Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Oh, bite me. You said he was on a watch list. So, what? Why is it important that he was on a watch list?
I explained it. I haven't been on one because I don't do the same shit he did. You want to ignore it for some reason. Go bite yourself.
So, explain it again. Why is the fact that he was on a watch list important?
We don't need you to grasp the reason, you can't. The point is that he was on the list as was questioned repeatedly and it had nothing to do with immigration.
Well, at least you admit that it has nothing to do with the discussion I was having with JimBowie. Thanks.

Now, why is it important? Was he on this watch list at the time of the shooting?
I responded to your diatribe and caught in a lie. LOL. You poor little bastard.
So you can't answer a direct question?

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Truth is Truth. Now run to your safe space.
Liberals today who are complicit in pushing the PC narrative, who riot at Trump rallies, are just as guilty for the deaths of these 50 Americans as Omar Mateen was, maybe moreso.
Liberals are responsible for a homophobic religion and the murderers that it creates? WoW! That's some heavy fartsmoke, even for you. :D
Can't argue with nonsense. :clap2:
Well, at least you're honest. you want your gun, and your armor piercing ammunition to kill people. I don't agree that the second amendment as intended to allows for unrestricted access to any weapon, or any ammunition, but I do respect your honesty about why you want it.
I want to be able to kill the right people if needed. I don't want to curl up into a urine soaked fetal ball like you if that time comes. And nobody said anything about unrestricted anything. If you don't want a gun don't buy one, period.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
ROFLMAO As if Islamic terrorists need access to weapons from the people they end up murdering.. You leftists are insane freaks. LOL A laugh a minute.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.

Your willingness to make us all victims is noted. The blood of those poor people are on the hands of anti-2nd Amendment people like you. How DARE you create a situation where over 100 people were helpless and unable to fight back and then post here with your self righteous "it's the gun" attitude. They were HELPLESS because of people like you. I'm tired of your gun free zones, I'm tired of your ignorance and I'm tired of your self righteousness.

In the words of Hillary, delete your account.
There was a cop with a gun there, yet 50 people died. How could that be? :dunno:
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
Your desire to take my rights away by using this crisis is duly noted. Twisted and pathetic as it is.
You don't need assault weapons, but your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
You don't get to decide what I need. You don't have the need to run your yap, yet you do.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
Oh, I see. You are simply repeating that like you are in a trance. I think you probably are.
Just like you're in a trance over anything Wayne Lapierre says? :D
Well, at least you're honest. you want your gun, and your armor piercing ammunition to kill people. I don't agree that the second amendment as intended to allows for unrestricted access to any weapon, or any ammunition, but I do respect your honesty about why you want it.
I want to be able to kill the right people if needed. I don't want to curl up into a urine soaked fetal ball like you if that time comes. And nobody said anything about unrestricted anything. If you don't want a gun don't buy one, period.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
ROFLMAO As if Islamic terrorists need access to weapons from the people they end up murdering.. You leftists are insane freaks. LOL A laugh a minute.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
Your willingness to strip our rights away are duly noted. Fortunately liberals require others to do their dirty work so we don't need to worry about you.
GW said it, you're either in our side or the side of terrorists. You're helping to arm terrorists, therefore you are against your own people. Now go shoot yourself in the foot. :D
I tried. I really tried to read all of this thread.

But it is full of so much ignorance and stupidity, there is no reason to keep reading. It's like a rabbit hole that leads straight to hell.

We are dealing with a US-Citizen whose parents came from Afghanistan -and the family is indeed Muslim- who brutally murdered/injured more than 100 people in a nightclub. Who gives a fuck that it was a gay nightclub? It could just as easily been a straight jaunt. The sexual tilt of the club is totally irrelevant because virtually all clubs are gun-free zones, so that fucked up argument is DOA.

There is no doubt that this was at least domestic terrorism.

ISIS is claiming credit for it - which is entirely possible. But ISIS is also known to lie and since the shooter is dead, we may never know for sure. If this freak decided to kill on his own and ISIS uses it for it's own purposes, however, the same goal has been met (I am referring to their perspective, not mine). So, this is also very, very likely international islamic terrorism as well. Either way, it is terror. And the President called it terror, unequivocally.

But as Czernobog repeatedly pointed out: who could have ever stopped this? The dude was an AMERICAN citizen. His former wife divorced him because he, according to her, was mentally unstable. What, do we all want to re-enact the "Minority Report"?

What has been seriously missing on this thread (aside from a couple of Righties and a couple of Lefties who said it very well, I think), is real sadness and mourning for the dead. That sucks.

My thoughts go with the families of the dead and injured.

Damn, there are a lot of SICK people here.
Fuck off! Mateen called 911 and announced his alligence to ISIS.

That means: absolutely nothing.
Interesting statistic....especially considering that several RWrs here have said that President Obama has let in thousands upon thousands into this country.....2500 is "thousands upon thousands" now, apparently
Look what one could do.
Funny thing is....President Obama has not brought in thousands upon thousands of refugees.
What has been seriously missing on this thread (aside from a couple of Righties and a couple of Lefties who said it very well, I think), is real sadness and mourning for the dead. That sucks.

My thoughts go with the families of the dead and injured.

Damn, there are a lot of SICK people here.
This is a discussion forum. You need to find a hand wringing and hugs forum. You don't get to dictate what people talk about or how they express themselves. Being sad accomplishes nothing, I'd rather see more proactive measures taken against muslim extremism so we don't end up like Europe.

Go suck a big, black cock and swallow down all it's jizz, you turdball.

YOU are one of the sick people I refer to.

Spoken like a true naive sheep who thinks the enemy is within because talk radio says so.

Cons you have gotten to the point you are no longer Americans. Your political party is your god and you bleat out the memes planted in your brain without a thought.

The Republican Politburo.
About ten different over-lapping FED dept to "keep us safe". Highly paid, massive early pensions. They don't seem to do very well? This guy was.......all over but they missed him like pressure cooker duo? WTH! Even his old man a nut on freakin UTUBE. PC? I don't blame the poor GOVT workers......but the orders/rules?

Why in blue hell is Jeh Johnson not fired yesterday? How did he get in there? Thats' low hang fruit....Land O'Goshen! !

Spoken like a true naive sheep who thinks the enemy is within because talk radio says so.

Cons you have gotten to the point you are no longer Americans. Your political party is your god and you bleat out the memes planted in your brain without a thought.

The Republican Politburo.

Not even close. Hate politicians. Democrats more than Republicans.. I am a Patriot. I love this country. They do not.
I am a pragmatist. I see the damage Obama is doing. I see beyond this stupid Repub/Dem garbage. It is a ruse. Both parties are working, together I might add, toward a one world government and just like Kerry told our children, a borderless world. I want my border back. I want the pc bullshit to stop. I want the Muslim invasion to stop. I want gov. to stop giving our money away. I want them out of my life.
You keep playing the nearsighted lib. vs con game. You are the stupid that the UN reps. we keep electing depend on. In fact, the Democratic candidate this election, named her "company" the Global Initiative. The stupids have failed to grasp it though, just like they didn't read, Dreams of my Father.........
No one is pulling your gun or touch your gun. Law abiding citizens like you can still buy GUNS ......... Hillary and Obama never said .......... They will yank your guns or stop you from buying guns.
I don't understand your or other problems.

Would a new law help the FBI find out when current or past terror suspects are buying guns?

Will another law put more protection in gay bars?

Can a new law make it easier for citizens to buy a gun to protect themselves from terrorists when the police wait outside?

I can go to a gun store right now and I don't have a problem buying any gun that is available at the store. No problem.
Why are you so scared of any common sense gun law?
Why not just let it go instead of keep saying it doesn't work? How do you even know it doesn't work?

Spoken like a true naive sheep who thinks the enemy is within because talk radio says so.

Cons you have gotten to the point you are no longer Americans. Your political party is your god and you bleat out the memes planted in your brain without a thought.

The Republican Politburo.

Not even close. Hate politicians. Democrats more than Republicans.. I am a Patriot. I love this country. They do not.
I am a pragmatist. I see the damage Obama is doing. I see beyond this stupid Repub/Dem garbage. It is a ruse. Both parties are working, together I might add, toward a one world government and just like Kerry told our children, a borderless world. I want my border back. I want the pc bullshit to stop. I want the Muslim invasion to stop. I want gov. to stop giving our money away. I want them out of my life.
You keep playing the nearsighted lib. vs con game. You are the stupid that the UN reps. we keep electing depend on. In fact, the Democratic candidate this election, named her "company" the Global Initiative. The stupids have failed to grasp it though, just like they didn't read, Dreams of my Father.........

Morty Meme, you regurgitate the same memes over and over.

At least give individual thought a try! Jesus.
More gun laws? Ban? Heroin is banned but pours in from Mexico by the TON from down south. So would guns, to the bad guys.
More gun laws? Ban? Heroin is banned but pours in from Mexico by the TON from down south. So would guns, to the bad guys.

So in your world laws don't do anything so we shouldn't have any laws. All you have are Red Herrings and Strawmen fallacies. The go-to toolbox for the conservative trying desperately to make a fake argument.

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