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Florida Republicans to gun hating doctors mind your own business

we don't call it floriduh for nothing...

the doctor patient relationship is a private one.

dum dums who imagine themselves 'conservative' are asking big daddy gubmint to control communication in this private relationship.. why? because they are afraid (irrationally paranoid) of big daddy gubmint taking their guns.. based on a private objective discussion about safety in a clinical setting with the sole interest being the safety and well being of children and families.

leave it to dum dum faux conservatives to ask government to help let them shoot themselves in the foot..literally.

There's nothing irrational or paranoid about worrying that big government is going to take your guns. Leftwing douche nozzles like you have made it plain that outlawing guns is at the top of your agenda.

Who do you think you're fooling?
'Ol Joe has said if the infamous THEY would give him permission, he'd take my guns. I didn't know anyone but me had to give him permission to try since it's on MY property.

Well, better than than waiting for that day you lose your shit and shoot up all your coworkers at the Possum Catching Bureau, guy...

People Who Own Guns Least Likely To Use Them - New Illinois Data Debunks "More Guns, Less Crime"

Since you now have MY permission and that was you excuse for not having already tried, what's keeping you?
The best argument for having guns is listening to what you gun hater say about banning them. You talk about taking someone's private property which the CONSTITUTION gives them the right to own and wonder why they would defend themselves from such things. You're the stupid kind that equates defending yourself and your property with wanting to shoot up a mall. Not surprised.

We ban people from having private property all the time. Just ask any stoner who had the cops take his weed.

The thing is, you guys don't do all that much to keep the mall shooters from getting guns.

That's because there is nothing much you can do about it, no more than trying to stop an alcoholic from getting booze.

'Ol Joe has said if the infamous THEY would give him permission, he'd take my guns. I didn't know anyone but me had to give him permission to try since it's on MY property.

Liberals don't believe in private anything. Liberals believe in government everything.

Government should feed your kids, government should be allowed to tell you what you can do with your property, government should tell you what you are allowed to smoke and if you can smoke, government tells you how to raise your children, government should allow or disallow you from protecting yourself. Government should do everything.

These Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet.
You have absolutely no proof that the suicide wouldn't have happened.

I want YOU to try pussy. I know you won't for that very reason. You don't have the guts.

Again, guy, every school shooting brings us one day closer to the day we say, "Everyone out of the pool".

You gun nuts are in the minority. A shrinking minority.

Firearm usage and ownership is gaining the interest of people. Years ago I used to have my pick of which stall I wanted at the gun range. Today it's at least an hour wait if not more to get any stall they give you. In fact, it became so crowded that a couple of other places opened up and they are crowded too.

My oldest daughter has been going for a few years and the youngest went for the first time last November.

Here in the Cleveland area there are more CCW applications from women than men. That's pretty surprising. Shooting was always a guy type of thing.

About 15 years ago, when you went to the gun range, it was all guys. Once in a while you would see a female, but they were usually in the store behind the glass. Never did you see any women shooting.

I went there about two years ago, and half of the stalls were women; the others had couples. It's really a growing trend especially with women.

My mother, who is now almost 80, has her CWP. My dad owned his own gun shop from the late 60s through the early 80s. She would shoot then but really didn't have that much interest in it. She does now.
Firearm usage and ownership is gaining the interest of people. Years ago I used to have my pick of which stall I wanted at the gun range. Today it's at least an hour wait if not more to get any stall they give you. In fact, it became so crowded that a couple of other places opened up and they are crowded too.

Statistics state otherwise.


Gun ownership is now back at the low point it reached in 2010: Only 32 percent of Americans own a firearm or live with someone who does, compared with about half the population in the late 1970s and early 1980s, according to the 2014 General Social Survey (GSS). The survey is a project of independent research organization NORC at the University of Chicago, with principal funding from the National Science Foundation.

The poll also found that 22 percent of Americans personally own a firearm, down from a high of 31 percent in 1985. The percentage of men who own a firearm is down from 50 percent in 1980 to 35 percent in 2014, while the number of women who own a gun has remained relatively steady since 1980, coming in at 12 percent in 2014.

See Joe, you have nothing to worry about now. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Guns have absolutely nothing to do with the practice of medicine.

Guns have absolutely nothing to do with trees, cars, swimming pools or stairs. But that doesn't stop you gun nutters from using all those items as some sort of weird analogy about guns and how safe they are.

But really why do you want to infringe on a doctor's right of free speech? Don't like what the doc says? Find another one. Maybe the NRA will put out a list of approved doctors? Great idea eh.
Liberals don't believe in private anything. Liberals believe in government everything.

Government should feed your kids, government should be allowed to tell you what you can do with your property, government should tell you what you are allowed to smoke and if you can smoke, government tells you how to raise your children, government should allow or disallow you from protecting yourself. Government should do everything.

These Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet.

Yet people like you keep giving them opportunities.

You see, here's the thing. Gun ownership has been on the decline for some time now. People don't hunt for sport like my dad did. A lot of people are figuring out that guns really don't make your home any safer, they just provide something else the bad guys want to steal.

Now, the gun industry could have simply realized they were in a declining market and moved on to making something else. Instead, they figured out maximize profits. Let's weaken the gun laws so it's easier for criminals and crazy people to get them. Then average citizens will want guns, and the government will buy more of them.

Fun fact. 40% of gun industry sales are to government agencies... something you nuts who arm yourselves to fight the 'gummit' should probably think about.

The problem is, of course, is that after you watch a bunch of dead kids getting wheeled out of a school because the gun industry armed the Lanza family like the fucking Zombie Apocalypse was about the break out, the 78% of us who don't own guns are going to get a little annoyed with the 22% of you who do.
Guns have absolutely nothing to do with the practice of medicine.

Guns have absolutely nothing to do with trees, cars, swimming pools or stairs. But that doesn't stop you gun nutters from using all those items as some sort of weird analogy about guns and how safe they are.

But really why do you want to infringe on a doctor's right of free speech? Don't like what the doc says? Find another one. Maybe the NRA will put out a list of approved doctors? Great idea eh.

If a doctor is interrogating my child instead of treating him or her for what I brought them there for, that's not infringement on free speech, that's child abuse. And if I have no knowledge of what they are doing to my child behind closed doors, I do expect them to have regulations to stop them from doing that.

If your doctor was trying to convert your child to Christianity, you would have a heart attack and need a doctor yourself.
We like to think of our "home sweet home" as our haven of safety and security. However, home accidents are responsible for more fatal injuries than any other cause except motor vehicle accidents. Although home accidents are often caused by human error and typically can be prevented, they amount to 18,000 deaths and nearly 13 million injuries a year.

The 5 leading causes of death from home accidents are:
  • Falls
  • Poisonings
  • Fires
  • Suffocation and choking
  • Drowning
That's besides the fact safety in the home is not a doctors concern in the first place. A doctors job is to treat illnesses.

You a genuine idiot Ray. Really. And you wear being an idiot proudly. Weird.
If a doctor is interrogating my child instead of treating him or her for what I brought them there for, that's not infringement on free speech, that's child abuse. And if I have no knowledge of what they are doing to my child behind closed doors, I do expect them to have regulations to stop them from doing that.

I wasn't aware there was any doctor who would treat a child without the parent present.

Too much liability there.

So let's talk about the real problem.

"Billy, does your daddy own a gun?"

"um, yeah he has an AR-15 and a Glock and a Mac-10, and he leaves them on the coffee table!"

Doctor gives gun owner a nasty look. Gun owner feels kind of stupid when someone points out his negligence.
Liberals don't believe in private anything. Liberals believe in government everything.

Government should feed your kids, government should be allowed to tell you what you can do with your property, government should tell you what you are allowed to smoke and if you can smoke, government tells you how to raise your children, government should allow or disallow you from protecting yourself. Government should do everything.

These Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet.

Yet people like you keep giving them opportunities.

You see, here's the thing. Gun ownership has been on the decline for some time now. People don't hunt for sport like my dad did. A lot of people are figuring out that guns really don't make your home any safer, they just provide something else the bad guys want to steal.

Now, the gun industry could have simply realized they were in a declining market and moved on to making something else. Instead, they figured out maximize profits. Let's weaken the gun laws so it's easier for criminals and crazy people to get them. Then average citizens will want guns, and the government will buy more of them.

Fun fact. 40% of gun industry sales are to government agencies... something you nuts who arm yourselves to fight the 'gummit' should probably think about.

The problem is, of course, is that after you watch a bunch of dead kids getting wheeled out of a school because the gun industry armed the Lanza family like the fucking Zombie Apocalypse was about the break out, the 78% of us who don't own guns are going to get a little annoyed with the 22% of you who do.

You're still on the wrong end of the debate Joe. Regardless of the amount of guns in households, more people are using them for protection. Concealed Carry permits are up in the US and increasing every year. More people believe in the right of citizens to own guns than before:

No big deal.Once Hillary becomes president, she will have 8 years to regain control and get a handle on the gun nuts that have run rampant recently.Outlawing the NRA might be too much to hope for, but it will be chopped down several notches.

You really have a lot of dreams for a President, don't you? Less dreams for States Rights apparently.

I fail to see why a physician needs to know about guns in a home when their line of work is medicine. It's like your plumber asking you about sexual relations with your wife.

Don't get me wrong, everybody has a right to feel whatever it is they feel about guns, but it shouldn't be incorporated in your line of work when it involves the public.

You're a right winger. There is a long list of things you fail to see. Sad for you.

Good, and I hope the list gets longer.

If you have a political agenda, great. Go to rallies, write an opinion piece to your local newspaper, hand out flyers at the voting places. But what you should not be doing is questioning these kids or their parents about your political concerns. It's not your business.

Absolutely agree! :2up:
Sorry but no
My "private" conversations with potential employees are subject to many restrictions

And Sorry but a gun is not a health risk anymore than is a car, a swimming pool, a cabinet full of cleaners, a set of stairs or a tree in the back yard

employer/employee laws are apples to doctor/patient oranges

do you want to make a a law for every aspect of the home which might be mentioned in a private clinical setting?

omfg the doc knows i have bleach under the sink!

stfu kid, don't tell him i don't lock the cabinet, it's none of his business!

how dare he tell my child to be careful!! next thing you know, bleach will be outlawed.

bleach owners will have their children removed from the home!! derrp

it's a clinical safety assessment/discussion and this law is based on ridonkulous paranoia ^

So then tell me what's the sense of asking if the records can't be shared with anyone? And these questions have nothing to do with the health of the patient. It's not the Dr's job to assess home or my choices. He can take his blood samples and vital signs and comment on that and that only the rest is none of his or anyone else'e business

It's a waste of the Drs and the patients' time

And the point I was making about an employer was that someone said the Drs right to free speech was being violated I pointed out that restriction placed on questions asked people are not considered rights violations
The Center for DISEASE control should not be spending tax dollars studying crimes it's not in their purview

The FBI and other law enforcement agencies have all the stats anyone needs on crime why do you insist on duplicating the work and the expense?

if the CDC published a study proving that most gun deaths were brave white homeowners shooting nasty darkie crooks, you'd be singing its praises.

It's because it points out the obvious- most gun deaths are suicides, domestic murders and accidents - that you guys bitch.

It's not a matter of authority or who should be studying the issue... it's that you don't like the facts when they come out.
No I wouldn't. The facts are already out in the stats from the FBI

And I want you to quote me where i said anything about killing "darkies"

IDGAF about suicides. It's not my, yours or anyone else's fucking business if a person with free will chooses to take his own life PERIOD
IMO it's in peoples' best interests to have a weapon to protect themselves but It's none of my business if they don't

Just like it's none of the Drs business

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Another bogus gun grabber statistic. You don't have to kill someone to use a gun to defend your home. In 99% of the cases, the gun is simply pointed at the intruder. It's never fired.

You just proved that you're a douche nozzle.
I've offered the challenge to other cowards. Let's see if you're one. If you don't think I should own a gun and you've called me a gun nutter, come and try to take them. It will be the worst mistake you've ever made son.

The best argument for gun bans is listening to all the gun nuts masturbate about all the people they want to shoot. I mean, I hear shit like this, I want to just ban guns and be done with it, because i never know which one of you nuts is going to go off in a shopping mall.

The best argument in favor of the 2nd amendment is servile douche nozzles like you.
That "study" has been debunked and you repeating it over and over won't make it true

If it wasn't on the spot, the NRA wouldn't have DEMANDED the CDC stop studying gun violence.

Could you imagine what would have happened if the Tobacco industry banned cancer studies the first time someone suggested smoking caused cancer?

Owning guns isn't a disease. The CDC has no business pumping out anti-gun propaganda. That function isn't listed in its charter. The tax payers are well justified in demanding that the CDC stick to its intended purpose.
I've offered the challenge to other cowards. Let's see if you're one. If you don't think I should own a gun and you've called me a gun nutter, come and try to take them. It will be the worst mistake you've ever made son.

The best argument for gun bans is listening to all the gun nuts masturbate about all the people they want to shoot. I mean, I hear shit like this, I want to just ban guns and be done with it, because i never know which one of you nuts is going to go off in a shopping mall.

The best argument in favor of the 2nd amendment is servile douche nozzles like you.

Joe said if he had permission from the infamous "They" he would come and take my guns. Since it's my property and my guns, I am the only one that can give him permission and I did. Still haven't seen him.

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