Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

Yeah, he was the guy whose backpack was searched in school and they found it full of wedding rings and other jewelry. Zimmerman was right that he was casing the area for burglary, of course he was.

He ran off and ditched his tools, then came back and tried to kill Zimmerman.
Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch (Video)

"Video shows the 6 foot, six inch, 270 pound student raced after the woman, sent her flying across the floor and knocking her unconscious when she landed on her head.

The student then kicked and repeatedly punched the victim in the head and body as she was knocked out until he was dragged away by several school employees and students."

He's totally out of control....

The student is reported to be 6’6” and 270 pounds. He was eventually restrained by a dean. While a sheriff’s deputy was typing a report, with the student in the room, the student asked when he could go back to his group home. When the deputy told him he did not know, the student kicked the deputy’s desk, causing the deputy’s computer monitor to fall. A struggle ensued, involving two deputies and an assistant principal, to control the student.

In body cam footage released by the sheriff’s office, the student, who is compliant in that sequence, is heard saying–matter of factly–: “I don’t want to go to jail. I have more important places to be.” As he was walking past paramedics who were tending to the paraprofessional, the student “started to spit towards” her and “made comments that when he comes back he is going to kill her.”

If that happened when I was in school I'm fairly certain the male teachers would have killed you.

Rabid strays should be put down.
I hope they throw the book at him because he is who he is and is a danger to society.

He will be heard from again if not given a nice stay in the slammer.

16 pages, stupid.

Because someone didn't see a threat isn't call for name calling. You could try using at least some common decency, or you could just have no bothered to say anything and just hit the back arrow and gone into another thread.

My grandma used to tell me "just because you can be an asshole doesn't mean you have to be an asshole".
One time a good friend of mine told me "Honey, you have being an asshole down perfectly- you don't always need to be practicing."
To hell with prison.............fry the piece of shit in an electric chair, hang him from a tree, or drag him behind a truck until theres nothing left but the rope.

Giving him a free place to live with FREE rent, FREE food, FREE medical, and FREE FREE FREE won't teach him anything. It's blatantly obvious prison does not work. Start executing these POS en-mass, and they will stop.
"Special needs" excuses everything.
Was the kid special needs? If so, that, is a wide-ranging term. Everything from physical to mental problems. Also, I have worked with special needs kids, some can become violent for little or no reason and some are quite gentle. At first glance, from the article, the kid's reaction to the teacher confiscating his 'switch' was way over the top. Something you might expect of a severely, mentally handicapped kid but on second thought, he might come from that kind of 'community.' I hope that is not the case though.

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