Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Yes they can, there are background checks at gun shows.

There has never been a terrorist attack or even a mass shooting done by anyone who purchased a gun at a gun show. I'd be willing to bet that this Islamic terrorist did not purchase his gun at a gun show.

Preddie. ....... Private gun sellers at gun shows do not require bg checks at gun shows because gun nuts say it's the law.

Show me one, just one time a mass killer bough his weapon at a gun show. Show me or stop saying stupid shit.

Are you lost? Pay attention boy.
Where in my post that I said .................. Mass shooter bought guns at gun shows.
All I'm telling you is .............. Private gun sellers at gun shows do not comply with BG checks. Even a felon and a watch list can buy a gun at gun shows as many as they want. Because that's the law.
Where is 2aguy when you need him?

Not surprising, Progressives have no clue as to the laws governing gun shows.

Like what? Tell me where I'm WRONGED.

Where you're "WRONGED"? How were you "wronged"? How were you treated unfairly?
I think we as Americans have some basic problems with our government. I would expect that the FBI would at least be informed when a person who has had two FBI terrorist interviews buys a semi automatic weapon. Seems like an obvious red flag and time well spent by the FBI to follow up.

The TSA routinely fails tests on weapons getting through airport security. It almost seems like the government is deliberately allowing mass shootings as a means to gain gun control. The tools in place are used poorly.
If killing classrooms full of 1st graders doesn't cause us to change our ways, nothing else will. It's a fact that mass shootings are now as American as Apple pie.

Seems this has nothing to do with the war radical Islamist terrorists have declared on the United States.
Europe, for some odd reason, doesn't have the number of mass shootings we do.

How many were killed and how in Paris, 2015?

How many were killed and how in Brussels, 2016?

Yeah let's not forget the attack in Norway where ONE guy killed 77 people and is still alive in jail.

We're dealing with the Jihad on America by Radical Islamic Terrorists. What has you confused?

I thought we were talking about mass shootings...No where in anything said in this conversation said anything about a Jihad.

Is this NOT the headline of this thread?
"Florida Pulse gay club attacked"
No. Lot's of people drive drunk and kill people but I still want to drive. I also want the right to defend myself. Hurting lib butt is not a legitimate concern for any reasonable person, otherwise the 2nd Amendment would not have been written. Arms includes ammo, otherwise they are just paper weights.
If that's what the FFs wanted, they would have protected ammo. They didn't. Case closed.
But your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons is duly noted.
Your rodent brain is closed. Arms require ammunition to be functional. The founders knew a thing or two about forearms, you don't.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.

Are you aware that the term "assault weapon" is an invented term? It means nothing.

Do you know the difference between an assault rifle and any other rifle? Do you what is an assault rifle?

Which of the below is an assault rifle?

This one? #1

This one? #2


#1 is the assault rifle because it has the switch that turns it from single shot to 3 round bursts.

Correct, but you're not the one who was boasting about their ignorance.
Europe, for some odd reason, doesn't have the number of mass shootings we do.

How many were killed and how in Paris, 2015?

How many were killed and how in Brussels, 2016?

Yeah let's not forget the attack in Norway where ONE guy killed 77 people and is still alive in jail.

We're dealing with the Jihad on America by Radical Islamic Terrorists. What has you confused?

I thought we were talking about mass shootings...No where in anything said in this conversation said anything about a Jihad.

Is this NOT the headline of this thread?
"Florida Pulse gay club attacked"

I don't know why you are arguing with me, I was basically backing what you said. Europe has plenty of their own mass shootings, it isn't just an American problem.
I think we as Americans have some basic problems with our government. I would expect that the FBI would at least be informed when a person who has had two FBI terrorist interviews buys a semi automatic weapon. Seems like an obvious red flag and time well spent by the FBI to follow up.

The TSA routinely fails tests on weapons getting through airport security. It almost seems like the government is deliberately allowing mass shootings as a means to gain gun control. The tools in place are used poorly.
If killing classrooms full of 1st graders doesn't cause us to change our ways, nothing else will. It's a fact that mass shootings are now as American as Apple pie.

Maybe if the government offered a solution that kept guns away from terrorists, while preserving the right of citizens to own guns we could change things. As it is, Hillary's solution is to make it EASIER to kill citizens by denying them the right to buy and carry gun protection.

Did Hillary told you that you cannot buy a gun? Where did she say that she will pull your ( dick) gun?
FBI *CANNOT* even ban thugs that are on the watch list from buying a gun at gun shows.

Please explain specifically why you believe criminals can buy guns at gun shows.
Number 1 is the M4 Carbine, the 2nd is the AR-15. Semi auto. Both shoot identical rounds and have identical ballistics.
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Bingo. This is why the system cannot handle too many clear coherent human beings who see through the illusion. And that is why we have a 6 mutinational corporation controlled media; so as not to have too many aware citizens such as yourself.
May God teach you some wisdom on this topic.

If that's where you got your world view? Pass.
Same place the Founding Fathers got their world view, moron.

From God? Bullshit.

Your desperation and ignorance is duly noted.
I pointed out your stupidity and will do so again. Your tirade was:

"What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

So I said the was interviewed by the FBI three times and not for being the son of immigrants. Meaning there was some other reason than what your idiotic rant was going on about.

Have a child walk you through it.
Repeating your stupidity doesn't make it any less stupid.

JimBowie1958 said, and I quote, "Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal."

Which prompted me to point out, "What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

Notice the parts i highlighted? They would be the relevant points of the conversation. So, again, retard, what does your stupid red herring about the FBI interviews with Mateen have to do with the conversation that was going on?
Your point was stupid. He was on a watch list for reasons other than immigration.
Except that's a lie. He was interviewed by the FBI. He was never, at any time, on any "watch list". The only stupidity here is you posting shit that isn't true, and is irrelevant to the discussion. Well, that and JimBowie's stupid comment about immigration.
I responded to your comment, twerp. LOL, read it and weep, Sugartits:

Omar Mateen was taken off a terrorist watch list, but keeping him on it wouldn't have stopped him from buying guns
Omar Mateen was taken off a terrorist watch list, but keeping him on it wouldn't have stopped him from buying guns

Omar Mateen was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in 2013 and 2014 about potential ties to terrorism, according to U.S. law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.
What was somebody on the terrorist watch list doing working as a Security Guard? G4S hiring practices need to be investigated.

He wasn't on the watchlist when they did their checks.

Several co-workers have commented that he acted strangely and made off-color, embarrassing comments about blacks and women. The workers were afraid to report him because they were afraid of being called bigoted or Islamophobes?
Your rodent brain is closed. Arms require ammunition to be functional. The founders knew a thing or two about forearms, you don't.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
Your desire to take my rights away by using this crisis is duly noted. Twisted and pathetic as it is.
You don't need assault weapons, but your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
You don't get to decide what I need. You don't have the need to run your yap, yet you do.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.

You do realize that there is no such thing as an "assault weapon"? It is an invented word. Just by the use of the term you prove your ignorance.
What was somebody on the terrorist watch list doing working as a Security Guard? G4S hiring practices need to be investigated.
Because he wasn't on the terrorist watch list at that time. See, that's the part that Iceweasel doesn't want anyone knowing, so that her "he was on a watch list' sounds much more ominous than it was. He was on a terrorist watch list. He was subsequently interviewed by the FBI, and determined not to be a credible threat, and was removed from the terrorist watch list. Thus, at the time of his employment, he was on. no. Watch list.

Apparently, Iceweasel thinks that if the FBI ever questions you, even if they determine you are not a threat, that shouldn't matter. You should be placed on a no fly list, terrorist watch list, and placed under permanent surveillance for the rest of your life.
You poor retard. My point (for the fifth time, I believe) was that he was on the watch list for a reason. They don't just put you on the list. You can't grasp the significance and want to try to be right instead. The point wasn't if he was on it at the time, you said I was wrong for saying he was on the list. Pretending that I was talking about when won't work. Go change your diapers.
Oh, bite me. You said he was on a watch list. So, what? Why is it important that he was on a watch list?
I explained it. I haven't been on one because I don't do the same shit he did. You want to ignore it for some reason. Go bite yourself.
So, explain it again. Why is the fact that he was on a watch list important?

Because we need to learn what went wrong, why he was dropped and what we can and should do better.
Truth is Truth. Now run to your safe space.
Liberals today who are complicit in pushing the PC narrative, who riot at Trump rallies, are just as guilty for the deaths of these 50 Americans as Omar Mateen was, maybe moreso.
Liberals are responsible for a homophobic religion and the murderers that it creates? WoW! That's some heavy fartsmoke, even for you. :D
Can't argue with nonsense. :clap2:
You can't argue with Truth.
Interesting statistic....especially considering that several RWrs here have said that President Obama has let in thousands upon thousands into this country.....2500 is "thousands upon thousands" now, apparently
Look what one could do.
Funny thing is....President Obama has not brought in thousands upon thousands of refugees.
Not for lack of trying. He intends to bring in 299,999.
I want to be able to kill the right people if needed. I don't want to curl up into a urine soaked fetal ball like you if that time comes. And nobody said anything about unrestricted anything. If you don't want a gun don't buy one, period.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.
ROFLMAO As if Islamic terrorists need access to weapons from the people they end up murdering.. You leftists are insane freaks. LOL A laugh a minute.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.

Your willingness to make us all victims is noted. The blood of those poor people are on the hands of anti-2nd Amendment people like you. How DARE you create a situation where over 100 people were helpless and unable to fight back and then post here with your self righteous "it's the gun" attitude. They were HELPLESS because of people like you. I'm tired of your gun free zones, I'm tired of your ignorance and I'm tired of your self righteousness.

In the words of Hillary, delete your account.
There was a cop with a gun there, yet 50 people died. How could that be? :dunno:

That has been reported several times. The officer was out gunned.
No one is pulling your gun or touch your gun. Law abiding citizens like you can still buy GUNS ......... Hillary and Obama never said .......... They will yank your guns or stop you from buying guns.
I don't understand your or other problems.

Would a new law help the FBI find out when current or past terror suspects are buying guns?

Will another law put more protection in gay bars?

Can a new law make it easier for citizens to buy a gun to protect themselves from terrorists when the police wait outside?

I can go to a gun store right now and I don't have a problem buying any gun that is available at the store. No problem.
Why are you so scared of any common sense gun law?
Why not just let it go instead of keep saying it doesn't work? How do you even know it doesn't work?

Specifically, what new law, not already on the books, would have prevented this shooting?
If you take the emotions and hate out of this, just taking the facts of the story, this idiot would never have been able to carry out his killing spree had he not been able to legally buy military weapons and get training on their use at the gun shop.
When you get past all the crap, the basic facts are there to see, as is much of the solution.

Why are you so intent on displaying your ignorance?

There were no military weapons purchased.

Why should someone not be able to get training in the use of a perfectly legal gun?

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