Florida school district pulls dictionaries for ‘sexual conduct’ descriptions

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The only reason for opening a dictionary is to look up swear words. This is a denial of that pleasure for thousands of youngsters.

But I have to acknowledge the harm caused to youngsters by access to Merriams.

Florida is lucky that Mrs Ziegler and her friends are on the ball and protcting the morals of Florida tots.

The only reason for opening a dictionary is to look up swear words. This is a denial of that pleasure for thousands of youngsters.

But I have to acknowledge the harm caused to youngsters by access to Merriams.

Florida is lucky that Mrs Ziegler and her friends are on the ball and protcting the morals of Florida tots.
I wonder if they are pulling the bible from these schools as well?

A lot of sexual content in the bible.

On a side note; what is the deal with you and Republicans? Certainly many Trump supporters lash out with excessive vitriol at liberals, Dems, or whoever they perceive as enemies etc but it seems they go after you more then anyone everytime you post something....and oddly I do not really notice you flaming or anything.

It's weird. Is there a history I don't know about?
Who the hell looks up a word in a leather bound dictionary these days? Whatever happened in Florida schools certainly won't impact the dismal federal education system that kids are dealing with. It's just another political issue for groomers to whine about when a kid can get a graphic indoctrination into deviate sexual behavior with the touch of a freaking button these days.

The only reason for opening a dictionary is to look up swear words. This is a denial of that pleasure for thousands of youngsters.

But I have to acknowledge the harm caused to youngsters by access to Merriams.

Florida is lucky that Mrs Ziegler and her friends are on the ball and protcting the morals of Florida tots.

Dictionaries: Child porn only pedophiles would want in schools

The only reason for opening a dictionary is to look up swear words. This is a denial of that pleasure for thousands of youngsters.

But I have to acknowledge the harm caused to youngsters by access to Merriams.

Florida is lucky that Mrs Ziegler and her friends are on the ball and protcting the morals of Florida tots.
Fake news. Some dictionaries along with thousands of other books were pulled for examination to determine if they were age appropriate or otherwise suitable for school children. Those dictionaries are back in the school library now.

The only reason for opening a dictionary is to look up swear words. This is a denial of that pleasure for thousands of youngsters.

But I have to acknowledge the harm caused to youngsters by access to Merriams.

Florida is lucky that Mrs Ziegler and her friends are on the ball and protcting the morals of Florida tots.
Is this a joke?
Why does a Welshman spend all his time digging up American anti-Conservative anti-Trump minutia? :dunno:

Better than people who attack other people for who they are, and not what they say.

Why do you give a shit where someone's from? If they have a good argument, then it's a good argument, if they don't, then it's not. Stick to the topic.
It is really none of YOUR business what we have going on here. You got enough serious problems to worry about over there, shit head.

I'm here and I agree with him. This is absolutely nuts. Why not comment on the actual circumstances here?
One positive aspect would be that Trump speeches would be banned from school kids in Florida.

The only reason for opening a dictionary is to look up swear words. This is a denial of that pleasure for thousands of youngsters.

But I have to acknowledge the harm caused to youngsters by access to Merriams.

Florida is lucky that Mrs Ziegler and her friends are on the ball and protcting the morals of Florida tots.

What a silly post and complaint. You don't live in Florida, you probably don't have anything to do with book acquisition, and you don't effectively care what is done with the moeny you send to support schools, libraries , and public education.
I would probably NOT remove those books. but I would certainly not excuse letting my own yard go to ruin while nosing in someone else's. You want the right to force people to do what you want. Very simple to me.
I wonder if they are pulling the bible from these schools as well?

A lot of sexual content in the bible.

On a side note; what is the deal with you and Republicans? Certainly many Trump supporters lash out with excessive vitriol at liberals, Dems, or whoever they perceive as enemies etc but it seems they go after you more then anyone everytime you post something....and oddly I do not really notice you flaming or anything.

It's weird. Is there a history I don't know about?
You arent debating with educated people. They are essentially stupid and feel threaatened by anyone with education.
So they lash out like a child,
Put simply they are unarmed in a battle of wits.

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