Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch


Damn! We need to reopen all those defunct mental institutions.

When my husband was in long term care, there was another resident who was a surprisingly young man with dementia -- fifty-five-ish -- who had a strong element of violent frustration to his personality profile. I witnessed him viciously attack one of the male employees who was thankfully able to dodge any real injuries.

The man seemed to have an affinity for my husband and still I prayed that hubby was never around when he went off. My husband was a small, gentle retired school teacher.

When the man attacked a female resident and was transferred out to a more suitable facility, I breathed a sigh of relief for my husband and all the other vulnerable people there.

But I understand what you're saying, martybegan. When he attacked, it was without warning and with everything he had. Frightening. He should have been dealt with before he had the chance to assault that poor woman.

The Dems closed the mental institutions and the Repubs give the former inmates assault weapons.
The white guy casually walks over to the scene while the teacher is being viciously attacked.

To be fair unless you are combat/fighting trained this is how most people would react. The untrained mind usually takes time to conceptualize something this outside normal behavior.

Since it seems perfectly fine to only report on whites hurting blacks it should be fine to talk about blacks beating whites.

So some black guy had his Nintendo switch taken away by a female white teacher in class and his answer was to knock her out, continue to beat on her, spit on her and say he would kill her.

Wish our society would remove savages.
Around blacks, never relax
This is the result of instilling a secure belief in grievances. In his understanding, this teen had a right to beat that teacher or anyone else. He's fighting slavery. He's entitled to reparations for lynchings. He has met the enemy.
This is the result of instilling a secure belief in grievances. In his understanding, this teen had a right to beat that teacher or anyone else. He's fighting slavery. He's entitled to reparations for lynchings. He has met the enemy.

Another valid reason to arm teachers
Watch the video again.

So the woman on the left heads away, a few women come in, and the dude that looks like he is in maybe a marine uniform throws the kid off the woman. Remember he's a grown man in a school, so he can't just tackle the kid and whale on him.
Around blacks, never relax

It's such an ingrained response if you've ever lived in a big city, in my case Seattle.

I still do it, even though my new home is only accessible to one metro of only 200,000 people.

Except in tourist season, I leave my car running when I go into the store or the bank or post office in my very safe little town, but automatically revert back to city ways when I drive into the metro for shopping.


Since it seems perfectly fine to only report on whites hurting blacks it should be fine to talk about blacks beating whites.

So some black guy had his Nintendo switch taken away by a female white teacher in class and his answer was to knock her out, continue to beat on her, spit on her and say he would kill her.

Wish our society would remove savages.
so some Racist White Teacher was Trying to take away some poor African American's
Toy? Well, she Obviously Deserved it Then.. :cool:

It's such an ingrained response if you've ever lived in a big city, in my case Seattle.

I still do it, even though my new home is only accessible to one metro of only 200,000 people.

Except in tourist season, I leave my car running when I go into the store or the bank or post office in my very safe little town, but automatically revert back to city ways when I drive into the metro for shopping.


Don't go by color, go by the eyes. people will ill intent rarely are able to hide how their eyes look.

Plus it lets you figure out the nutter homeless vs. the harmless ones.
This is the result of instilling a secure belief in grievances. In his understanding, this teen had a right to beat that teacher or anyone else. He's fighting slavery. He's entitled to reparations for lynchings. He has met the enemy.
this has nothing whatsoever to do with race, the kid is special needs, he did it cause of that and that would be true if he were white.

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