Florida Pulse gay club attacked


Phoenix LGBT (@Igbtphoenix) | Twitter
Nice fake.
If you take the emotions and hate out of this, just taking the facts of the story, this idiot would never have been able to carry out his killing spree had he not been able to legally buy military weapons and get training on their use at the gun shop.
When you get past all the crap, the basic facts are there to see, as is much of the solution.
Nice try Issac, reply does not work on this thang very well. But as you know, they selectively enforce chosen laws. Humans are not supposed to sneak across but millions do? Drugs, guns, sex? Anything for a peso. 8 years BHO nit enforce, they run welcome center.

If the bad guys have unlimited access, citizens need protection. Quit the PC crap and put that killer and father in Gitmo BEFORE.
Bullcrap, his old man is radical kook also, reportedly on Utube. Why is he not locked up? He knew......send him back or Gitmo. Enough of this crap. Zero tolerance time.
The more that we learn about this man,the more he looks like a sad little nutter out to make his life seem like something rather than the nothing it was.
It looks like he was just a nutter with a gun, nothing more.

Nonsense. He was a radical Muslim. His goal was to carry on the Jihad against America and, in this case, specifically homosexuals which Muslims hate more than infidels.

ISIS calls for more attacks on West during Ramadan

By Euan McKirdy, CNN

Updated 7:18 AM ET, Sun May 22, 2016

(CNN)A recording released online, purportedly from ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, has called for further attacks against the West.

The recording urges followers to carry out attacks during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins in early June.


ISIS: More attacks on West during Ramadan - CNN.com
Have they interviewed the bouncer yet, who let the Obama-inspired ISLAMIC TERRORIST who had a bomb on him inside the qu33r club? Supposedly they have a metal detector at the door but apparently turn it off after midnight.

Please show us your reliable source and link.
"He said the attacker was still inside the nightclub with hostages, and was feared to be wearing a bomb."

Shooter with a bomb vest? Let's see, who does that? Maybe an unemployed camel jockey?

Just another indication that folks should be armed at all times.

If someone in that club had had a gun he could have shot that dirtbag before said dirtbag could kill more people.

Also there were hundred of people there and none of them thought to overwhelm that asshole when he reloaded?? Good Lord.

Were you inside? Do you have any clue as to how fast either of those weapons can be reloaded? He also had TWO guns.
The more that we learn about this man,the more he looks like a sad little nutter out to make his life seem like something rather than the nothing it was.
It looks like he was just a nutter with a gun, nothing more.

Nonsense. He was a radical Muslim. His goal was to carry on the Jihad against America and, in this case, specifically homosexuals which Muslims hate more than infidels.

ISIS calls for more attacks on West during Ramadan

By Euan McKirdy, CNN

Updated 7:18 AM ET, Sun May 22, 2016

(CNN)A recording released online, purportedly from ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, has called for further attacks against the West.

The recording urges followers to carry out attacks during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins in early June.


ISIS: More attacks on West during Ramadan - CNN.com

The 6 o'clock news showed some of the vermin's broadcasts and videos. Big Taliban and terrorist supporter, and now claims he saw the errors of his ways and now denounces them, all very recently of course. Typical lying scumbag, afraid of being deported now, unless Hillary wins; she will probably appoint him Secretary of State. The Clinton 'Foundation' gets a third of its 'donations' from Islamic shitholes, so no way she's going to do anything to anger them, and as long as the vermin only go around killing peasants and proles and leaves her and Democratic politicians along with Wall Street and billioniares alone you can count on the Establishment doing nothing to protect the public, as usual.
Eiffel Tower lights up in support of Orlando shooting victims...

Eiffel Tower Lights Up in Honor of Orlando Shooting Victims
June 13, 2016. Paris is showing solidarity with the 49 killed in Orlando
Parisians showed solidarity with the victims of the shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, lighting up the Eiffel Tower in rainbow colors on Monday night.


The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, shines in the colors of a rainbow to honor victims of Sunday's mass shooting at an Orlando gay club, Monday, June 13, 2016. People brought banners, flags and candles to the Place Trocadero in front of the Paris landmark.​

“Paris stands with Orlando,” Mayor Anne Hidalgo wrote on Twitter on Monday morning. “Tonight @LaTourEiffel will wear the rainbow flag as a tribute to the victims. #lovewins”

ABC News reported that the monument was lit up alternatively in rainbow colors and red, white and blue. Elsewhere in the city, rainbow banners were hung from the famous Hôtel de Ville.

Eiffel Tower Lights Up in Honor of Orlando Shooting Victims

See also:

Will beating ISIS abroad prevent another Orlando?
Mon June 13, 2016 - ISIS in recent weeks has suffered significant battlefield setbacks in Syria, Iraq and Libya, but questions remain whether the counter-ISIS military campaign can reduce the likelihood of terrorist attacks like Sunday morning's deadly Orlando massacre that killed 49 people.
Whether ISIS' territorial losses will have a major impact on terrorist activity in the West may largely depend on whether the attacks are "inspired" or "directed" by ISIS. If ISIS hopes to be able to directly order attacks against the West and other targets, it will need to be able to maintain control of territory in Iraq and Syria as key safe havens, according to a U.S. official directly familiar with the latest analysis on the organization.
"It has to have territory," the official said. The control of territory gives the organization a specific ability to bring in fighters, train and equip them and send them back out to execute attacks, the official said.

The U.S. assessment is that ISIS understands the critical needs for a safe haven inside Syria and Iraq, even as it is losing territory in both places. The official notes a "virtual caliphate" -- essentially simply operating in cyberspace will not give ISIS the full battlefield oriented capability it needs. The November 2015 Paris attacks that killed more than 100 people is an example of a directed attack. Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the mastermind behind the deadly November Paris attacks, had been an ISIS operative, directly instructed and trained in assault tactics in Syria-based ISIS training camps. The liberation of ISIS-held territory would curtail ISIS' ability to launch these types of terrorist operations. It's one of the reasons the U.S. believes ISIS is putting up a major effort to defend Manbij and surrounding areas, an area where the U.S. believes external attacks have been planned and ordered.

But officials say there is no evidence that Saturday's attacker, Omar Mateen, had received any formal training or direction form ISIS. "We see no indication that this was a plot directed from outside the United States," FBI Director James Comey said in a press conference Monday, adding that investigators were still looking into how the attacker was radicalized. Juliette Kayyem, the former assistant secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs at the Department of Homeland Security, told CNN's Jake Tapper that "there appears to be no evidence yet of some directed attack." Phillip Mudd, a CNN counterterrorism analyst, said there were significant differences between the Orlando and Paris attacks, telling Tapper, "This does not look like Paris."

He noted that the although the intelligence community faces challenges in tracking terrorists moving from training camps in Syria back to the West, he said it "is more difficult in some ways" to stop inspired attacks by self-radicalized individuals due to the absence of any communication patterns or co-conspirators. Kayyem also described Saturday's attack as a "lone wolf scenario, someone who is inspired" by ISIS' ideology but not under its operational control. "That may mean little to most people because there are 50 people dead but it does impact how law enforcement will treat this case," she said.

Will beating ISIS abroad prevent another Orlando? - CNNPolitics.com


‘Once again’: President Obama and his many statements on gun violence in America
Monday, Jun. 13, 2016 - During his time in office, President Barack Obama has had to give his fair share of public remarks after mass shootings in the United States. Over time, his responses have become frustrated and jaded, pleading for change in the country. Ilina Ghosh and Shelby Blackley recount the major speeches of Obama’s tenure
Early on Sunday, 49 people were killed and 53 were injured in Orlando, Fla., after gunman Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old American-born Muslim, opened fire at a crowded LGBT nightclub. Later that day, President Barack Obama gave a speech on gun violence, something that has become all too familiar.

Obama’s inauguration – Jan. 20, 2009

“Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin again the work of remaking America,” Mr. Obama said in his inaugural address. Gun violence was not mentioned.

Fort Hood shooting – Nov. 5, 2009 This was the first time Mr. Obama had to speak about a mass shooting during his time in office. He called the shooting at the U.S. military post near Killeen, Tex., “an act of war” and “incomprehensible,” but used most of his address to pay tribute to the victims. The President also spoke at length about each of the 13 people who were killed – talking about their background, their families and their jobs. He did not speak about gun control. “This is a time of war. Yet these Americans did not die on a foreign field of battle. They were killed here, on American soil, in the heart of this great state and the heart of this great American community. This is the fact that makes the tragedy even more painful, even more incomprehensible.”

Aurora, Colo., theatre shooting – July 20, 2012

Mr. Obama delivered his speech at the University of Colorado hospital after meeting with the families of the victims. Twelve people were killed in the attack. He did not mention gun control. “I had a chance to visit with each family, and most of the conversation was filled with memory. It was an opportunity for families to describe how wonderful their brother, or their son or daughter was, and the lives that they have touched, and the dreams that they held for the future. I confessed to them that words are always inadequate in these kinds of situations, but that my main task was to serve as a representative of the entire country and let them know that we are thinking about them at this moment and will continue to think about them each and every day, and that the awareness that not only all of America but much of the world is thinking about them might serve as some comfort.”

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – Dec. 14, 2012

The President spoke about a mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., that killed 20 children and six adults. He teared up at one point and spoke passionately about change. “We’ve endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years. And each time I learn the news, I react not as a President, but as anybody else would – as a parent. And that was especially true today. I know there’s not a parent in America who doesn’t feel the same overwhelming grief that I do. … As a country, we have been through this too many times. Whether it’s an elementary school in Newtown, or a shopping mall in Oregon, or a temple in Wisconsin, or a movie theatre in Aurora, or a street corner in Chicago – these neighbourhoods are our neighbourhoods, and these children are our children. And we’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.”

Assault Weapons Ban vote – April 17, 2013
How so? There needs to be a legitimate reason to outlaw something or it is constitutionally protected. Making liberals feel good isn't a legitimate reason.
All the people who die or are injured every year from gunshots aren't a legitimate reason? :cuckoo:
No. Lot's of people drive drunk and kill people but I still want to drive. I also want the right to defend myself. Hurting lib butt is not a legitimate concern for any reasonable person, otherwise the 2nd Amendment would not have been written. Arms includes ammo, otherwise they are just paper weights.
If that's what the FFs wanted, they would have protected ammo. They didn't. Case closed.
But your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons is duly noted.
Your rodent brain is closed. Arms require ammunition to be functional. The founders knew a thing or two about forearms, you don't.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.

Are you aware that the term "assault weapon" is an invented term? It means nothing.

Do you know the difference between an assault rifle and any other rifle? Do you what is an assault rifle?

Which of the below is an assault rifle?

This one? #1

This one? #2

Europe, for some odd reason, doesn't have the number of mass shootings we do.

How many were killed and how in Paris, 2015?

How many were killed and how in Brussels, 2016?

Yeah let's not forget the attack in Norway where ONE guy killed 77 people and is still alive in jail.

We're dealing with the Jihad on America by Radical Islamic Terrorists. What has you confused?
Europe, for some odd reason, doesn't have the number of mass shootings we do.

How many were killed and how in Paris, 2015?

How many were killed and how in Brussels, 2016?

Yeah let's not forget the attack in Norway where ONE guy killed 77 people and is still alive in jail.

We're dealing with the Jihad on America by Radical Islamic Terrorists. What has you confused?

I thought we were talking about mass shootings...No where in anything said in this conversation said anything about a Jihad.
All the people who die or are injured every year from gunshots aren't a legitimate reason? :cuckoo:
No. Lot's of people drive drunk and kill people but I still want to drive. I also want the right to defend myself. Hurting lib butt is not a legitimate concern for any reasonable person, otherwise the 2nd Amendment would not have been written. Arms includes ammo, otherwise they are just paper weights.
If that's what the FFs wanted, they would have protected ammo. They didn't. Case closed.
But your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons is duly noted.
Your rodent brain is closed. Arms require ammunition to be functional. The founders knew a thing or two about forearms, you don't.
Your willingness to allow Muslim terrorists easy access to assault weapons in the US is duly noted.

Are you aware that the term "assault weapon" is an invented term? It means nothing.

Do you know the difference between an assault rifle and any other rifle? Do you what is an assault rifle?

Which of the below is an assault rifle?

This one? #1

This one? #2


#1 is the assault rifle because it has the switch that turns it from single shot to 3 round bursts.

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