Florida Rep Gaetz (R) and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin SCREAM at eachother over Defense budget

You're totally full of shit, you know exactly what I "just said," which was in so many words the following, you took a shot at one of the few excellent men in the congress, declaring him a pedo, which is literally a lie, and I took issue with you for doing so, and I pointed out that in point of fucking fact, the pedos, and the sexual deviants, serve and reside almost exclusively within the fascist democrat party, you're the fuckwads whom are sexually fixated upon our children, you're the fuckwads selling the ludicrous lie that gender is fluid, a choice to be made with the changing of clothing, that boys can be girls, and girls can be boys, and my how fucking rich it is to observe you, a fascist democrat deviant, throw stones at a man wherein not a fucking jot of evidence exists supporting your ugly assertion, not a jot, whilst simultaneously ample jots exist demonstrating the average fascist democrat street trash(look in mirror)almost certainly is a sexually deviant pedophile totally fixated upon American children, indeed all children, everywhere!

Stuff that in your crack pipe killer.... :banana:

Gaetz demands to know why the US said Russia would take over Ukraine in 30 days but have not yet - Lloyd lets him know "You ever think that it is because of us and our military?"

Gaetz then demands to know why Wokeism is being taught in the military, and Lloyd Austin lets him know "I'm sorry you're ashamed of your country".

What are your thoughts on Matt Gaetz versus Lloyd Austin?

Hahaha…Gaetz is a badass…he made that ignorant toad look like…well…..the ignorant toad he is.

Gaetz demands to know why the US said Russia would take over Ukraine in 30 days but have not yet - Lloyd lets him know "You ever think that it is because of us and our military?"

Gaetz then demands to know why Wokeism is being taught in the military, and Lloyd Austin lets him know "I'm sorry you're ashamed of your country".

What are your thoughts on Matt Gaetz versus Lloyd Austin?

Gaetz wanted underaged girls drafted?
How rich, Dems calling someone a pedo when we really know from QAnon that Dems are the pedos.
It is odd that if Gaetz is a paedophile he hasn’t been charged yet. He is not a high ranking Democrat or a family member of a high ranking Democrat (Hunter) so he shouldn’t be above the rule of law like they are. In fact as a Trump supporter he should be a target for prosecution.

On March 30 of last year, The New York Times published an article that was treated as a bombshell by the political class. Citing exclusively anonymous sources — “three people briefed on the matter” — the Paper of Record announced that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) “is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him.”

The headline chosen by Times editors was as inflammatory and provocative as possible: “Matt Gaetz Is Said to Face Justice Dept. Inquiry Over Sex With an Underage Girl.” The paper, high up in the article, emphasized what grave crimes these were: “The Justice Department regularly prosecutes such cases, and offenders often receive severe sentences.” The article was extremely light on any actual evidence regarding Gaetz, instead devoting paragraph after paragraph to guilt-by-association tactics regarding “a political ally of his, a local official in Florida named Joel Greenberg, who was indicted last summer on an array of charges, including sex trafficking of a child and financially


Only in the seventh paragraph — well below the headline casting him as a pedophile and sex trafficker — did the Times bother to note: “No charges have been brought against Mr. Gaetz, and the extent of his criminal exposure is unclear.” Exactly one year after publication of that reputation-destroying article, this remains true: while the DOJ may one day formally accuse him, Gaetz has not been charged with, let alone convicted of, a single crime which The New York Times stapled onto his forehead.


In sum, Matt Gaetz has now spent a full year with millions of people believing he is guilty of pedophilia and sex trafficking even though he has never had the opportunity to confront witnesses, evaluate evidence or contest his guilt in a court of law because he has never been charged. Instead, he has been found guilty by media-led mob justice, all from unethical and possibly illegal leaks by “people briefed on the matter.” As a result, not only did Gaetz become radioactive due to crimes that have never been proven, but so too did anyone who argued that he is entitled to due process before being assumed guilty. For writing that April article and producing an accompanying video advocating the need for due process before assuming someone's guilt, I spent two days trending on Twitter due to widespread accusations that, like Gaetz, I too must be a pedophile who was only defending him because I am guilty of the same crimes. That is the core evil of mob justice: it triggers the worst instincts in mob participants, who become drunk with righteous rage and bereft of reason.

In a separate article and video report in December of last year, I outlined the reasons prosecutors are ethically and often legally barred from leaking the pendency of criminal investigations as appears to have been done to Gaetz. It is precisely because it is common that a person who is the subject of a criminal investigation never ends up being charged with, let alone convicted of, any crimes due to a lack of evidence to support an indictment or guilty verdict. Leaks thus have the effect, and often the intent, of destroying someone's reputation, convicting them of repellent crimes in the court of public opinion that will never be brought in a court of law, thus relieving the state of the requirement to prove the crime and depriving the accused the opportunity to exonerate themselves.
Deny a baseless accusation from a jackass like Gaetz? Matt Gaetz to Lloyd Austin is like a tick, a nuisance to pinched between thumb & index finger.
Clearly, that is indeed the attitude of executive branch deep staters. The elected representatives of the taxpayers are to be disdained, ignored and kept in the dark. It's interesting that you support that. The left's hatred of democracy is astounding.
Gaetz can grandstand al he wants to, until he has to debate someone with facts. Which Gaetz has none of because he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
What a wonderful substantive debate point [/eyeroll]
Not sure what video you lefties watched, but Gaetz destroyed this guy and he is exactly right. Our current military is focusing far too much on feel-good non-sense than actual military strategy and training. It is as if they have been overrun by an HR deparment that makes them watch endless videos and take boneheaded quizzes instead of actually working. Many of you have probably worked for companies like this where the HR department feels as if they need to justify their existence on a weekly basis.
This is what Repubs need. We need to vote more and more in. Just like Progs. And with sarcastic responses also. The congress needs to become a zoo until civility is returned. This one way crap has to end because we are near the brink of something terrible if not there already.
What do I think? I think it's really sad that either of these people are in the position of power that they are in.
Clearly, that is indeed the attitude of executive branch deep staters. The elected representatives of the taxpayers are to be disdained, ignored and kept in the dark. It's interesting that you support that. The left's hatred of democracy is astounding.

What a wonderful substantive debate point [/eyeroll]
Austin answered Matty boy's questions. But he doesn't have to lower himself to respond to an idiotic accusation such as our military promoting socialism. It the idea wasn't so pathetic it would be laughable. Gaetz is a jerkoff looking to garner votes from gullible rubes who can't see thru his bullshit.

Gaetz, without his idiot base is a fucking NOBODY.

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