Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Wow... it's stunning that you think that's ok. Is this a view you've always held, or is it just coming out now - in the name of the culture wars?
I didnt know Disney was getting special treatment till a few days ago
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What's the matter..........You don't like it when people fight back against the BS.................You chose the wrong subject to Virtue signal on.............Disney is NOT ENTITLED TO PERMANENT TAX CUTS.

They fucked up ROYALLY........and if the left keeps pushing this.................Well...........they will not like the ending.
Well hell, I was going to find a pic that summed up the Trumpster mentality - but you did it for me. Thanks!
There are a number of other places in Florida with the same "privileges". That law was written to to target a specific one.
They're just spinning excuses. Probably not even worth addressing them. No one is buying it.
Well hell, I was going to find a pic that summed up the Trumpster mentality - but you did it for me. Thanks!
No problem............Disney and the left FUCKED UP.............Enjoy what's coming..............Stay AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN...........


I didnt know Disney was getting special treatment till a few days sho

They were not. Every company in Florida was free to request the same thing. All they had to do was show how it would benefit the state, as Disney did way back when they got the status.
There are a number of other places in Florida with the same "privileges". That law was written to to target a specific one.
In that case all I can tell you is that the candidates for sainthood are not on this forum

So until the unelected lib judges say otherwise I am all for sticking it to Disney the same way they are sticking it to the kids

but its not as satisfying cause Disney already jumped in the homosexual cesspool whereas the children have not
Yeah, you gotta fight for your low education and lack of critical thinking skills.
No kidding. We really need to fight those who lack critical thinking skills. Did you know that there are actually guys who think they are girls (even costing actual girls scholarships), and there is a group in the world that actually accept this stuff?
Just remember, what goes around comes around. If Florida does this and it stands, you will see all sorts of states writing bills to target a specific company for saying things the state does not like.
Hopefully the Court will squash this before it becomes a trend.
there seems to be a lot of confusion by these Moon Bats about this issue.

Here is an article that destroys some of the misconceptions.

If you are a Moon Bat (and you know who you are) read this first before posting your stupidity.

For instance, since there are a few stupid Moon bats that think somehow taxes are going up because Reedy Vreek is dissolved:

4. Property taxes will soar if Reedy Creek is dissolved.

If this passes the House tomorrow, this will be one of the WORST things to happen to Central Florida.

Property taxes will soar and basically make it impossible for most cast members to live nearby and work at Disney. Leading to an exodus of the workforce and talent. https://t.co/fVce6bb9OL

— DSNY Newscast (@DSNYNewscast) April 20, 2022

I really enjoy DSNY Newscast and recommend people follow the service. Good stuff both on Twitter and on YouTube. In this case, however, this one just isn’t true. I can’t see any reason that Central Florida property taxes would change if the Reedy Creek Improvement District is dissolved. It appears that two Disney quasi-cities with populations of less than 100 would take on the Reedy Creek debt (Lake Buena Vista and Bay Lake). That would ultimately be devastating to Disney as the two cities are inside Walt Disney World’s twice-the-size-of-Manhattan borders. In this regard its easiest to think of Disney World as a sort of giant Vatican City inside Central Florida which itself holds three cities. The third city, Celebration, would not take on the debt as it resides in a separate county.

How much debt would those two quasi-cities take on? Approximately $1 billion. But again, those exist inside Disney. If they were to fold and the two counties (Orange and Osceola) took on the liabilities, Florida and the counties might take legal action against Disney for the financial mismanagement (that’s likely what they would claim, not that it is an objective fact). Also, in a very complicated situation, Disney actually has sole control over Reedy Creek via a land ownership clause… so Disney might be the sole target of any claims of financial malfeasance should everything fall apart.
I've always opposed special tax incentives, or any other custom carveouts, for this very reason. They are inevitably used for arm-twisting, and they radically expand the power of government to bully people and businesses. I seriously hope that liberals will learn something from this.
there seems to be a lot of confusion by these Moon Bats about this issue.

Here is an article that destroys some of the misconceptions.

If you are a Moon Bat (and you know who you are) read this first before posting your stupidity.

For instance, since there are a few stupid Moon bats that think somehow taxes are going up because Reedy Vreek is dissolved:

4. Property taxes will soar if Reedy Creek is dissolved.

If this passes the House tomorrow, this will be one of the WORST things to happen to Central Florida.

Property taxes will soar and basically make it impossible for most cast members to live nearby and work at Disney. Leading to an exodus of the workforce and talent. https://t.co/fVce6bb9OL

— DSNY Newscast (@DSNYNewscast) April 20, 2022

I really enjoy DSNY Newscast and recommend people follow the service. Good stuff both on Twitter and on YouTube. In this case, however, this one just isn’t true. I can’t see any reason that Central Florida property taxes would change if the Reedy Creek Improvement District is dissolved. It appears that two Disney quasi-cities with populations of less than 100 would take on the Reedy Creek debt (Lake Buena Vista and Bay Lake). That would ultimately be devastating to Disney as the two cities are inside Walt Disney World’s twice-the-size-of-Manhattan borders. In this regard its easiest to think of Disney World as a sort of giant Vatican City inside Central Florida which itself holds three cities. The third city, Celebration, would not take on the debt as it resides in a separate county.

How much debt would those two quasi-cities take on? Approximately $1 billion. But again, those exist inside Disney. If they were to fold and the two counties (Orange and Osceola) took on the liabilities, Florida and the counties might take legal action against Disney for the financial mismanagement (that’s likely what they would claim, not that it is an objective fact). Also, in a very complicated situation, Disney actually has sole control over Reedy Creek via a land ownership clause… so Disney might be the sole target of any claims of financial malfeasance should everything fall apart.
What Fla law authorizes "quasi cities?" I don't think any. Rather the land would be "unincorporated" and part of a county. Along with all infrastructure, services, debt and taxes. JMO.

We'll see. (-:

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