Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch (Video)

"Video shows the 6 foot, six inch, 270 pound student raced after the woman, sent her flying across the floor and knocking her unconscious when she landed on her head.

The student then kicked and repeatedly punched the victim in the head and body as she was knocked out until he was dragged away by several school employees and students."

He's totally out of control....

The student is reported to be 6’6” and 270 pounds. He was eventually restrained by a dean. While a sheriff’s deputy was typing a report, with the student in the room, the student asked when he could go back to his group home. When the deputy told him he did not know, the student kicked the deputy’s desk, causing the deputy’s computer monitor to fall. A struggle ensued, involving two deputies and an assistant principal, to control the student.

In body cam footage released by the sheriff’s office, the student, who is compliant in that sequence, is heard saying–matter of factly–: “I don’t want to go to jail. I have more important places to be.” As he was walking past paramedics who were tending to the paraprofessional, the student “started to spit towards” her and “made comments that when he comes back he is going to kill her.”

If that happened when I was in school I'm fairly certain the male teachers would have killed you.
Just shoot them. Odds, and statistics matter...
Wasn‘t Blaylock a normal conservative up until now? Maybe someone hacked into his account.

I still am.

And as a normal conservative, I recognize the right of anyone not to be violently robbed of his property.

How is it that you now do not recognize this right, that you side with the robber? All but the most extreme on the left wrong don't usually side with violent, thieving criminals, the way you now are.
Nah….he’s taking a joke and carrying it too far. When he got to the point of calling the petite woman a “violent robber” (of a miscreant twice her size), it’s no longer funny.

By force, she tried to rob a young man of his rightful property. That makes her a violent robber. It doesn't matter what her size is compared to that of the victim. It doesn't matter what her skin color was, nor that of the victim. It doesn't matter what position of authority she may have had over the victims (other than that it introduces an element of abuse of that authority, which is rather secondary to the primary crime committed here).

One fact matters, and only one fact, and that is that she forcibly tried to deprive another person of his rightful property.
By force, she tried to rob a young man of his rightful property. That makes her a violent robber. It doesn't matter what her size is compared to that of the victim. It doesn't matter what her skin color was, nor that of the victim. It doesn't matter what position of authority she may have had over the victims (other than that it introduces an element of abuse of that authority, which is rather secondary to the primary crime committed here).

One fact matters, and only one fact, and that is that she forcibly tried to deprive another person of his rightful property.
She removed a prohibited item. He beat her into oblivion and likely would have killed her had he not been stopped.

it was hardly a “robbery.”
I didn’t mean what the savage kid did was funny, just to make sure we’re clear. I meant about Blaylock being sarcastic. But you’re right - it never was funny.

I am not being sarcastic. I am dead serious.

Forcible robbery ought to be treated as a serious crime, no matter what excuses are used to try to justify it.

If, in any circumstance, I tried to pull the shit that this teacher tried to pull, I would fully expect to get the shit beat out of me for it, and I would expect to go to prison for it.

But unlike this teacher, I am intelligent enough to know better, and I am of sufficient ethical character that I would never try such a thing even if I thought I could get away with it.

I am just dumbfounded that so many of you are so willing and even eager to give this bitch a pass for what ought to be recognized as serious criminal behavior on her part.
I still am.

And as a normal conservative, I recognize the right of anyone not to be violently robbed of his property.

How is it that you now do not recognize this right, that you side with the robber? All but the most extreme on the left wrong don't usually side with violent, thieving criminals, the way you now are.

How is it that you do not recognize that the school has the right to demand that students not be in possession of contraband items on campus?

If that student had attempted to steal a candy bar, would you endorse someone proportionately bigger knocking it to the ground and doing their best to murder it?


How is it that you do not recognize that the school has the right to demand that students not be in possession of contraband items on campus?

If that student had attempted to steal a candy bar, would you endorse someone proportionately bigger knocking it to the ground and doing their best to murder it?

How do you murder a candy bar?

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