Florida Sheriff Declines Invitation to Attend NAACP Banquet

Exactly how is he out of line...specifically please. Why was the letter unprofessional...again, please be specific.

Will answer later.....no time now. But...it is pretty obvious.

how dare that uppity cracker disobey his black masters the NAACP

As more whites are out of work and there are more poor whites, I think we are going to see more resistance to the demands of blacks than we have ever seen. And it's about time. The English enslaved the Irish too, and I am not demanding special privileges because it was the English who founded this country. Furthermore before Bacon's Rebellion most of the slaves in the Colonies were white.

Honestly, I believe that Jackson and Sharpton are secretly endorsing the taking by force of whites have worked for. If that is the case, then they are in for one big learning experience.
so much for that honest conversation

Honest conversation is an oxymoron when you are talking about Bill Blabbermouth.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I can't help but feel that:

1. You never watched a single episode of "The O'Reilley Factor".
2. You never read any of O'Reilley's books.
3. You never read any articles written by Bill O'Reilley.
4. You don't know that he donates ALL proceeds from his web site to charity.
5. You don't know that he raised millions of dollars to support disabled war veterans.
6. You feel superior to him and all Republicans because you are an Obama acolyte.
7. You would vote for Obama even if there was a video of Obama raping a boy.
8. You have no valid argument, so you call Bill O'Reilley a "Blabbermouth".
9. You would kiss Al Sharpton's behind with astonishing enthusiasm.
10. You would need a dictionary to find out what the word "HONEST" means.

Well, I see CC couldn't hold up his end of the 'conversation' so he called in his flunkies who also can't hold up his end of the 'conversation'. No surprise.
Will answer later.....no time now. But...it is pretty obvious.

how dare that uppity cracker disobey his black masters the NAACP

As more whites are out of work and there are more poor whites, I think we are going to see more resistance to the demands of blacks than we have ever seen. And it's about time. The English enslaved the Irish too, and I am not demanding special privileges because it was the English who founded this country. Furthermore before Bacon's Rebellion most of the slaves in the Colonies were white.

Honestly, I believe that Jackson and Sharpton are secretly endorsing the taking by force of whites have worked for. If that is the case, then they are in for one big learning experience.

:lol::lol::lol: crazy old bat
How long? Over half a century. I'm with you. I'm done too. When the started speaking ebonics and coined the vile rap and hip hop that they think passes for music, I knew they didn't want a piece of the pie. They just want to destroy the pie, and will not stop until that happens.

They wanted to go to school with us. So they go to school with us. They wanted to live with us. So they live with us. They wanted our jobs. So they got our jobs. They wanted our opportunities. So they got our opportunities. Now, they just want us to all be gone. One day they will get that too. No one in their right mind would stay in this country and put up with their shit.

Dam those blacks and wanting to be equal breathing all the white mans air right Sunshine
how dare that uppity cracker disobey his black masters the NAACP

As more whites are out of work and there are more poor whites, I think we are going to see more resistance to the demands of blacks than we have ever seen. And it's about time. The English enslaved the Irish too, and I am not demanding special privileges because it was the English who founded this country. Furthermore before Bacon's Rebellion most of the slaves in the Colonies were white.

Honestly, I believe that Jackson and Sharpton are secretly endorsing the taking by force of whites have worked for. If that is the case, then they are in for one big learning experience.

:lol::lol::lol: crazy old bat

3:32 p.m.
How long? Over half a century. I'm with you. I'm done too. When the started speaking ebonics and coined the vile rap and hip hop that they think passes for music, I knew they didn't want a piece of the pie. They just want to destroy the pie, and will not stop until that happens.

They wanted to go to school with us. So they go to school with us. They wanted to live with us. So they live with us. They wanted our jobs. So they got our jobs. They wanted our opportunities. So they got our opportunities. Now, they just want us to all be gone. One day they will get that too. No one in their right mind would stay in this country and put up with their shit.

Dam those blacks and wanting to be equal breathing all the white mans air right Sunshine

You've gotten all of that far more equality than any white person ever got and you are still miserable failures. Whites got none of that and they are still great successes.
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How long? Over half a century. I'm with you. I'm done too. When the started speaking ebonics and coined the vile rap and hip hop that they think passes for music, I knew they didn't want a piece of the pie. They just want to destroy the pie, and will not stop until that happens.

They wanted to go to school with us. So they go to school with us. They wanted to live with us. So they live with us. They wanted our jobs. So they got our jobs. They wanted our opportunities. So they got our opportunities. Now, they just want us to all be gone. One day they will get that too. No one in their right mind would stay in this country and put up with their shit.

Dam those blacks and wanting to be equal breathing all the white mans air right Sunshine

if whitey is so mean to you why not support segregation? Figures you black people would jump at the chance to get away from us, since we kill your babies and all that
Boy, the truth hurts some people. They keep demanding discussion, yet want to keep the sad facts out of that discussion. Race baiting has made things worse and they show no interest in veering from that. I don't blame the sheriff. Until the black leaders are willing to look at the whole picture and address the problem at the root, nothing will change. Blaming others only delays fixing the problem. It gets worse every time they start spouting their rhetoric and gin up more hatred for the whites.

None of the ignorant will see why the sheriff isn't willing to participate in this game and the leaders will use this to fan the flames even further. I suspect they need to keep anger going or they would be unneeded and unwanted.
How long? Over half a century. I'm with you. I'm done too. When the started speaking ebonics and coined the vile rap and hip hop that they think passes for music, I knew they didn't want a piece of the pie. They just want to destroy the pie, and will not stop until that happens.

They wanted to go to school with us. So they go to school with us. They wanted to live with us. So they live with us. They wanted our jobs. So they got our jobs. They wanted our opportunities. So they got our opportunities. Now, they just want us to all be gone. One day they will get that too. No one in their right mind would stay in this country and put up with their shit.

Dam those blacks and wanting to be equal breathing all the white mans air right Sunshine

You've gotten all of that far more equality than any white person ever got and you are still miserable failures. Whites got none of that and they are still great successes.

Why reduce the size in the post? Don't be embarrassed embrace your bigotry lol

Yeah, blacks have it better than whites do!!! :eusa_boohoo:
Boy, the truth hurts some people. They keep demanding discussion, yet want to keep the sad facts out of that discussion. Race baiting has made things worse and they show no interest in veering from that. I don't blame the sheriff. Until the black leaders are willing to look at the whole picture and address the problem at the root, nothing will change. Blaming others only delays fixing the problem. It gets worse every time they start spouting their rhetoric and gin up more hatred for the whites.

None of the ignorant will see why the sheriff isn't willing to participate in this game and the leaders will use this to fan the flames even further. I suspect they need to keep anger going or they would be unneeded and unwanted.

Black leaders have and everytime they do. Just wash and repeat the "they don't look at the whole picture" bs.
This Sheriff was absolutely correct... spot-on...

He is to be congratulated for his honesty, and saluted for his bravery in speaking the truth in a potentially politically-volatile context.

An elected official with balls... a dying breed.

Where do I get an Absentee Ballot to vote for this guy, next election?

I mean, after all, without Voter ID, nobody will ever know, anyway, right?
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This is the full text of a remarkable letter from Sheriff Mike Scott of Lee County, in which he blasts the NAACP for ignoring black violence but making a national commotion over the Zimmerman trial. It is unusually frank and to the point.

Your predictions about this thread were correct! :lol:
Dam those blacks and wanting to be equal breathing all the white mans air right Sunshine

You've gotten all of that far more equality than any white person ever got and you are still miserable failures. Whites got none of that and they are still great successes.

Why reduce the size in the post? Don't be embarrassed embrace your bigotry lol

Yeah, blacks have it better than whites do!!! :eusa_boohoo:

your whining is self serving :eusa_boohoo:
This Sheriff was absolutely correct... spot-on...

He is to be congratulated for his honesty, and saluted for his bravery in speaking the truth in a potentially politically-volatile context.

Where do I get an Absentee Ballot to vote for this guy, next election?

I mean, after all, without Voter ID, nobody will ever know, anyway, right?

I voted for him last time. He's a Republican.

And I'll vote for him again.

This little tiff between the local NAACP has been going on for quite some time.

The longer I live here, the better I like it.
I read the letter. I think the dude is out of line and I think the letter was unprofessional.

Exactly how is he out of line...specifically please. Why was the letter unprofessional...again, please be specific.

OK......I'll give you a few minutes.

The letter was intended to serve as a vehicle to decline an invitation to a local NAACP event. A professional would have simply declined the invitation and not used the letter to unleash an attack on the organization that had issued the invite.

The NAACP has, in fact, voiced concern over violence in the black community. The Sheriff is unaware of this. That does not mean that it does not exist. Out of line.

The condemnation of the NAACP directors stance on the Martin killing is out of line.

The comments about the President's race are out of line.

Again, the indictment of the NAACP as not having concern over black on black crime is out of line. This Sheriff seems to have a chip on his shoulder at this point. Unprofessional tone and content.

The Sheriff's comments regarding hip hop and the word "******" would be better placed on Yahoo Forums than in an official letter from his office. They are unprofessional. Absolutely unprofessional.

The idea that speaking one's mind is to be universally applauded does not take into account the fact that many people have fucked up minds.
I read the letter. I think the dude is out of line and I think the letter was unprofessional.

Exactly how is he out of line...specifically please. Why was the letter unprofessional...again, please be specific.

OK......I'll give you a few minutes.

The letter was intended to serve as a vehicle to decline an invitation to a local NAACP event. A professional would have simply declined the invitation and not used the letter to unleash an attack on the organization that had issued the invite.

The NAACP has, in fact, voiced concern over violence in the black community. The Sheriff is unaware of this. That does not mean that it does not exist. Out of line.

The condemnation of the NAACP directors stance on the Martin killing is out of line.

The comments about the President's race are out of line.

Again, the indictment of the NAACP as not having concern over black on black crime is out of line. This Sheriff seems to have a chip on his shoulder at this point. Unprofessional tone and content.

The Sheriff's comments regarding hip hop and the word "******" would be better placed on Yahoo Forums than in an official letter from his office. They are unprofessional. Absolutely unprofessional.

The idea that speaking one's mind is to be universally applauded does not take into account the fact that many people have fucked up minds.

He doesn't know therefore it never happened :doubt:
I read the letter. I think the dude is out of line and I think the letter was unprofessional.

Exactly how is he out of line...specifically please. Why was the letter unprofessional...again, please be specific.

OK......I'll give you a few minutes.

The letter was intended to serve as a vehicle to decline an invitation to a local NAACP event. A professional would have simply declined the invitation and not used the letter to unleash an attack on the organization that had issued the invite.

The NAACP has, in fact, voiced concern over violence in the black community. The Sheriff is unaware of this. That does not mean that it does not exist. Out of line.

The condemnation of the NAACP directors stance on the Martin killing is out of line.

The comments about the President's race are out of line.

Again, the indictment of the NAACP as not having concern over black on black crime is out of line. This Sheriff seems to have a chip on his shoulder at this point. Unprofessional tone and content.

The Sheriff's comments regarding hip hop and the word "******" would be better placed on Yahoo Forums than in an official letter from his office. They are unprofessional. Absolutely unprofessional.

The idea that speaking one's mind is to be universally applauded does not take into account the fact that many people have fucked up minds.

The Sheriff's Dept down here has had next to zero help from the Black community when trying to enforce the law and keep crime out of their very own neighborhood.

So you know what? They can eat shit.

There's nothing they can do about it, so they either need to get with the program or sit down and shut the fuck up.

Because believe me when I tell you, the last thing they want to do is try any kind of crap with our Law Enforcement down here.

They really don't want to do that.

Several years ago (many, actually), some Outlaws (1%ers) decided they were going to go to Miami en masse to a Funeral for one their murdered 'brothers' in Miami.

Hundreds of them showed up on their Bikes.

Lee County Law Enforcement met them at the Lee/Charlotte County line in over a hundred cars, 50 MC Cops and even a dozen on horseback.

They stopped them cold and told them, "Do not stop in Lee County. If you gotta take a leak. Do it here. If you run out of gas, we will arrest you on the spot. If you break down, we will arrest you on the spot. If you look at us wrong, we beat the living shit out of you, THEN we will arrest you on the spot."

They then proceeded to escort every single one of them to the Collier County Line.

Without incident.

Where they were met by Collier LEOs.

We later lost a lawsuit to the ACLU because it used to be that the Lee Sheriff had a policy of no 'Colors' in Lee County. Wear Collrs? If they saw you, they pulled you over and arrested you.

Like I said, we lost that one.

And there are still some Outlaws here. Maybe six or seven. But the damnedest thing.... Their Clubhouse?

It keeps burning down. The Lee Sheriff swears he's on the case but so far, no luck. I suspect it will burn down again, soon

Don't play in SW Florida.

If you want to be a decent citizen. You will be treated with respect. Shit, I've even been let go when I could have been busted because I had been drinking, but he let me go anyway.

But if you act like a asshole or some kind of badass down here?

Just don't do it. You won't like what happens.

And THAT is what he's telling the NAACP..... This is OUR town, not theirs.

Get used to it.
^^^Its not about fairness as you can see it's about White Rage and Get back. Just remember I didn't type this so yelling at me wont help

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