Florida revokes liquor license of hotel that put on a sexually explicit show with kids present

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Why are these gay men compelled to perform sexually in front of children?

They are N0T performing sexually in front of children. These are not stupid people, or people with no sensitivities. The last thing they want to do is upset or frighten kids.

The whole point of Drag Queen Story Hour was to entertain children in a wholesome way to show so they know gay people aren't scary.
They are N0T performing sexually in front of children. These are not stupid people, or people with no sensitivities. The last thing they want to do is upset or frighten kids.

The whole point of Drag Queen Story Hour was to entertain children in a wholesome way to show so they know gay people aren't scary.

Yes, they are, you fucking retard.
Paranoia is you leave me the hell alone and I'll leave you the hell alone? We just don't want to be around you weirdos, that's all. You want to dress up like a sissy, do it at home. There is no reason for you to bug everybody else with it.

Are you being chased out of town by drag queens???? Are drag queens shooting up your workplaces????

Why don't Y0U leave these people alone??? They're the ones being assaulted, murdered, banned, and vilified. How about Y0U cut it out????
Here is a drag queen Christmas show in Wichita. I am not sure why this needs to be illegal. It’s perhaps guilty of not being really that funny but it’s less raunchy than a movie and no nudity. Just off color jokes and some risqué numbers. Definitely worthy of the GOP attention so they can distract from not doing anything meaningful.

With the lies again. Nobody here is saying these clown shows should be illegal, just that kids should not be allowed to see this crap.
YOU leave the kids alone. Pretending you care about the children, beyond using them as an excuse to attack and malign people with no history of pedophilia or child abuse, while ignoring the REAL pedophiles who have victimized millions of children around the world, demonstrates what a lying hypocrite you truly are.

I remember back when "it's for the children" was the favorite excuse of liberals trying to justify all their statist horseshit. Now Trumpsters are parroting them. The bottom line is, they love a witch hunt. Especially one they can jerk off to.
Are you being chased out of town by drag queens???? Are drag queens shooting up your workplaces????

Why don't Y0U leave these people alone??? They're the ones being assaulted, murdered, banned, and vilified. How about Y0U cut it out????

A drag performance is titilating, correct? It makes people think in sexual terms yes? That is called GROOMING you stupid fuck!
You have no idea what kids should or should not see. You're not a parent, and you have no idea how to raise a child.

And that means I should have no opinion about it? This is the USA, not Commida. Here we have the right to set societal standards. That's why you can't shop in the nude. That's why kids can't buy a Playboy magazine from the store. That's why a guy can't whip out his package and piss in the sewer on a city street. But as a leftist, I guess you have no idea about standards because leftists don't have any.
I can. They're unarmed, and they're not hurting anyone. The same cannot be said of a hypocrite with either a gun or a Bible.

You don't need to wear a dress to be unarmed. Again, name me one "benefit" to society by letting these weirdos out of the closet.
I've never watched one. What do you find "titilating" about it?

What are drag shows done for? I know this is hard for your tiny little brain, but look it up if you must.
You have no idea what kids should or should not see. You're not a parent, and you have no idea how to raise a child.

I AM a parent you ignorant twit. I do know what is appropriate. You, being the fucking disgusting pervert that you are, seem to not.
What are drag shows done for? I know this is hard for your tiny little brain, but look it up if you must.
I honestly don't know. I avoid shit like that. And I'm not really interested enough to look it up.
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Are you being chased out of town by drag queens???? Are drag queens shooting up your workplaces????

Why don't Y0U leave these people alone??? They're the ones being assaulted, murdered, banned, and vilified. How about Y0U cut it out????

Nobody needs to be shooting up anything or chasing people out of town to promote moral decay which is really what this is about.
A drag performance is titilating, correct? It makes people think in sexual terms yes? That is called GROOMING you stupid fuck!

No. It's an art form. Everyone is fully dressed. There may be risque jokes at the restricted shows, but the shows aren't sexual or titilating. Have you never watched Ru Paul's Drag Race????

That is NOT grooming. Grooming is leading children to a place where you can abuse them. Getting them to trust you. Like a priest, or a coach who pretends to be your friend, and invites you into his room and tells you you are special. That's "grooming". Isolating the child from their protectors, and encouraging intimacy. That's grooming.



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