Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

Gotta love the Gomer that sees all of this going on, keeps walking slowly, doesn't break stride, makes sure his coffee is safe, while calmly watching her take more shots, then gets involved once that coffee is safe. Good grief.
Gotta love the Gomer that sees all of this going on, keeps walking slowly, doesn't break stride, makes sure his coffee is safe, while calmly watching her take more shots, then gets involved once that coffee is safe. Good grief.
OK, while you or I would have dived right in and gave him the business as best we could I suspect every employee that works there would see their career go right into the shitter.

To be honest I'm surprised it ended as it did, "retard strength" is real once they get themselves all spun-up..
OK, while you or I would have dived right in and gave him the business as best we could I suspect every employee that works there would see their career go right into the shitter.

To be honest I'm surprised it ended as it did, "retard strength" is real once they get themselves all spun-up..

In a similar situation a much younger me kicked a guy square in the face that sucker punched a friend of mine and was merrily beating on his unconscious body, sending his dumb ass off in an ambulance and in need of dental work so, yeah, I'd be inclined to hop in.

I doubt I'd have waltzed over, taking great care of my mocha even now. That's what I find just nuts about that.
In a similar situation a much younger me kicked a guy square in the face that sucker punched a friend of mine and was merrily beating on his unconscious body, sending his dumb ass off in an ambulance and in need of dental work so, yeah, I'd be inclined to hop in.

I doubt I'd have waltzed over, taking great care of my mocha even now. That's what I find just nuts about that.
Again, we are not conditioned to accept such behavior as the norm.
Can’t help noticing how sloppy everyone is dressed. My after-school play clothes were nicer than that. (We used to dress nicely for school and then change.)

I believe there’s a correlation between dressing like slob when you leave the house and the general decline of our society.
Note the anti-American anti-Christian weak response from Beta male Democrats… If that was their mom or their wife who is getting beaten let’s just hope that there was a strong conservative woman to fight back against that large 17 year old male Who was beating the living hell out of that teacher.

We can’t rely on weak men who are Democrats. And more and more male Democrat voters are showing themselves to be weak, also racist to which is all the more interesting.

We will only hear briefly about this from CNN if at all. We will only hear very briefly if at all about the story in the mass media. Tucker Carlson might be the one to talk about it and he’s probably the best journalist we have right now.
There is stupid, and then there is developmentally challenged. It's just the way he attacked that makes me think he's a special ed kid. That and the fact the woman in his class wasn't at teacher but a para, which are usually more prevalent in special ed classrooms.
Like I said, the video of his arrest shows he is

As far as I'm concerned that should NEVER be an excuse for attacks like this

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