Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

And you'd be the same guy to blame the "govt indoctrination centers" if special needs kids are given free rein to play Nintendos all day long.

"I'm just being realistic here"

Non sequitur...again.

The so-called professional should have called the parents immediately after the student threatened to kick her ass if she took his property.

The kid is 6' 6''. And apparently over 200 lbs. He's playing with half a deck. And he literally told her he was gonna kick her ass if she took his property. HelloOooo...

To just go ahead and take his property without thinking the reality of the situation through all the way, and just relying on some illusion of authority and feeling of self-importance was incompetent. She's clearly not qualified to deal with these kinds of students in the real world. Perhaps she may be ''qualified'' on some piece of bureaucratic paper in a file cabinet some place. But clearly not in a real-world scenario.

And not only that, think about the scope of the situation. That's probably very likely the most valuable thing the kid owns. The government's minion is probably making near a hundred k a year and the physical object likely means very, very little to her. The kid on the other hand...well...whole different ballgame. You're dealing with psychological stuff here. Particularly given the kid's limited capacity.

Again. Just being realistic here.
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Non sequitur...again.

The so-called professional should have called the parents immediately after the student threatened to kick her ass if she took his property.

The kid is 6' 6''. And apparently over 200 lbs. He's playing with half a deck. And he literally told her he was gonna kick her ass if she took his property.

To just go ahead and take his property without thinking the reality of the situation through all the way, and just relying on some illusion of authority and feeling of self-importance was incompetent. She's clearly not qualified to deal with these kinds of students in the real world. Perhaps she may be ''qualified'' on some piece of bureaucratic paper in a file cabinet some place. But clearly not in a real-world scenario.

Again. Just being realistic here.

I just read another four articles about this and didn't read a single one where he warned her he would kick her ass if she took it. Only AFTER the fact. Do you have a link where he said that before she took it?
Non sequitur...again.

The so-called professional should have called the parents immediately after the student threatened to kick her ass if she took his property.

The kid is 6' 6''. And apparently over 200 lbs. He's playing with half a deck. And he literally told her he was gonna kick her ass if she took his property. HelloOooo...

To just go ahead and take his property without thinking the reality of the situation through all the way, and just relying on some illusion of authority and feeling of self-importance was incompetent. She's clearly not qualified to deal with these kinds of students in the real world. Perhaps she may be ''qualified'' on some piece of bureaucratic paper in a file cabinet some place. But clearly not in a real-world scenario.

And not only that, think about the scope of the situation. That's probably very likey the most valuable thing the kid owns. The government's minion is probably making near a hundred k a year and the physical object likely means very, very little to her. The kid on the other hand...well...whole different ballgame. You;re dealing with psychological stuff here. Particularly given the kid's limited capacity.

Again. Just being realistic here.

Also, did you not read that she's a paraprofessional?

Do you know what paraprofessionals make? Uh, about the same as fast food workers, generally. At my level, they change diapers. Diapers of kids who weigh much, much more than I do.

So ponder that.
Also, did you not read that she's a paraprofessional?

Do you know what paraprofessionals make? Uh, about the same as fast food workers, generally. At my level, they change diapers. Diapers of kids who weigh much, much more than I do.

So ponder that.
Is this a joke that goes over my head? Or do you literally mean changing diapers on fully grown kids? Are they disabled?
Is this a joke that goes over my head? Or do you literally mean changing diapers on fully grown kids? Are they disabled?

I teach elementary, so they are not fully grown. But some of them are very large. Way, way bigger than me (but I'm petite). Yes, they are special needs. But when this guy says the "teacher" makes 100K a year? no way. If she's lucky she maybe makes $12-13 an hour--and changing big diapers.

These are the people my fellow conservatives are running into the ground. People who change the diapers of other people's kids. Big kids.

Breathtakingly bad form. But you do you I guess.
You mean the paraprofessional taking the Gameboy from the kid during class counts as stealing? Really?

As I said upthread, if kids were allowed to play with their Nintendo Switch during class, this same cat would howl down the moon over THAT.

Just one more reason it's impossible to be a teacher today. The social contract is broken. It's over.
Just one more reason it's impossible to be a teacher today. The social contract is broken. It's over.
Kids should be homeschooled.

The DOE is a complete failure.

And it should be abolished completely.

This is just one more example of why.

They can't even staff qualified personnel to handle these types of students.
It's not thta I hate authority, per se.

I simply don't recognize your idea of what surmises authority.

I get it. You hated school. You hated teachers. You hate authority.

I can tell because, regardless of whether the parapro should have taken the Nintendo from him (!), she did not deserve to be thrown down and then beaten after she was already unconscious. But your problem with authority is so profound you would rather concentrate on her "stealing".

Dude, that's a problem.

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