Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

That kid, is a murderer walking. Something is wrong with him, and you can see in his actions, he would not hesitate to murder someone, with his bare hands...he needs to be institutionalized, and get some psychological help...if it could even help....which is doubtful.... Imo.

Sure. That's the consensus of most on the thread.

According to Natural Citizen it's the teacher's fault. She provoked him by taking his Nintendo away.
He's a good guy, give him a chance.... He may see things differently for a reason, or could be just yanking your chain, which I've experienced.....!! But in the end, he's a good man imo.

It's not about being a "good" or "bad" person. All people have biases. In this case his biases against "the state" have him blaming a parapro for the fact that a psychotic student beat her within an inch of her life.

Because it almost certainly is, and that means you have all fallen for it .
So , read this short piece below and then re-evaluate .
As with Covid and the Killer Shots , most of you who were duped and who duped your selves will not be able to entertain a radical switch in narrative . Far too revealing , embarrassing etc .
But that's your problem .Not mine .And I have no interest in your comments .
The battle you have is not with me . It is the battle with yourself to determine what is believable and also most certainly what is not .

----------- have seen the video of the black student stomping his teacher for taking away his Nintendo, but I wonder how many have seen through it?

Like you, I didn't really want to watch it, since if it is real I don't want to see such a thing.. And that's where they get you, because you won't look closely at the event, studying it. You will just react viscerally and emotionally and move on as quickly as you can. But I didn't allow myself to do that. Honestly, on a first look, I bought it, and thought to myself they needed to put this kid to sleep before he kills someone. That is the reaction they want. They also want you to notice he is black, because that fuels the race war they are manufacturing. But I resisted that snap judgment and kept looking and thinking.

The first thing to consider is that if this were real, they would never release such shocking video. Back in the old days you never saw stuff like this, and that is because it wasn't allowed. This video is crime scene evidence, or should be, so the police and court should be sitting on it at least until after the trial. They don't want to ruin jury selection, you know. And besides, releasing all crime scene footage used to be a no-no, since of course it traumatizes the public for no reason. Except that they now have a reason. They WANT you traumatized, which is why all this stuff is posted immediately.

But it goes way beyond that, because they so desperately need you traumatized and confused and split —to misdirect your gaze off the vaccine genocide—they go to the trouble of manufacturing video like this. Hollywood can manufacture scenes like this very easily as you know, with stuntmen and other actors, CGI, splicing, and many other tricks.

As confirmation of what I just said, we saw that they also casually released footage of an old lady getting dragged into a lake and eaten by a huge alligator in Florida. It is being posted by major mainstream outlets all over the world. Is this the sort of news we expect from the mainstream media? No. Fifty years ago this would not have been allowed, but now it is a daily occurrence. Did they also fake that? Probably, since the last part is censored. It looks like a small lake in a retirement community, and they would not have killer alligators in that pond.

So here is what I finally saw in the school video. As our first big clue, I noticed they described this assailant as 6'6” tall and 270lbs.

But he isn't. Not even close. He isn't much taller than the person he attacks, and when he is next to the policemen later, he is shorter than they are.
So he seems to be about 6'0”, maybe even less. Yes, he is fat, so he probably weighs around 220. But not 270. I keyed on this immediately because I had already caught them doing this with the George Floyd fake. Floyd was 6'6”, but the guy in the video was about 6 inches shorter, so I knew it wasn't Floyd. It was some actor. We saw the same thing with the Aldrich kid in Colorado Springs last November, who they again described as 6'6”. They really like that number, and we know why.

But what really got me was looking at the other people in the video. First I noticed that the obese lady strolling by hardly reacts at all. She just pauses and moves on, as if it was a food fight. That seemed strange, but not definitive, so I kept looking.

The clincher is the small guy in a tan shirt, who comes around the far corner. He is the one who actually pushes the big kid off the “lady”. Notice that all he has to do is touch the kid and the kid moves back. The kid is supposed to be in a froth, and this guy is very small. Under normal circumstances the kid could toss him away like a rag doll. But the little guy just has a magic touch. But it is even worse than that, because this little guy is the worst actor ever. Watch how he runs up to the scene.

He doesn't, does he? He comes around the corner, sees the vicious beating taking place, and casually strolls up. He doesn't even increase his pace of walking, much less think of running. That may be the biggest clue here. But there are others. Once we have the idea in our heads this might be fake, we notice that the black kid is pulling all his punches. He isn't hitting with his knuckles, like any normal person would, he is hitting with the back of his palm, with his wrist bent back. That is exactly the way you will do if you are pulling punches, and aren't a very good actor. Not one of his punches or stomps lands with any effect.

Which leads us to back the video up. He does push the teacher very hard and she goes flying. That part isn't faked, so it must be staged. Who could most likely stage that? Not a woman. Unless you are actually in Hollywood, where they have female stuntwomen of all sizes, the easiest thing is to let a young man take that fall. A guy in his twenties can do that all day and not get hurt, especially with a bit of rib padding. But notice that we are supposed to believe the “lady” was knocked cold by the initial push and fall. “She” doesn't move a muscle after she hits the ground. Unless he broke her neck and immediately killed her, that wouldn't happen. She would be trying to crawl away, at least. So again, we have signs of a staging. Which led me to study “her” before the hit. The “lady” is a dude. Start by noticing how big her feet are. Do you know any women who are 5'8” and wear size 12 sneakers? Then notice her posture, in the shoulders and neck. Definitely a dude. This is just some kid with long hair. Some skate punk who knows how to take a fall. So the blurred out faces are very convenient.

You are told it is a woman, so you just assume it is.

Also notice that this takes place in a wide open space. Almost as if they have cleared the area. Why would the hall need to be that wide there? My guess is there are normally more tables there, but they have cleared them to give our stuntman room to fall. He really could hurt himself if he fell into furniture that wasn't breakaway.

Finally, notice that late in the video, a large black man enters the scene at the top. He might be able to help these ladies and small men control this “huge” black kid, eh? Nope. A woman holds him back and he retreats around the corner. What?

The location of this event is also a red flag, since Palm Coast is a very strange place. The population has tripled in the past twenty years, for no apparent reason. That wasn't due to Covid, since it has been growing like wildfire since 2000. Speaking of wildfires, it is the only place in a swamp I have ever heard of with a wildfire problem. It had huge famous fires in 1985 and 1998 in the exact same subdivision, indicating arson or some other manufactured cause. In 1998 fire suppression teams from 44 states were involved, so the whole thing looks staged for some reason. 44 state teams involved to suppress a fire in a swamp. Coincidentally, Palm Coast incorporated the next year. Here's something else strange: although population was soaring, we are told at Wiki that 15% of housing was vacant in 2010. How can you have 15% of housing vacant when everyone in the world is moving there? It makes no sense. . . unless it was all planned somehow.

Matanzas high school has been in the news before, with several pedestrian accidents making national news there. So those were probably faked as well. But here's the clincher: who do you think is from Palm Coast? None other than Ron DeSantis, the current famous governor.

What are the odds? Even weirder? His bio doesn't mention it. The page for Palm Coast lists him as their most famous person, but his own bio says he grew up in Dunedin, on the opposite coast. Was DeSantis living in Palm Coast when he was JAG, stationed in Jacksonville, just up the road from Palm Coast?

This just reminds us that DeSantis was a Navy SEAL, supposedly their legal advisor, but who knows. His records are still classified, so he may still be on a SEAL team one mission for all we know .
So why stage this? As part of the manufactured race war, as well as part of Operation Chaos and Men]are-Pigs. Even Charles Barkley, not the brightest bulb, has caught on to the fact the governors are manufacturing a race war. They want us fighting each other instead of fighting them. They want black fighting white, man fighting woman, gay fighting straight, pro-life fighting pro-choice, etc. Anything to keep the focus off the man behind the curtain. As we saw yesterday, they have even fooled Scott Adams, or bought him o

People are buying this misdirection, and it is very sad. But I think most people are starting to see through it. The number of people aware of the fact that news is being faked on a grand scale is growing rapidly .

This commentary is not mine . It comes from the greatest investigative journalist and commentator on the planet .And if you don't know whom that possibly could be , I suggest it is another huge blank in your armoury and DYOFR.
Because I moved on three days ago and this post effectively tells you why .
Because it almost certainly is, and that means you have all fallen for it .
So , read this short piece below and then re-evaluate .
As with Covid and the Killer Shots , most of you who were duped and who duped your selves will not be able to entertain a radical switch in narrative . Far too revealing , embarrassing etc .
But that's your problem .Not mine .And I have no interest in your comments .
The battle you have is not with me . It is the battle with yourself to determine what is believable and also most certainly what is not .

----------- have seen the video of the black student stomping his teacher for taking away his Nintendo, but I wonder how many have seen through it?

Like you, I didn't really want to watch it, since if it is real I don't want to see such a thing.. And that's where they get you, because you won't look closely at the event, studying it. You will just react viscerally and emotionally and move on as quickly as you can. But I didn't allow myself to do that. Honestly, on a first look, I bought it, and thought to myself they needed to put this kid to sleep before he kills someone. That is the reaction they want. They also want you to notice he is black, because that fuels the race war they are manufacturing. But I resisted that snap judgment and kept looking and thinking.

The first thing to consider is that if this were real, they would never release such shocking video. Back in the old days you never saw stuff like this, and that is because it wasn't allowed. This video is crime scene evidence, or should be, so the police and court should be sitting on it at least until after the trial. They don't want to ruin jury selection, you know. And besides, releasing all crime scene footage used to be a no-no, since of course it traumatizes the public for no reason. Except that they now have a reason. They WANT you traumatized, which is why all this stuff is posted immediately.

But it goes way beyond that, because they so desperately need you traumatized and confused and split —to misdirect your gaze off the vaccine genocide—they go to the trouble of manufacturing video like this. Hollywood can manufacture scenes like this very easily as you know, with stuntmen and other actors, CGI, splicing, and many other tricks.

As confirmation of what I just said, we saw that they also casually released footage of an old lady getting dragged into a lake and eaten by a huge alligator in Florida. It is being posted by major mainstream outlets all over the world. Is this the sort of news we expect from the mainstream media? No. Fifty years ago this would not have been allowed, but now it is a daily occurrence. Did they also fake that? Probably, since the last part is censored. It looks like a small lake in a retirement community, and they would not have killer alligators in that pond.

So here is what I finally saw in the school video. As our first big clue, I noticed they described this assailant as 6'6” tall and 270lbs.

But he isn't. Not even close. He isn't much taller than the person he attacks, and when he is next to the policemen later, he is shorter than they are.
So he seems to be about 6'0”, maybe even less. Yes, he is fat, so he probably weighs around 220. But not 270. I keyed on this immediately because I had already caught them doing this with the George Floyd fake. Floyd was 6'6”, but the guy in the video was about 6 inches shorter, so I knew it wasn't Floyd. It was some actor. We saw the same thing with the Aldrich kid in Colorado Springs last November, who they again described as 6'6”. They really like that number, and we know why.

But what really got me was looking at the other people in the video. First I noticed that the obese lady strolling by hardly reacts at all. She just pauses and moves on, as if it was a food fight. That seemed strange, but not definitive, so I kept looking.

The clincher is the small guy in a tan shirt, who comes around the far corner. He is the one who actually pushes the big kid off the “lady”. Notice that all he has to do is touch the kid and the kid moves back. The kid is supposed to be in a froth, and this guy is very small. Under normal circumstances the kid could toss him away like a rag doll. But the little guy just has a magic touch. But it is even worse than that, because this little guy is the worst actor ever. Watch how he runs up to the scene.

He doesn't, does he? He comes around the corner, sees the vicious beating taking place, and casually strolls up. He doesn't even increase his pace of walking, much less think of running. That may be the biggest clue here. But there are others. Once we have the idea in our heads this might be fake, we notice that the black kid is pulling all his punches. He isn't hitting with his knuckles, like any normal person would, he is hitting with the back of his palm, with his wrist bent back. That is exactly the way you will do if you are pulling punches, and aren't a very good actor. Not one of his punches or stomps lands with any effect.

Which leads us to back the video up. He does push the teacher very hard and she goes flying. That part isn't faked, so it must be staged. Who could most likely stage that? Not a woman. Unless you are actually in Hollywood, where they have female stuntwomen of all sizes, the easiest thing is to let a young man take that fall. A guy in his twenties can do that all day and not get hurt, especially with a bit of rib padding. But notice that we are supposed to believe the “lady” was knocked cold by the initial push and fall. “She” doesn't move a muscle after she hits the ground. Unless he broke her neck and immediately killed her, that wouldn't happen. She would be trying to crawl away, at least. So again, we have signs of a staging. Which led me to study “her” before the hit. The “lady” is a dude. Start by noticing how big her feet are. Do you know any women who are 5'8” and wear size 12 sneakers? Then notice her posture, in the shoulders and neck. Definitely a dude. This is just some kid with long hair. Some skate punk who knows how to take a fall. So the blurred out faces are very convenient.

You are told it is a woman, so you just assume it is.

Also notice that this takes place in a wide open space. Almost as if they have cleared the area. Why would the hall need to be that wide there? My guess is there are normally more tables there, but they have cleared them to give our stuntman room to fall. He really could hurt himself if he fell into furniture that wasn't breakaway.

Finally, notice that late in the video, a large black man enters the scene at the top. He might be able to help these ladies and small men control this “huge” black kid, eh? Nope. A woman holds him back and he retreats around the corner. What?

The location of this event is also a red flag, since Palm Coast is a very strange place. The population has tripled in the past twenty years, for no apparent reason. That wasn't due to Covid, since it has been growing like wildfire since 2000. Speaking of wildfires, it is the only place in a swamp I have ever heard of with a wildfire problem. It had huge famous fires in 1985 and 1998 in the exact same subdivision, indicating arson or some other manufactured cause. In 1998 fire suppression teams from 44 states were involved, so the whole thing looks staged for some reason. 44 state teams involved to suppress a fire in a swamp. Coincidentally, Palm Coast incorporated the next year. Here's something else strange: although population was soaring, we are told at Wiki that 15% of housing was vacant in 2010. How can you have 15% of housing vacant when everyone in the world is moving there? It makes no sense. . . unless it was all planned somehow.

Matanzas high school has been in the news before, with several pedestrian accidents making national news there. So those were probably faked as well. But here's the clincher: who do you think is from Palm Coast? None other than Ron DeSantis, the current famous governor.

What are the odds? Even weirder? His bio doesn't mention it. The page for Palm Coast lists him as their most famous person, but his own bio says he grew up in Dunedin, on the opposite coast. Was DeSantis living in Palm Coast when he was JAG, stationed in Jacksonville, just up the road from Palm Coast?

This just reminds us that DeSantis was a Navy SEAL, supposedly their legal advisor, but who knows. His records are still classified, so he may still be on a SEAL team one mission for all we know .
So why stage this? As part of the manufactured race war, as well as part of Operation Chaos and Men]are-Pigs. Even Charles Barkley, not the brightest bulb, has caught on to the fact the governors are manufacturing a race war. They want us fighting each other instead of fighting them. They want black fighting white, man fighting woman, gay fighting straight, pro-life fighting pro-choice, etc. Anything to keep the focus off the man behind the curtain. As we saw yesterday, they have even fooled Scott Adams, or bought him o

People are buying this misdirection, and it is very sad. But I think most people are starting to see through it. The number of people aware of the fact that news is being faked on a grand scale is growing rapidly .

This commentary is not mine . It comes from the greatest investigative journalist and commentator on the planet .And if you don't know whom that possibly could be , I suggest it is another huge blank in your armoury and DYOFR.
Because I moved on three days ago and this post effectively tells you why .

Pretty funny that an investigative reporter think that this many people could be hushed up to record something this fake in a high school.
Yeah, I know this was posted before, but THIS kind of thing needs to stay circulating!!!

MORE absolute proof that instant executions need to be brought back!
Stop pandering to these vicious, violent, and sadistic worthless pieces of shit! Start dishing out instant determents and punishments instead of putting them in a FREE cell, with FREE clothes, FREE cable, FREE internet, FREE computers, FREE food, FREE medical care, etc....
And this "FREE" is what WE the working class have to pay for!!!

Start executing these worthless, useless pieces of garbage instead of pampering them!! I am 1,000% behind bringing back Mideval punishments for violent crimes! They worked back then, and they will work today.

In this case, hang the parents as well. This diseased psychopath learned it from home, as they all do nowadays.

I hope the school AND the teacher sue the fucking HELL out of the "parents" of this monstrosity!!!

I don't understand why ANYBODY would want to be a teacher. Especially without having control over your classes, and armed with tasers.
Yeah, I know this was posted before, but THIS kind of thing needs to stay circulating!!!

MORE absolute proof that instant executions need to be brought back!
Stop pandering to these vicious, violent, and sadistic worthless pieces of shit! Start dishing out instant determents and punishments instead of putting them in a FREE cell, with FREE clothes, FREE cable, FREE internet, FREE computers, FREE food, FREE medical care, etc....
And this "FREE" is what WE the working class have to pay for!!!

Start executing these worthless, useless pieces of garbage instead of pampering them!! I am 1,000% behind bringing back Mideval punishments for violent crimes! They worked back then, and they will work today.

In this case, hang the parents as well. This diseased psychopath learned it from home, as they all do nowadays.

I hope the school AND the teacher sue the fucking HELL out of the "parents" of this monstrosity!!!

I don't understand why ANYBODY would want to be a teacher. Especially without having control over your classes, and armed with tasers.

When were 'instant executions' a thing?

Do you mean lynchings?
Laughing.......you want to bring back lynching of black kids?


Not black kids, and no, not even in this particular case. But murderers, rapists, hard drug dealers, pedophiles, sex traffickers etc. should be able to go on trial, and if convicted, face the death penalty that is actually carried out... Not decades later or never, but carried out by the end of the year. We have no room for these people in society. We have no room for them in prison either, eating, sleeping and being cared for on our dime. If we implement executions for these crimes, and actually carry them out, we may be able to dull the problem a bit, and not keep them around for dozens of years.
Yeah, I know this was posted before, but THIS kind of thing needs to stay circulating!!!

MORE absolute proof that instant executions need to be brought back!
Stop pandering to these vicious, violent, and sadistic worthless pieces of shit! Start dishing out instant determents and punishments instead of putting them in a FREE cell, with FREE clothes, FREE cable, FREE internet, FREE computers, FREE food, FREE medical care, etc....
And this "FREE" is what WE the working class have to pay for!!!

Start executing these worthless, useless pieces of garbage instead of pampering them!! I am 1,000% behind bringing back Mideval punishments for violent crimes! They worked back then, and they will work today.

In this case, hang the parents as well. This diseased psychopath learned it from home, as they all do nowadays.

I hope the school AND the teacher sue the fucking HELL out of the "parents" of this monstrosity!!!

I don't understand why ANYBODY would want to be a teacher. Especially without having control over your classes, and armed with tasers.
In this case, the "parents" are the State of Florida. That boy is a state baby, they raised him.

Ward of the state. Probably shouldn't be in a regular school.
In this case, the "parents" are the State of Florida. That boy is a state baby, they raised him.

Ward of the state. Probably shouldn't be in a regular school.
The kid grew up with entitlement, no boundaries

Progressives are creating a generation of wild animals to take the streets.

If you disrespect them in any way, they kill you.
In this case, the "parents" are the State of Florida. That boy is a state baby, they raised him.

Ward of the state. Probably shouldn't be in a regular school.

Yeah, somebody mentioned he was "special needs"..........but "special needs" kids do NOT get put into sports, much less a football team.
So somebody is a lyin.............more than likely the media trying to spin this into another "race" thing.

Regardless of "special needs" or not...........he's a vicious psychopath.
I've worked with physically and mentally handicapped before, and they KNOW what right and wrong IS....and usually much better understanding of it than "normals". The psychotically violent ones were put into detention homes. So if this one is really "special needs" then why was he in an open school and not in a detention home? I can guarantee you, that one this old, this big, and this powerful has had many violent situations before.

And even with that............if he IS "special needs", he would have not been taken away in handcuffs and taken to jail. He would have been taken to a mental hospital.

So, this "kid" knew exactly what he was doing, and deserves something progressively and equally as violent and vicious done to him.
Last edited:
The kid grew up with entitlement, no boundaries

Progressives are creating a generation of wild animals to take the streets.

If you disrespect them in any way, they kill you.
They have already created 2 generations. No discipline, sense of entitlement, and then to top it off, they didn't teach them how to reason things

out for themselves in school.
I have been envisioning teachers behind bullet proof glass cages. Zero contact. With a panic button to summon Guards to stop fights or to remove troblemakers? Bring back the wooden paddle from kindegaten upwards.

more cost. Full time security on site. Kids w/o parents raised by Hollywood MSM in many cases.

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