Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

That last video showed the cops arresting him.

He says I don't wanna go to jail. I got more important things to do.


He said that.

A roomful of rabid werewolves would be a safer place to be than around this guy.
I got around that -- I live overseas in a region which censors YouTube -- through a VPN.

Here's a link to a story about it:
[ Student Knocks Out Teacher Over Video Game ]
Sorry, Doug. Now that I see the story, I have to point you to the main established thread started Thursday morning, over 300 posts long. I'm going to merge and leave a permanent redirect.
Sorry, Doug. Now that I see the story, I have to point you to the main established thread started Thursday morning, over 300 posts long. I'm going to merge and leave a permanent redirect.
Okay, sorry I missed the already-posted one.
Why were they sending a juvenile delinquent in a group home into the normal population of a public school In the first place? People like him should not be allowed into a building around Innocent people - especially given his size.

Well he has "trauma"

If he traumatizes others, even to the point of physical injury, just remember: "behavior is communication".

That's the BS talk I put up with day in and day out.
When I was in school this person would not have been in the school to begin with :(

Oh, but now they are.

And remember the child who shot his teacher, six years old? "Behavior disorder" = special needs.

The parents these days, especially parents of special needs children, have all the rights. We talk out of both sides of our mouths. On one side: "see something say something". But if that is, "I saw a child throw a chair across the room and give another child a black eye"--and it's a 'special needs' child--nevermind.

So here we are!
A liberal (interviewed in link below) has already come out and said the attacker didn’t know what he was doing is wrong, and shouldn’t be in jail.

That mentality is what got us here.

To be clear:

I love working with special needs children. I really do. But we tolerate entirely too much violence, and I will never understand it. Never.
Was the kid special needs? If so, that, is a wide-ranging term. Everything from physical to mental problems. Also, I have worked with special needs kids, some can become violent for little or no reason and some are quite gentle. At first glance, from the article, the kid's reaction to the teacher confiscating his 'switch' was way over the top. Something you might expect of a severely, mentally handicapped kid but on second thought, he might come from that kind of 'community.' I hope that is not the case though.


Does it matter?

In months or at any rate, less than a year (when he turns 18), if he were caught being violent outside of school, would they say, "well we won't arrest him, he has 'special needs'?"

No. He would be arrested, he would be charged. Maybe his sentence would be slightly lighter; maybe he would go to a different wing of the prison but he would still be charged. Even if you have mental illness is IS NOT OKAY to violently beat people.

Oh. Except in our schools.

To be blunt: this is because are schools are too female-heavy and much, much, MUCH too liberal-heavy. Think "soft on crime" cities in spades. Think high crime rates but in our schools.

It seems compassionate and wonderful to those "poor special needs kids" until your kid is the one getting beat down.
She'll certainly think twice before stealing from anyone again.


So if you enter a theater, and they ask you not to take pictures but you do, and they confiscate your camera and hold it for the duration of the play, is that "stealing"?

Or did you agree, by virtue of buying a ticket, not to snap pictures?

So if you enter a theater, and they ask you not to take pictures but you do, and they confiscate your camera and hold it for the duration of the play, is that "stealing"?

Or did you agree, by virtue of buying a ticket, not to snap pictures?

Non sequitur...

Besides...I do not go to theaters. Mainly because I can't stand to listen to people chomp and slap their gums on their popcorns or whatever. Makes me wanna strangle the ever living shit out of em. But that's irrelevant, as it's my business as to why. This is therefore a choice on my part to not participate with no possibility left of being forced to go, much less assume any role in the strawman scenario you've injected.

What do you think would happen if the kid chose not to go to government indoctrination camp? Does he even have a choice?
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Since it seems perfectly fine to only report on whites hurting blacks it should be fine to talk about blacks beating whites.

So some black guy had his Nintendo switch taken away by a female white teacher in class and his answer was to knock her out, continue to beat on her, spit on her and say he would kill her.

Wish our society would remove savages.
We do.

Ever been to a Florida prison?

Non sequitur...

Besides...I do not go to theaters. This is a choice on my part with no possibility of being forced to go.

What do you think would happen if the kid chose not to go to government indoctrination camp? Does he even have a choice?

Of course you have a choice not to go.

If you choose to send your child, you agree to the Code of Conduct. It's a freewill agreement. Probably this child, being a special needs kid, is even on a behavior contract that his parents had to sign.

So there's no "stealing" here. It was an agreed-upon provision of his attending the school.
Of course you have a choice not to go.

If you choose to send your child, you agree to the Code of Conduct. It's a freewill agreement. Probably this child, being a special needs kid, is even on a behavior contract that his parents had to sign.

So there's no "stealing" here. It was an agreed-upon provision of his attending the school.

He told her outright he was gonna kick her ass if she stole it from him. In his mind, that's quite literally what she was doing, no matter how you want to sugar coat it with bureaucratic word salad.

The wise thing to do, particularly given that the so-called ''professional'' who is assumed to be deemed competent to deal with these types of children, would be to heed his warning and to immediately contact the other party in this so-called contract you've mentioned. That being the parent.

She knew fully well that he was playing with a half of a deck of cards upstairs, and likely cares and grasps very little of any so-called contract, and should have taken his threat quite seriously rather than to just take his property.

All she really demonstrated is that she's not qualified to deal with kids like that in a real-world situation or environment. All she did was elevate the situation.

I'm just being a realist here.
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already dealt with one of you retards in this thread. The school has the AUTHORITY to take and remove unapproved items from children.
Well it seems to me that the school would do well to re-evaluate how it handles real world situations pertaining to these particular students. It should start by hiring people who can demonstrate the capacity to deal with these real-world scenarios regarding these particular types of students without elevating them.

To just say ''you will respect muh authoritie'' didn't seem to end well here for anyone.

But it is truly amazing that so many seem to believe that's the be all/end all response to these situations.
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He told her outright he was gonna kick her ass if she stole it from him. In his mind, that's quite literally what she was doing, no matter how you want to sugar coat it with bureaucratic word salad.

The wise thing to do, particularly given that the so-called ''professional'' who is assumed to be deemed competent to deal with these types of children, would be to heed his warning and to immediately contact the other party in this so-called contract you've mentioned. That being the parent.

She knew fully well that he was playing with a half of a deck of cards upstairs, and likely cares and grasps very little of any so-called contract, and should have taken his threat quite seriously rather than to just take his property.

All she really demonstrated is that she's not qualified to deal with kids like that in a real-world situation or environment. All she did was elevate the situation.

I'm just being a realist here.

And you'd be the same guy to blame the "govt indoctrination centers" if special needs kids are given free rein to play Nintendos all day long.

"I'm just being realistic here"

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