Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch (Video)

"Video shows the 6 foot, six inch, 270 pound student raced after the woman, sent her flying across the floor and knocking her unconscious when she landed on her head.

The student then kicked and repeatedly punched the victim in the head and body as she was knocked out until he was dragged away by several school employees and students."

He's totally out of control....

The student is reported to be 6’6” and 270 pounds. He was eventually restrained by a dean. While a sheriff’s deputy was typing a report, with the student in the room, the student asked when he could go back to his group home. When the deputy told him he did not know, the student kicked the deputy’s desk, causing the deputy’s computer monitor to fall. A struggle ensued, involving two deputies and an assistant principal, to control the student.

In body cam footage released by the sheriff’s office, the student, who is compliant in that sequence, is heard saying–matter of factly–: “I don’t want to go to jail. I have more important places to be.” As he was walking past paramedics who were tending to the paraprofessional, the student “started to spit towards” her and “made comments that when he comes back he is going to kill her.”

If that happened when I was in school I'm fairly certain the male teachers would have killed you.

1. This parapro is likely to suffer consequences for the rest of her life

2. I have been trying to tell people what it's like in schools for a very long time. The violence we must suffer--and yes, often at the hands of special needs kids--is unreal. I understand that some of them can't help it. But violence is violence. Injury is injury. Just at MY school we had two parapros on leave for getting hurt on the job. I will never understand, never, why this is acceptable.
These incidents are surely attracting people to the profession. Sarcasm

You know what helps? Taking beatings like this, watching coworkers take beatings, and then coming home to see Libs of Tik Tok post some obscure teacher from CA who is non-binary and say "these are the people teaching your kids"

We had another one quit today. Just today.

Keep going, fools
the student “started to spit towards” her and “made comments that when he comes back he is going to kill her.”
That animal needs putting down or he WILL kill people. If she has a husband or brother/father, they need to act to protect her and rid the community of a feral "human".
This happened in Florida, where they don’t have any of that liberal hogwash about not disciplining Black students because….equity.

In this case, he was pummeling an unconscious woman, and would have likely killed her if not stopped quickly. The savage should be tried as an adult, and for attempted 2nd-degree murder. In Florida, his sentence can be as long as 15 years, and he should get it.
I’m not sure that’s correct. The liberals running the schools are teaching out-and-out racism. The creature probably thinks, to the extent it thinks at all, that whitey deserved it because, well….whitey.

I just got a scolding this past weekend by a black waitress at my mother’s facility because I asked her for jam, and she said she didn’t like my “tone.” I asked nicely, and even said “when you get a chance.” She got within six inches of my face, and went on and on about “respect.” You don’t think that’s driven by the anti-white racism permeating throughout our country?

Wow! I'd say it's time for someone to get a really fucked up YELP review. After the recent shift in hiring policies there, I doubt if you'll get any satisfaction complaining to admin.

Write several bad reviews of the place and then watch very closely to make sure there are no signs of retaliation.

Or make something up.

Our system of justice is too easy on juvenile offenders. They should be treated the same as adult offenders.

If the leftist vermin want to endow children with the power to make their own decisions regarding radically life-changing surgeries, it's time to start giving kids ALL the benefits of adulthood.


Wow! I'd say it's time for someone to get a really fucked up YELP review. After the recent shift in hiring policies there, I doubt if you'll get any satisfaction complaining to admin.

Write several bad reviews of the place and then watch very closely to make sure there are no signs of retaliation.

Or make something up.

I don’t want to write a review just yet. The place had been wonderful, and I’m waiting to see how things shake out. Because the new management is all-black, I’m hoping that they won’t indirectly embolden the black aides and servers to be rude to the white customers. That experience with the waitress was something I’ve never experienced before.
The problem is that liberals are teaching students that blacks are superior to whites, and thus empowering them to treat whites as lesser beings. Now we have some teacher having his white students actually get on their knees and BOW to the black students.

Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch (Video)

"Video shows the 6 foot, six inch, 270 pound student raced after the woman, sent her flying across the floor and knocking her unconscious when she landed on her head.

The student then kicked and repeatedly punched the victim in the head and body as she was knocked out until he was dragged away by several school employees and students."

He's totally out of control....

The student is reported to be 6’6” and 270 pounds. He was eventually restrained by a dean. While a sheriff’s deputy was typing a report, with the student in the room, the student asked when he could go back to his group home. When the deputy told him he did not know, the student kicked the deputy’s desk, causing the deputy’s computer monitor to fall. A struggle ensued, involving two deputies and an assistant principal, to control the student.

In body cam footage released by the sheriff’s office, the student, who is compliant in that sequence, is heard saying–matter of factly–: “I don’t want to go to jail. I have more important places to be.” As he was walking past paramedics who were tending to the paraprofessional, the student “started to spit towards” her and “made comments that when he comes back he is going to kill her.”

If that happened when I was in school I'm fairly certain the male teachers would have killed you.
The dean was 7'4" 325 ?
The problem is that liberals are teaching students that blacks are superior to whites, and thus empowering them to treat whites as lesser beings. Now we have some teacher having his white students actually get on their knees and BOW to the black students.


Pushback starts.

Political indoctrination in a LANGUAGE CLASS?????

Pretty awful. The parents lobbied to get the teacher suspended, and he is facing some sort of action.

The man sounds like a total chickenshit who just wants to keep the savages in his classes from flaying him alive.

It's called placating the crocodile in the hope that he eats you last.

Unfortunately, way too many cowards of this nature in what passes for "schools" these days.

i will say ....schools here are not like this...we have the orphanages on occasion one of the local boys falls in love with one of the girls and off they go...normally found in about a week..but this type of violence is unheard of here...again not a diverse area at all

i feel like much of this is simply the parents fault..teach your kids to play stupid games...such as running from police or back chatting teachers etc..what is wrong when a society expects schools to do more than they do? and it is not only black men running from their responsibilities...seems all men are exchanged in walking out than in the past...cause there is no shame now days
She forcibly took someone's property away from its rightful owner.

That is the very definition of robbery.

That is what the word robbery means.
In a school staff is allowed to take property away when they think it is disruptive or doesn't fit into what the class is doing. That is just the way it works.
She forcibly took someone's property away from its rightful owner.

That is the very definition of robbery.

That is what the word robbery means.

I don't think, when the cops execute a search warrant and take evidence under suspicion, that's called "robbery".

You can consider this the same situation.

Gosh, a fifth grader came to my room with a Rubik's Cube and I asked her to put it on my desk until class was over. "Robbery"? :rolleyes:
I am not being sarcastic. I am dead serious.

Forcible robbery ought to be treated as a serious crime, no matter what excuses are used to try to justify it.

If, in any circumstance, I tried to pull the shit that this teacher tried to pull, I would fully expect to get the shit beat out of me for it, and I would expect to go to prison for it.

But unlike this teacher, I am intelligent enough to know better, and I am of sufficient ethical character that I would never try such a thing even if I thought I could get away with it.

I am just dumbfounded that so many of you are so willing and even eager to give this bitch a pass for what ought to be recognized as serious criminal behavior on her part.

He hates teachers.

That's what this is about.

Which is fine, he has a right to it of course, but he cannot see that the hatred has made him irrational.

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