being correct about an irrelevant, and meaningless factoid.

Moving on...
You're trying to move the goal posts. The hallmark of a loser.
How am I trying to move the goal posts? My response to you has been the same ever since you started this stupidity. The discussion I was having with JimBowie was based on his stupid comment about Immigration, as if banning Muslims from coming into this country would, somehow, have prevented this shooting. When I pointed out that this was a US citizen, and that this US Citizen's parents are not, were not, were never, and were never suspected of having any ties with any terrorist, or radical Islamic organization, and that his comment was tantamount to wanting to keep Muslims out of the country, not for what they might do, but for what their, as yet unborn, children might possibly, maybe, someday do, you interjected with your comment about how Mateen was interviewed by the FBI three times (It was twice, according to the FBI), as if that somehow had relevance to my response to JimBowie's ignorant immigration comment. You then changed your argument to "He was on a watchlist", by which I presume you meant he was on a watchlist , at the time of the shooting. That is not true. It is true that he was, at one time, on a watch list, then removed when he was determined to not be a threat. This is also irrelevant to my response to JimBowie's ignorant immigration comment.

Since my position, from the start of this stupid exchange with you has been that your comments are irrelevant, and meaningless, and my position is still that your comments are irrelevant, and meaningless, how, exactly have I "moved the goal posts"?
I didn't say what you want me to have said. I said he was on a watch list and interviewed for a reason, it had nothing to do with immigration. You said he wasn't on a list. You make stupid comments then false comments then dance around in victory. You are a special kind of stupid.
...and removed for not being a threat. You keep leaving that part out, so that your meaningless trivia of "he was on a watch list" sounds current, and important.

Lemme make you feel better.

Yes. he was on a watchlist, at one time. You were correct.

Yes, he was interviewed by the FBI. You were correct.

Now that I have sufficiently stroked your ego, will you tell us what either of those pieces of information has to do with JimBowie's comment about immigration, or my response to it?
I pointed out your stupidity and will do so again. Your tirade was:

"What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

So I said the was interviewed by the FBI three times and not for being the son of immigrants. Meaning there was some other reason than what your idiotic rant was going on about.

Have a child walk you through it.
Repeating your stupidity doesn't make it any less stupid.

JimBowie1958 said, and I quote, "Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal."

Which prompted me to point out, "What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

Notice the parts i highlighted? They would be the relevant points of the conversation. So, again, retard, what does your stupid red herring about the FBI interviews with Mateen have to do with the conversation that was going on?
Your point was stupid. He was on a watch list for reasons other than immigration.
Except that's a lie. He was interviewed by the FBI. He was never, at any time, on any "watch list". The only stupidity here is you posting shit that isn't true, and is irrelevant to the discussion. Well, that and JimBowie's stupid comment about immigration.
I responded to your comment, twerp. LOL, read it and weep, Sugartits:

Omar Mateen was taken off a terrorist watch list, but keeping him on it wouldn't have stopped him from buying guns
Omar Mateen was taken off a terrorist watch list, but keeping him on it wouldn't have stopped him from buying guns

Omar Mateen was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in 2013 and 2014 about potential ties to terrorism, according to U.S. law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.
What was somebody on the terrorist watch list doing working as a Security Guard? G4S hiring practices need to be investigated.
Because he wasn't on the terrorist watch list at that time. See, that's the part that Iceweasel doesn't want anyone knowing, so that her "he was on a watch list' sounds much more ominous than it was. He was on a terrorist watch list. He was subsequently interviewed by the FBI, and determined not to be a credible threat, and was removed from the terrorist watch list. Thus, at the time of his employment, he was on. no. Watch list.

Apparently, Iceweasel thinks that if the FBI ever questions you, even if they determine you are not a threat, that shouldn't matter. You should be placed on a no fly list, terrorist watch list, and placed under permanent surveillance for the rest of your life.
If that's what the FFs wanted, they would have protected ammo. They didn't. Case closed.
But your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons is duly noted.
Your rodent brain is closed. Arms require ammunition to be functional. The founders knew a thing or two about forearms, you don't.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
Your desire to take my rights away by using this crisis is duly noted. Twisted and pathetic as it is.
You don't need assault weapons, but your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
You don't get to decide what I need. You don't have the need to run your yap, yet you do.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
All the people who die or are injured every year from gunshots aren't a legitimate reason? :cuckoo:
No. Lot's of people drive drunk and kill people but I still want to drive. I also want the right to defend myself. Hurting lib butt is not a legitimate concern for any reasonable person, otherwise the 2nd Amendment would not have been written. Arms includes ammo, otherwise they are just paper weights.
Well, at least you're honest. you want your gun, and your armor piercing ammunition to kill people. I don't agree that the second amendment as intended to allows for unrestricted access to any weapon, or any ammunition, but I do respect your honesty about why you want it.
I want to be able to kill the right people if needed. I don't want to curl up into a urine soaked fetal ball like you if that time comes. And nobody said anything about unrestricted anything. If you don't want a gun don't buy one, period.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
ROFLMAO As if Islamic terrorists need access to weapons from the people they end up murdering.. You leftists are insane freaks. LOL A laugh a minute.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.

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