Florida Sheriff Declines Invitation to Attend NAACP Banquet

NAACP = Negroes Against All Caucasian People


Hurry up and forget you ever saw this

it is now a completely different organization, hence why you had to post a picture from over 100 years ago

Why are you ignoring the white on white violence that is occurring? Where is the white community speaking up about riots and murders?

Who's ignoring it?

There are like 2 black folks in my town.

ALL the violent crime is white on white.

No one is trying to down play it.

And if I witness a crime, I cooperate with the police.

I go to the station, make a statement, and testify in court if it comes to that.

Does that happen in the black community?

Why not?

Why is this important to black leaders?

FYI, there has been ONE murder in my county in the last 9 years.

There has been ONE reported rape in the last nine years.

There were 6 assaults in 2012.

There were 38 burglaries in 2012.

The population of the county is 40,000.

75 percent of the population owns a firearm.

Crime isn't a black/white issue, it's a urban issue.

Rural America is virtually crime free.

For comparison, let's look to Chicago Heights...population 30,000.

66 murders in the last 10 years.

380 rapes in the last 10 years.

112 assaults last year available.

335 burglaries last year available.
FJO, Why did you call Al Sharpton "sub-human"? How do you know Scott is a good Sherriff?

I read the letter. I think the dude is out of line and I think the letter was unprofessional.

And that is my vicious attack.

nonsense, had the sheriff gone to the naacp and made comments you agree with, you would have lauded him

double standard

It would be a double standard if that actually happened...AND....the letter was unprofessional. You are not sure what a double standard is, are you? It does
not involve what someone might do if something that has not happened, happens.

Try harder.
Why are you ignoring the white on white violence that is occurring? Where is the white community speaking up about riots and murders?

Who's ignoring it?

There are like 2 black folks in my town.

ALL the violent crime is white on white.

No one is trying to down play it.

And if I witness a crime, I cooperate with the police.

I go to the station, make a statement, and testify in court if it comes to that.

Does that happen in the black community?

Why not?

Why is this important to black leaders?

Why are you ignoring violence unless its in your vicinity?


Answer the questions!

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Is there an organization supposedly created to advance the welfare of white people that is ignoring an epidemic of white on white crime?
I predict that Sheriff Mike Scott will be viciously attacked by sub-human dirt bags like the so-called "Reverend" Al Sharpton. The good sheriff will be labeled "RACIST" just like Bill O'Reilley and Shawn Hannity were by race-baiting charlatans like Sharpton and his fellow hacks at MSNBC.

Sheriff Mike Scott should wear their attacks as badge of honor.
Good for this sheriff but please. Hannity is a race baiter. So is OReilly to a lesser extent but be real here. They are all about making money on uh....issues and any one of them would love an actual race riot so they can spew what you should think. Sharpton, hannity...all of them.

Oh and this sherriff makes a good point . Naacp deal with black on black crime. Don't ever let a Zimmerman case go unnoticed as well though.
NAACP = Negroes Against All Caucasian People


Hurry up and forget you ever saw this

it is now a completely different organization, hence why you had to post a picture from over 100 years ago


So when he says ALL Caucasians he means All now...or All like...All?

What about this guy?

He's white and President of the NAACP in SC. Now where will you move the goal posts? Uh, the NAACP doesn't like uh white guys WITHOUT beards!! :doubt::lol:
Who's ignoring it?

There are like 2 black folks in my town.

ALL the violent crime is white on white.

No one is trying to down play it.

And if I witness a crime, I cooperate with the police.

I go to the station, make a statement, and testify in court if it comes to that.

Does that happen in the black community?

Why not?

Why is this important to black leaders?

Why are you ignoring violence unless its in your vicinity?


Answer the questions!

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Is there an organization supposedly created to advance the welfare of white people that is ignoring an epidemic of white on white crime?

Why is violence ok unless it happens near you?
Why are you ignoring violence unless its in your vicinity?


Answer the questions!

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Is there an organization supposedly created to advance the welfare of white people that is ignoring an epidemic of white on white crime?

Why is violence ok unless it happens near you?

It isn't.

Now, are you ready to stop tap dancing and answer my questions to you?

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Answer the questions!

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Is there an organization supposedly created to advance the welfare of white people that is ignoring an epidemic of white on white crime?

Why is violence ok unless it happens near you?

It isn't.

Now, are you ready to stop tap dancing and answer my questions to you?

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Then why are you ignoring it to talk about black violence then? Neither are near you but you seem to pay waaay more attention to one
Why is violence ok unless it happens near you?

It isn't.

Now, are you ready to stop tap dancing and answer my questions to you?

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Then why are you ignoring it to talk about black violence then? Neither are near you but you seem to pay waaay more attention to one

Keep on dancing :poop:

You are still full of shit.

You are still unwilling or unable to address the topic.

You and your ilk just obfuscate for as long as humanly possible then disappear.

For the third and final time.

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Please, contribute SOMETHING valuable to this thread instead of attempt after attempt to deflect and derail.
Last edited:
You're just fucking blind

Al Sharpton aims to spotlight gun violence here - Chicago Sun-Times

But Sharpton is not 100% all of the black community, other blacks there have not been ignoring the violence there, dumbass.

Well "dumbass" where has Al been all this time ? And as sookn as the NAACP asks Eric Holder to investigate the last black kid that was gunned down in some inner city for being in the wrong neighborhood you're not going to get a whole lot of attention to your cause.
Well dumbass what the fuck are you bringing up Sharpton for? He is not the black spokesman, so asking where was here is bullshit.

Well dumbass I don't know of any blacks that have denounced him, quite the quantrary, I see blacks flocking to all of his marches.
Do you want to take the opportunity here to denounce him dumbass?

Hurry up and forget you ever saw this

it is now a completely different organization, hence why you had to post a picture from over 100 years ago


So when he says ALL Caucasians he means All now...or All like...All?

What about this guy?

He's white and President of the NAACP in SC. Now where will you move the goal posts? Uh, the NAACP doesn't like uh white guys WITHOUT beards!! :doubt::lol:

proof you're a racist troll

i wasn't talking about skin color

i was talking about their goals and methods of achieving those goals, the founders did not have the same goals or methods

get a grip you racist trash

further, your pic was the national leaders, not one local leader, you suck at logic if that was your point
It isn't.

Now, are you ready to stop tap dancing and answer my questions to you?

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Then why are you ignoring it to talk about black violence then? Neither are near you but you seem to pay waaay more attention to one

Keep on dancing :poop:

You are still full of shit.

You are still unwilling or unable to address the topic.

You and your ilk just obfuscate for as long as humanly possible then disappear.

For the third and final time.

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Please, contribute SOMETHING valuable to this thread instead of attempt after attempt to deflect and derail.

To answer your questions:

They have

They're not

You just think that. Google will tell you what you think isn't correct.
it is now a completely different organization, hence why you had to post a picture from over 100 years ago


So when he says ALL Caucasians he means All now...or All like...All?

What about this guy?

He's white and President of the NAACP in SC. Now where will you move the goal posts? Uh, the NAACP doesn't like uh white guys WITHOUT beards!! :doubt::lol:

proof you're a racist troll

i wasn't talking about skin color

i was talking about their goals and methods of achieving those goals, the founders did not have the same goals or methods

get a grip you racist trash

further, your pic was the national leaders, not one local leader, you suck at logic if that was your point

The guy I quoted was talking about skin color. That's why I provided proof he was wrong. If you weren't talking about skin color maybe you shouldn't quote a convo where that is the topic
he just said it was negroes against all white people

your pic does not prove his opinion otherwise

sorry, but you really suck at logic

give an example of the naacp going to bat for an injustice, perceived or not, for a white person.

if you can, then you would have a point
Why are you ignoring the white on white violence that is occurring? Where is the white community speaking up about riots and murders?

Who's ignoring it?

There are like 2 black folks in my town.

ALL the violent crime is white on white.

No one is trying to down play it.

And if I witness a crime, I cooperate with the police.

I go to the station, make a statement, and testify in court if it comes to that.

Does that happen in the black community?

Why not?

Why is this important to black leaders?

FYI, there has been ONE murder in my county in the last 9 years.

There has been ONE reported rape in the last nine years.

There were 6 assaults in 2012.

There were 38 burglaries in 2012.

The population of the county is 40,000.

75 percent of the population owns a firearm.

Crime isn't a black/white issue, it's a urban issue.

Rural America is virtually crime free.

OMG, do you live in Barry county? You don't have to answer me but you could send me a PM if you feel like it.
Why is Hannity, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Foxnew, Malkin, and Ann Coulter not addressing white on white? Do they not care about the safety of whites from other criminal whites? What are they doing to prevent the Casey Anthonys and James Holmes' of white America?

I don't see too many cities with neighborhoods being completely unsafe to even drive through because of gangs of white males.

Answer the questions!

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Is there an organization supposedly created to advance the welfare of white people that is ignoring an epidemic of white on white crime?

Why is violence ok unless it happens near you?

It isn't.

Now, are you ready to stop tap dancing and answer my questions to you?

Why is the NAACP, the topic of this thread, not highlighting the lack of cooperation of blacks in black neighborhoods to help bring black offenders to justice?

Why is the NAACP ignoring black on black crime while spotlighting perceived injustice in the Zimmerman incident?

Who says they ignore it?

The NAACP is well aware of the high incarceration rate of black males and is addressing it

Now, why can't the NAACP also be outraged at Zimmerman?

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