Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Awww...Did I hurt your wittle feelings? Maybe you should think twice before calling people names. I posted a direct response to morons insisting that, somehow, banning Muslims would stop the children of immigrants, who are American Citizens, from becoming radicalized, as american citizens, and you chose to respond with some stupid, irrelevant comment about him being question by the FBI, while being condescending, and obnoxious. Then you bitched when I demanded what that had to do with the very thing i was posting about, and spent the next 4 posts whining.

You want some respect, cupcake? Start showing some. Or, don't. I really don't care. You can go fuck your whiny, bitchy self, for all I care. Your opinion of me matters not a whit.

Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
Like I said, you're a weird little creep. I'll let the readers decide who's ass is puckered up.
Works for me. Thank you for playing. So feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
I'm still here and you are the gift that keeps on giving. Shrimp.
Oo. So now we've reached the part of the game where all we do is call each other names. Okay. Whiner.
The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
If you say so. I'm not the one who was reduced to nothing but name calling, retard.
Like I said, you're a weird little creep. I'll let the readers decide who's ass is puckered up.
Works for me. Thank you for playing. So feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
I'm still here and you are the gift that keeps on giving. Shrimp.
Oo. So now we've reached the part of the game where all we do is call each other names. Okay. Whiner.
The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
If you say so. I'm not the one who was reduced to nothing but name calling, retard.
I wasn't reduced to anything. I pointed out the stupidity of a comment you made, your ass got puckered up and then you tried to save face by telling me I was whining, losing, leaving etc. etc.

The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
I think we as Americans have some basic problems with our government. I would expect that the FBI would at least be informed when a person who has had two FBI terrorist interviews buys a semi automatic weapon. Seems like an obvious red flag and time well spent by the FBI to follow up.

The TSA routinely fails tests on weapons getting through airport security. It almost seems like the government is deliberately allowing mass shootings as a means to gain gun control. The tools in place are used poorly.
If killing classrooms full of 1st graders doesn't cause us to change our ways, nothing else will. It's a fact that mass shootings are now as American as Apple pie.

Maybe if the government offered a solution that kept guns away from terrorists, while preserving the right of citizens to own guns we could change things. As it is, Hillary's solution is to make it EASIER to kill citizens by denying them the right to buy and carry gun protection.

Did Hillary told you that you cannot buy a gun? Where did she say that she will pull your ( dick) gun?
FBI *CANNOT* even ban thugs that are on the watch list from buying a gun at gun shows.
Like I said, you're a weird little creep. I'll let the readers decide who's ass is puckered up.
Works for me. Thank you for playing. So feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
I'm still here and you are the gift that keeps on giving. Shrimp.
Oo. So now we've reached the part of the game where all we do is call each other names. Okay. Whiner.
The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
If you say so. I'm not the one who was reduced to nothing but name calling, retard.

Your Avatar is an insult to Tyrion Lannister.
Did Hillary told you that you cannot buy a gun? Where did she say that she will pull your ( dick) gun?
FBI *CANNOT* even ban thugs that are on the watch list from buying a gun at gun shows.
I don't have a dick gun but Hillary's version of reasonable controls would be very different than mine.
Works for me. Thank you for playing. So feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
I'm still here and you are the gift that keeps on giving. Shrimp.
Oo. So now we've reached the part of the game where all we do is call each other names. Okay. Whiner.
The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
If you say so. I'm not the one who was reduced to nothing but name calling, retard.
I wasn't reduced to anything. I pointed out the stupidity of a comment you made, your ass got puckered up and then you tried to save face by telling me I was whining, losing, leaving etc. etc.

The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
You didn't point out shit moron. My comment was that banning Muslims, and worrying about vetting Muslim immigrants for possible terrorist affiliations does nothing to prevent the children of Muslims - who were not terrorists - children who were born in the United States, and are American Citizens, from being radicalized. You posted some bullshit about how Mateen had been questioned by the FBI - which has nothing to do with the vetting of immigrant Muslims, or with banning Muslims - as if that had some relevance.

You have yet to explain how the FBI interviews have anything to do with the vetting of Muslims, or the banning of Muslims, which was what my post was about. Instead all you have done is call me "motormouth" a "creep", and an "idiot".

As I said: retard reduced to nothing but name calling.
You all are sticking your heads in the sand...

It is clear as sand in your eyes...

Has that economic opportunity approach eliminated juvenile crime here in the USA? Then why would anyone expect it to work over there, in the heart of Islamic Sharia society?
How so? There needs to be a legitimate reason to outlaw something or it is constitutionally protected. Making liberals feel good isn't a legitimate reason.
All the people who die or are injured every year from gunshots aren't a legitimate reason? :cuckoo:
Untill they ban cars for being used to kill over 50k people a year, dont touch my fucking guns or ammo, libtard.
Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal.

What is it about THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS do you not understand, dweeb?
What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!
Pull your head out of your ass.

IF we are going to stop these mentally deranged fucks, we have to remove the clergy that are encouraging them to escape their problems of this world by killing infidels and heretics to gain entry into Heaven.

Gawd, you are one stupid piece of dried dog shit.
Yes, but they have no constitutional protection and could be banned in a flash.
How so? There needs to be a legitimate reason to outlaw something or it is constitutionally protected. Making liberals feel good isn't a legitimate reason.
All the people who die or are injured every year from gunshots aren't a legitimate reason? :cuckoo:
No. Lot's of people drive drunk and kill people but I still want to drive. I also want the right to defend myself. Hurting lib butt is not a legitimate concern for any reasonable person, otherwise the 2nd Amendment would not have been written. Arms includes ammo, otherwise they are just paper weights.
Well, at least you're honest. you want your gun, and your armor piercing ammunition to kill people. I don't agree that the second amendment as intended to allows for unrestricted access to any weapon, or any ammunition, but I do respect your honesty about why you want it.
Because you are a fucking moron.
Hey, brain trust. All three times they determined he was, not. a. threat. And that still does not change the fact that he was an American. Citizen. Now does it? This banning Muslims because they may be terrorists bullshit doesn't apply here, does it? Because the Muslim who was a terrorist wasn't. A. Fucking. Immigrant.
Then it is merely one more failure of the Obama Regime, when the idiot had joined ISIS and had made three terrorist threats, he belonged on a no fly list and a snatch him up if he farts the wrong way list.

Besides that, go fuck yourself, cretin.
Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal.

What is it about THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS do you not understand, dweeb?
What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!
Pull your head out of your ass.

IF we are going to stop these mentally deranged fucks, we have to remove the clergy that are encouraging them to escape their problems of this world by killing infidels and heretics to gain entry into Heaven.

Gawd, you are one stupid piece of dried dog shit.
Interesting, if rather vulgar, observation. However, it has absolutely nothing to do with the point of my post, or the post to which it was responding.
I'm still here and you are the gift that keeps on giving. Shrimp.
Oo. So now we've reached the part of the game where all we do is call each other names. Okay. Whiner.
The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
If you say so. I'm not the one who was reduced to nothing but name calling, retard.
I wasn't reduced to anything. I pointed out the stupidity of a comment you made, your ass got puckered up and then you tried to save face by telling me I was whining, losing, leaving etc. etc.

The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
You didn't point out shit moron. My comment was that banning Muslims, and worrying about vetting Muslim immigrants for possible terrorist affiliations does nothing to prevent the children of Muslims - who were not terrorists - children who were born in the United States, and are American Citizens, from being radicalized. You posted some bullshit about how Mateen had been questioned by the FBI - which has nothing to do with the vetting of immigrant Muslims, or with banning Muslims - as if that had some relevance.

You have yet to explain how the FBI interviews have anything to do with the vetting of Muslims, or the banning of Muslims, which was what my post was about. Instead all you have done is call me "motormouth" a "creep", and an "idiot".

As I said: retard reduced to nothing but name calling.
I pointed out your stupidity and will do so again. Your tirade was:

"What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!"

So I said the was interviewed by the FBI three times and not for being the son of immigrants. Meaning there was some other reason than what your idiotic rant was going on about.

Have a child walk you through it.
Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal.

What is it about THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS do you not understand, dweeb?
What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!
Pull your head out of your ass.

IF we are going to stop these mentally deranged fucks, we have to remove the clergy that are encouraging them to escape their problems of this world by killing infidels and heretics to gain entry into Heaven.

Gawd, you are one stupid piece of dried dog shit.
Interesting, if rather vulgar, observation. However, it has absolutely nothing to do with the point of my post, or the post to which it was responding.
not surprising the coon lowers the flag. he doesn't lower the flag to half mast for Americans defending their country who died in combat, but he lowers it for people in a
bar who died getting teabagged. Or is the half mast a sign of submission to Islam?
Those AMERICANS died just having fun, and not suspecting that their government dropped the ball yet again and they were about to pay the price for supporting a glib idiot for President.
Hey, brain trust. All three times they determined he was, not. a. threat. And that still does not change the fact that he was an American. Citizen. Now does it? This banning Muslims because they may be terrorists bullshit doesn't apply here, does it? Because the Muslim who was a terrorist wasn't. A. Fucking. Immigrant.
Then it is merely one more failure of the Obama Regime, when the idiot had joined ISIS and had made three terrorist threats, he belonged on a no fly list and a snatch him up if he farts the wrong way list.

Besides that, go fuck yourself, cretin.
Wow. Pay attention to the news before you post like a retard. He never joined ISIS. While he, clearly, wanted his actions to be associated with ISIS, there is no evidence suggesting that he was an actual member of the terrorist organization, or that he even had any direct contact with the terrorist organisation. This was a case of passive inspiration - he watched the videos, listened to the recorded sermons, became radicalized (not joined the organization, but decided he agreed with the sentiments), and then acted. On his own. with no direct contact, or direction from ISIS. Now, does your earlier point about the videos, and sermons have validity? Sure. But trying to suggest that Mateen was, somehow, already considered a threat, simply does not hold up under the evidence presented.
You seem to think all humans are as stupid as you are.

If a guy wants to kill people, he is going to kill them whether or not he has access to legal fire power. That's because people can make guns, they can make bombs, they can smuggle arms, they can build them in their basements.

You fucking imbecile. They exist. And you think the only people who should ever touch them are criminals and psychopaths. Die, or get out of the way. You're chaff.
But we dont have to make acquiring guns any easier for them, and the attempted purchase can be just cause to bring them in for questioning and investigating their behavior to see if any terrorist activity can be uncovered.
Reducing Whabbi immigration makes sense; letting in 200k more of them is simply suicidal.

What is it about THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS do you not understand, dweeb?
What do you not understand, asshat, about the immigrants that came over here WERE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS. The "FUCKING TERRORIST" WAS BORN, AND RAISED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

So, again, we should ban all Muslim terrorists, not because of what they do, but because of what their children - CHILDREN WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, BORN, AND BRED - might become?!?!
Pull your head out of your ass.

IF we are going to stop these mentally deranged fucks, we have to remove the clergy that are encouraging them to escape their problems of this world by killing infidels and heretics to gain entry into Heaven.

Gawd, you are one stupid piece of dried dog shit.
Interesting, if rather vulgar, observation. However, it has absolutely nothing to do with the point of my post, or the post to which it was responding.
How, fucktard? What does bitching about the Imams preaching violence have to do with Whether or not the parents of a kid born in the United States, and a United States citizen should have been allowed into the country, before their kid was even born, or not?
Wow. Pay attention to the news before you post like a retard. He never joined ISIS. While he, clearly, wanted his actions to be associated with ISIS, there is no evidence suggesting that he was an actual member of the terrorist organization, or that he even had any direct contact with the terrorist organisation. This was a case of passive inspiration - he watched the videos, listened to the recorded sermons, became radicalized (not joined the organization, but decided he agreed with the sentiments), and then acted. On his own. with no direct contact, or direction from ISIS. Now, does your earlier point about the videos, and sermons have validity? Sure. But trying to suggest that Mateen was, somehow, already considered a threat, simply does not hold up under the evidence presented.
Look, stpuid ass, when some retard goes online and tells ISIS that they would like to help them and ISIS considers them to have joined, THEN THEY HAVE FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES JOINED ISIS!

Lol, you libtards play your little semantic bullshit and people die while you sniff your ass off your fingers.

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