Florida Republicans Scramble in Wake of Trump's Racist Remarks

‘Trump’s vulgar comments disparaging Haiti, El Salvador and African countries reverberated across the country Friday — including in one immigrant-rich state central to the GOP’s political fortunes where the party was already facing head winds: Florida.

Trump’s reference to “shithole countries” in an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers Thursday sent Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a close ally the president is courting to run for the U.S. Senate, scrambling to distance himself from the controversy. Republican lawmakers issued strongly worded statements condemning what the leader of their party said. And GOP strategists and activists worried about the fallout in a battleground that is home to one of the country’s largest populations of Latin Americans.'

Republicans in immigrant-rich Fla. scramble in wake of Trump’s remarks

Republicans have only themselves to blame, of course – the consequence of having a racist as the leader of their party.

You are admitting that the Democratic Party's voters are poor uneducated third world moochers LOL
Deleted several off topic comments.

This is Zone 2, folks

Try to stick to the topic
Deleted several off topic comments.

This is Zone 2, folks

Try to stick to the topic

I guess using humor to mock ridiculous claims is off-topic?

Got it!

Questioning mod actions?

Humor is fine, and appreciated.

IF there was content relevant to the topic, I didn't touch it.

good job Will - just doing your job.

when Trump uses real language and calls countries shitholes its ok

when board members use real language and call his base a name void of profanity the post gets deleted ..

now thats humor !
Deleted several off topic comments.

This is Zone 2, folks

Try to stick to the topic

I guess using humor to mock ridiculous claims is off-topic?

Got it!

Questioning mod actions?

Humor is fine, and appreciated.

IF there was content relevant to the topic, I didn't touch it.

good job Will - just doing your job.

when Trump uses real language and calls countries shitholes its ok

when board members use real language and call his base a name void of profanity the post gets deleted ..

now thats humor !

when Trump uses real language and calls countries shitholes its ok

It is?

Any worse than what previous presidents have said while in office?

But, I'm glad you dont' have a problem with what Trump said.

when board members use real language and call his base a name void of profanity the post gets deleted ..

When posters go off topic in Zone 2, it has a tendency to get deleted.

Need a refresher on the rules?

now thats humor !

your post?

‘Trump’s vulgar comments disparaging Haiti, El Salvador and African countries reverberated across the country Friday — including in one immigrant-rich state central to the GOP’s political fortunes where the party was already facing head winds: Florida.

Trump’s reference to “shithole countries” in an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers Thursday sent Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a close ally the president is courting to run for the U.S. Senate, scrambling to distance himself from the controversy. Republican lawmakers issued strongly worded statements condemning what the leader of their party said. And GOP strategists and activists worried about the fallout in a battleground that is home to one of the country’s largest populations of Latin Americans.'

Republicans in immigrant-rich Fla. scramble in wake of Trump’s remarks

Republicans have only themselves to blame, of course – the consequence of having a racist as the leader of their party.

And the point it is?
Deleted several off topic comments.

This is Zone 2, folks

Try to stick to the topic

I guess using humor to mock ridiculous claims is off-topic?

Got it!

Questioning mod actions?

Humor is fine, and appreciated.

IF there was content relevant to the topic, I didn't touch it.

good job Will - just doing your job.

when Trump uses real language and calls countries shitholes its ok

when board members use real language and call his base a name void of profanity the post gets deleted ..

now thats humor !

when Trump uses real language and calls countries shitholes its ok

It is?

Any worse than what previous presidents have said while in office?

But, I'm glad you dont' have a problem with what Trump said.

when board members use real language and call his base a name void of profanity the post gets deleted ..

When posters go off topic in Zone 2, it has a tendency to get deleted.

Need a refresher on the rules?

now thats humor !

your post?


nah, no problem at all with what the old geezer said, its expected of him to showcase his no class, low class verbiage 24/7 - who needs a POTUS YOU CAN RESPECT ?
‘Trump’s vulgar comments disparaging Haiti, El Salvador and African countries reverberated across the country Friday — including in one immigrant-rich state central to the GOP’s political fortunes where the party was already facing head winds: Florida.

Trump’s reference to “shithole countries” in an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers Thursday sent Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a close ally the president is courting to run for the U.S. Senate, scrambling to distance himself from the controversy. Republican lawmakers issued strongly worded statements condemning what the leader of their party said. And GOP strategists and activists worried about the fallout in a battleground that is home to one of the country’s largest populations of Latin Americans.'

Republicans in immigrant-rich Fla. scramble in wake of Trump’s remarks

Republicans have only themselves to blame, of course – the consequence of having a racist as the leader of their party.

the swing states are going to be a problem for Donald sycophant rightwingners
It isn't about the countries and the perceived state they are in. Doddering Donnie isn't contemplating visiting those countries. The context is talking about people from those countries and his racist views of those people.
Floridians know that Trump was right. Haiti and African countries are shitholes. There is no denying it. However, Moon Bats don't know it because like that asshole Obama said the other day, "they live on another planet".

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