Florida sheriff bans sex offenders from Irma shelters. No mention of illegals

Although, I don't like to see our country being overrun by illegals, I see why he did not mention them. Immigration is not his jurisdiction. It is federal jurisdiction.

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. No one is saying this sheriff should deport the illegals. But the city can certainly insist shelter users produce proof of citizenship. THINK, america-hater.
America hater? I am not sure why are you saying that. Search my posts before you fly off the handle. I do not shoot at friendlies but you would deserve it. We can have different opinions on things and I just happened to say something about jurisdiction. After all, we're supposed to be the good guys keeping the law.
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Sex offenders are a danger in shelters. Illegal aliens are not.

I find it telling that you would send people out into a hurricane because of their immigration status. So much for that whole "I'm a christian" nonsense, huh?
Illegal aliens should not be on this country! They deserve nothing.

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What if they stay in a basement? Then they wouldn't be on this country, they'd be under it... :eusa_whistle:
Is this basement located in this country?

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I was making a joke about your use of the term "on this country" rather than "in this country." ;)
Although, I don't like to see our country being overrun by illegals, I see why he did not mention them. Immigration is not his jurisdiction. It is federal jurisdiction.

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. No one is saying this sheriff should deport the illegals. But the city can certainly insist shelter users produce proof of citizenship. THINK, america-hater.
And if someone shows up with their family and has no proof? Then what?
I applaud the sheriff. Considering their history being the way that it is, why should a sex offender's well being come before anyone else's?

God bless you and the sheriff always!!!

Sex offenders are a danger in shelters. Illegal aliens are not.

Illegals at shelters will be using food and water and other resources that should be spent on citizens. THINK, america-hater.

Illegals are people. You want them to face a hurricane outside, and all to make sure the resources (specifically for helping people during a storm) are saved for others?

You can skip the "I am a Christian" comments in your posts from now on.

I certainly do not hate America. But I hate the idea of shoving people out into a deadly storm over immigration status.
More freebies for criminal invaders. These cities are gonna be financially wiped out by Irma but taxpayers still must take care of illegals!

Florida sheriff bans sex offenders from Irma shelters

sep 6 2017 BARTOW, Fla. (AP) –
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd posted on his official Twitter account Wednesday that deputies will be checking identification at the county’s shelters, and anyone with a warrant will be arrested and taken to “the safe and secure shelter called the Polk County Jail.”

Judd also posted that sex offenders and sex predators would not be admitted to the shelters.
I despise illegal immigration, but I know there are at least SOME decent people here illegally...there are ZERO decent sex offenders.

Don't know why someone would complain about sex offenders being denied anything....regardless if illegals will winde up getting whatever it is a sex offender is denied.. Sex offenders shouldn't even be alive after conviction.
And if an international tourist shows up, looking for shelter? Not a citizen. No proof of citizenship. Throw them out?
Sex offenders are a danger in shelters. Illegal aliens are not.

Illegals at shelters will be using food and water and other resources that should be spent on citizens. THINK, america-hater.

there are situations into which a human bean should not cast a dog. BTW----will dogs be accommodated
in the shelters?. In case of a serious storm in my area------I would like to exclude my sister-in-law -----
she IS a citizen

Human "bean"?
More freebies for criminal invaders. These cities are gonna be financially wiped out by Irma but taxpayers still must take care of illegals!

Florida sheriff bans sex offenders from Irma shelters

sep 6 2017 BARTOW, Fla. (AP) –
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd posted on his official Twitter account Wednesday that deputies will be checking identification at the county’s shelters, and anyone with a warrant will be arrested and taken to “the safe and secure shelter called the Polk County Jail.”

Judd also posted that sex offenders and sex predators would not be admitted to the shelters.
I despise illegal immigration, but I know there are at least SOME decent people here illegally...there are ZERO decent sex offenders.

Don't know why someone would complain about sex offenders being denied anything....regardless if illegals will winde up getting whatever it is a sex offender is denied.. Sex offenders shouldn't even be alive after conviction.

Why single out sex offenders? If there is a convicted murderer who is out of jail, do they get to go in the shelter? And if so, why them but not sex offenders?

And as I pointed out before, it's possible that some people on the sex offender registry could be people with small offenses, such as this guy who was charged with distributing child pornography for sending a picture of his 16 year old girlfriend to others when they had an argument. 'Sexting' lands teen on sex offender list - CNN.com

Then there is this guy, who was lied to by a girl who told him she was 17 when she was, actually, 14. The girl and her mother both said in court that they didn't think the guy should be on a sex offender registry, but he is. Teen's plight: From dating app to sex offender registry - CNN

These might not qualify under current Florida law, I just use them as examples.

A sex offender is not the same thing as a sexual predator. They are defined differently in the Florida sexual offender registry. Someone who flashes another person is a sex offender and may be on the registry.

I just find it odd how quickly people seem to say that sex offenders should have this, that, or the other denied to them, but don't seem to care particularly about other criminals, even violent ones.

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