Florida’s Rick Scott sinks to 29 percent approval

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Florida :clap2:

A new Quinnipiac poll has bad news for Florida’s Governor Rick Scott (R). After five months in office, only 29 percent of respondents approve of his performance, making him one of the least popular governors in the country.

It’s not just Democrats who aren’t happy. 57 percent of independent voters, many of whom voted for Scott in 2010, disapprove of his performance. Only 51 percent of Republicans give him a thumbs up.
Fortunately for Scott Florida democrats are so utterly incompetent that they can’t even work this into a political advantage.
Fortunately for Scott Florida democrats are so utterly incompetent that they can&#146;t even work this into a political advantage.

This is true. The Florida Democrats are so incompetent, they couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.

Scott's approval numbers are the lowest in recorded history in the state. A big part of his problem IMHO is that he is not governing to the state. He is governing to the Tea Party. For example, he signed the budget today outside of Tallahassee at a Tea Party stronghold. That's all he has been talking to. Or at least that's the impression he had been giving.

I will give him props for this. I know people who deal with him at a high level and he isn't a typical politician. He will listen and will make decisions on what he thinks is right, not on the way the political winds are blowing like that spineless jellyfish, Crist. He is also well briefed and does his homework. If he starts talking to all Floridians rather than just his diehard supporters, he can turn this around as the economy eventually gets better.
Fortunately for Scott Florida democrats are so utterly incompetent that they can’t even work this into a political advantage.

This is true. The Florida Democrats are so incompetent, they couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.

Scott's approval numbers are the lowest in recorded history in the state. A big part of his problem IMHO is that he is not governing to the state. He is governing to the Tea Party. For example, he signed the budget today outside of Tallahassee at a Tea Party stronghold. That's all he has been talking to. Or at least that's the impression he had been giving.

I will give him props for this. I know people who deal with him at a high level and he isn't a typical politician. He will listen and will make decisions on what he thinks is right, not on the way the political winds are blowing like that spineless jellyfish, Crist. He is also well briefed and does his homework. If he starts talking to all Floridians rather than just his diehard supporters, he can turn this around as the economy eventually gets better.

That reminds me of when Rep Bachmann gave the counter SOTU address a few months ago. Instead of facing directly into the nationally-broadcast camera, she was looking off to the side... where the Tea Party camera was.
But he clearly is representing the will of the people.. Just ask any Tea Partier.. :thup:.

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