Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

this has nothing whatsoever to do with race, the kid is special needs, he did it cause of that and that would be true if he were white.
You know this how? How different is he from any other black Whine supremacist? What makes him more special needs than the 19 year old Whine supremacist that shot a white reporter?

Since it seems perfectly fine to only report on whites hurting blacks it should be fine to talk about blacks beating whites.

So some black guy had his Nintendo switch taken away by a female white teacher in class and his answer was to knock her out, continue to beat on her, spit on her and say he would kill her.

Wish our society would remove savages.
Were he daddy the same mofo that took out that lil pizza shit 2 year old in Miami a few years ago fo bitin he bfast bizkit ? BAAAD dude, but really really nice man trying to get he GED an shit..at age 47.. He B sabed now.
Mofo B Kristinated ! Praize Geezis(he were a black man toooooo ! )
You know this how? How different is he from any other black Whine supremacist? What makes him more special needs than the 19 year old Whine supremacist that shot a white reporter?
listen to the arrest video. and note the profession of the teacher assaulted. I realize you don't care about facts and just want to make an unproven accusation but do more before making ridiculous claims.
Was the black kid raised in the ghetto by a single black mom or a grandmother?

I strongly suspect that he was
listen to the arrest video. and note the profession of the teacher assaulted. I realize you don't care about facts and just want to make an unproven accusation but do more before making ridiculous claims.

You can tell by the way he attacked her as well, and his other reactions.

What you were seeing was "retard strength"
Since it seems perfectly fine to only report on whites hurting blacks it should be fine to talk about blacks beating whites.
So some black guy had his Nintendo switch taken away by a female white teacher in class and his answer was to knock her out, continue to beat on her, spit on her and say he would kill her.
Wish our society would remove savages.

A bit of an overreaction, but I cannot completely condemn him.

If the story is to be believed, the teacher robbed him of him rightful property.

I have little sympathy for any thieving piece of shit that steals something, and then gets beat up a a consequence.

When I was growing up, it was just common sense, common decency, that if you don't to get beat up, or suffer other adverse consequences, you keep your filthy thieving hands off of stuff that doesn't belong to you.

How did we get t the point where a teacher thinks it is at all acceptable to commit robbery by force, and the victim of the robbery is somehow the bad guy for resisting?
you dumb OX. One sided? news? Its on video? The animal is over 6’ over 225lbs. Your becoming a complete idiot on a daily basis. WTH is wrong with you animals? incapable to live in a civilized manner?

This scene is horrific. That behavior is learned. Student got held accountable and this is his response? This video will do wonders for recruiting teachers. Laugh when the Democrats come back again for funding and justify it with their mantra “for the children”. If I am an elected official voting on such a package, I am going to only support it if there is a provision or added legislation for protection teachers.

Remember the outcry from back in the day when teachers could use corporal punishment? The pendulum has swung 180 degrees the other way. Too much focus is on “restorative Justice” and trying to drive down the statistics of detention, suspension, and expulsion all in the name of race.
I hope the teacher recovers with no permanent damage.

And I also hope the violent creature goes to prison for a very, very long time.

The teacher committed robbery by force. She is the one that needs to go to prison.

The victim of the robbery was entirely justified in fighting back.

How did the world turn so far upside down that the perpetrator of a failed robbery is the “victim”, and the victim of of the robbery the bad guy?
This is the result of instilling a secure belief in grievances. In his understanding, this teen had a right to beat that teacher or anyone else. He's fighting slavery. He's entitled to reparations for lynchings. He has met the enemy.
Yup. The left is whipping up anger against whites.
The teacher committed robbery by force. She is the one that needs to go to prison.

The victim of the robbery was entirely justified in fighting back.

How did the world turn so far upside down that the perpetrator of a failed robbery is the “victim”, and the victim of of the robbery the bad guy?
if your serious you are one sick individual.
if your serious you are one sick individual.

I'm serious.

Assuming the story is as reported, the teacher committed robbery by force against the student.

If you think that this is in any way acceptable, and that the victim of this robbery was wrong for fighting back, then it is you who is one sick individual.

That teacher belongs in jail.

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