Florida sues bar that held drag shows for kids

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Which makes it a wonder that so many of their agents or "case workers" spend so much time tracking down malicious gossip, and are so intrusive to people's lives when they do so. In the rare cases in which they do pull a child out of a truly abusive home, the child is often placed with a foster family just as abusive, if not more so.

Is the ten year old rape victim still living with the mother that gave her to the rapist? Since that is what they "spend their time dealing with?"

There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that the mother "gave" her child to the rapist, and given that she took the child to the doctor suspecting abuse, and she filed the police report of her daughter's rape, and pointed them to her boyfriend, it is entirely possible she knew nothing about this.

The first thing abuser's do is threaten the child if she should tell. One little girl told NO ONE about the abuse for years. Her abuser threatened to kill her parents if she told, and she believed him.
Intentionally serving-up that deviant perverted $hit to little kids?

Time to buy 'em a one-way ticket to Iran.

It's not "deviant perverted shit". It's fun and colourful and it's an art form.

I think taking a child to a "quiverfull" evangelical church where little girls are taught to submit to their husbands, and have a baby every year until their uterus prolapses, is "deviant perverted shit". The 19 kids and counting children.

Conservatives support abuse like that.
The only "groomer" I've ever met was an evangelical Christian man who just loved little girls. His behaviour around young children was alarming. I've done volunteer work with abused children and have been trained in spotting these creeps, and this guy hit every alarm bell there was. He volunteered to help lead virtually any new children's program which was proposed.

This is what these "groomers" do. They volunteer to be scout leaders, or minor league coaches, or choir leaders - anything that puts them in positions of trust and authority with children. I'd trust my kids with Tessie the Drag Queen any day of the week, before I'd ever leave them alone with Chris the Choir Leader.

Gays aren't after your kids, nor are they "grooming" them. The "groomers" are straight men who go after little girls.
Reported thread derail. Has nothing to do with the op.
There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that the mother "gave" her child to the rapist, and given that she took the child to the doctor suspecting abuse, and she filed the police report of her daughter's rape, and pointed them to her boyfriend, it is entirely possible she knew nothing about this.
Absurdly counter-factual. The state district attorney said days after the abortion, that no child rapes of ten year olds had been recently reported. The woman told Telemundo that her boyfriend is innocent. With no evidence against him, and the woman preventing her daughter from testifying, he will be free to return to his little harem.

VARGAS PIÓN: Do you, as the girl’s mother, think that he is innocent?
MOTHER: Of course.
VARGAS PIÓN: Then why is he incarcerated?
MOTHER: I don’t know, but I don’t really want to talk.
VARGAS PIÓN: Telemundo News confirmed with two people who know her that she is indeed the girl’s mother; including Daisy Torres, who claims that they both frequent the same nightclub.
Upon seeing photos and video images recorded with our cameras, she said the following.
Is that her?
DAISY TORRES: It’s her. Yes. That’s right.
VARGAS PIÓN: And you say that she is the mother of the 10-year-old girl who was raped.
TORRES: Yes, it is (REDACTED). The girl’s mother.
VARGAS PIÓN: She also said that the woman is in a relationship with Gerson Fuentes.
He’s her partner. And he is the father of the child she is carrying in her womb right now.
VARGAS PIÓN: So the woman is pregnant.

VARGAS PIÓN: Throughout our exclusive interview with the woman who says that she is the girl’s mother, we pressed her on whether 27-year-old Gerson Fuentes was the minor’s rapist. She replied without hesitation.
MOTHER: Everything that they are saying against him is a lie.

The first thing abuser's do is threaten the child if she should tell. One little girl told NO ONE about the abuse for years. Her abuser threatened to kill her parents if she told, and she believed him.
In this case, the mother knew. No doubt she was happy to have a break from servicing her stud while pregnant, and then her daughter got pregnant. Latino men have a reputation for wanting to have male children, but I'm guessing that Gerson Fuentes is the exception to that one. Another girl in the family would suit him just fine. He'd be almost as excited as Joe Biden about that.
In Ontario, bars have signs saying that you have to be of legal drinking age to enter.

But people "parading in this establishment aren't "nude". Their "breasts" are not real, and even their fake nipples are covered. Their genitals are fully covered, and "tucked".

There is no "sexual abuse" going on and the idea that Child Protective Services should get involved is beyond ridiculous. CPS is dealing with children being beaten, raped, and sold to their parent's drug dealers for meth. They don't have enough money, resources or foster homes to deal with the children who really are being endangered, much less the children of people you consider to be "groomers".
So, kids know the difference between real and fake breasts? And since fake breasts are okay with you in the presence of children, I'm guessing you think a giant swinging dildo would have been appropriate as well.

Sick fuck
Little boys are molested almost as often as little girls.

Who is molesting little boys? Not heterosexual men. By definition, a heterosexual is only interested in the opposite sex. A heterosexual man who is a pedophile would only be interested in molesting little girl, not little boys.

It's faggots that molest little boys. And although faggots make up less tha 4% of the population, they account for nearly half of all child molesters.

And you have to be blind not to see how faggots, trannies, and related perverts, are now openly going after children, in a manner that few heterosexual childfuckers would dare think of trying.

No, Mormon Bob, nobody sees that but you.

Technically, Pedophiles aren't straight or gay, they are pedophiles. A lot of them pick on boys and girls.

I know you are desperate to try to justify your homophobia, but that's on you.
No they are not, Bob. Girls are 5 times more likely to be sexually abused than boys. Sexual assaults on boys are receive much more publicity, and are more frequently prosecuted, so it might seem there's more of it, but there's much, much less. People cover it up when their "funny uncle" is caught with their daughter. I know children who refused to prosecute a parent because the rest of the family would shun them if they did.

Most child sex predators are straight white men who are going after little girls, and even worse, most of these sexual assaults are by a family member or someone well known to the family.

All very well said.

The fact is, the majority of children who are molested are molested by a household member, NOT a stranger

  • 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse;
  • Self-report studies show that 20% of adult females and 5-10% of adult males recall a childhood sexual assault or sexual abuse incident;
  • During a one-year period in the U.S., 16% of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized;
  • Over the course of their lifetime, 28% of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized;
  • Children are most vulnerable to CSA between the ages of 7 and 13.

I am not blind, but you're delusional if you think that "faggots, trannies, and related perverts, are now openly going after children". You've been completely brainwashed by the rightwing media seeking to keep the gullible in a state of outrage.

To be fair, the Mormon Cult brainwashed him long before the right wing did.
Exposing children to depraved sexual perversions, and grooming them toward those perversions, makes their lives “fuller and richer” Is that what you are trying to say?

Says the guy who belongs to a cult where the leaders married 14 year old girls...

Exposing children to depraved sexual perversions, and grooming them toward those perversions, makes their lives “fuller and richer” Is that what you are trying to say?

Marrying off 13 and 14 year olds to middle aged men, having multiple wives, "quiverfull" families where women are subservient, and pop out of baby every year until their bodies give out - this is stuff YOU call moral and normal????? This is perversion and abuse of women.

These so called religions are grooming children from the day they're born by their religious leaders to ensure that they're compliant when they reach puberty. You have no problem with "grooming" at all, and even support "grooming" when the perverse and immoral behaviour is being control by men claiming to be "men of God".
Marrying off 13 and 14 year olds to middle aged men, having multiple wives, "quiverfull" families where women are subservient, and pop out of baby every year until their bodies give out - this is stuff YOU call moral and normal????? This is perversion and abuse of women.

These so called religions are grooming children from the day they're born by their religious leaders to ensure that they're compliant when they reach puberty. You have no problem with "grooming" at all, and even support "grooming" when the perverse and immoral behaviour is being control by men claiming to be "men of God".
Tell us where this happens. Give us place names and names of people involved. Walk your talk.

Edit: In case you didn't see this the first time Dragonlady, please offer proof of what you're saying.
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Hor$e$hit... it's deviant and perverted...

In other words, you don't understand it and it frightens you. You can't just say "That's not for me" and just walk away. YOU want to control the world around you so YOU'RE never uncomfortable or challenged.

Right wing conservatives are the most timid people in the world. EVERYONE and EVERYTHING not like them frightens them. Anything you don't understand or don't want to participate in, you want ENDED.

Ignorant, frightened and conservative is no way to go through life.
In other words, you don't understand it and it frightens you. You can't just say "That's not for me" and just walk away. YOU want to control the world around you so YOU'RE never uncomfortable or challenged.

Right wing conservatives are the most timid people in the world. EVERYONE and EVERYTHING not like them frightens them. Anything you don't understand or don't want to participate in, you want ENDED.

Ignorant, frightened and conservative is no way to go through life.
Tell us where this happens. Give us place names and names of people involved. Walk your talk.

Edit: In case you didn't see this the first time Dragonlady, please offer proof of what you're saying.

Let's start with "Quiverful":

19 Kids and Counting - are a quiverful family. Their oldest son molested his sisters. The family "forgave" him and didn't report it. He since been caught on a "cheating website" and is currently in federal prison for sex crimes against children.

As for polygamy and marrying teenagers, there's Warren Jeffs. Jeffs is the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of the Latter Day Saints. Jeff's cult believes in polygamy, and marries off girls once they start menstrating. If they bleed, they breed. Young boys are turned out of the communities. Any attempts to prosecute the abuse going on lead to cries of "First Amendment".

Women and girl born into these communities are brainwashed and groomed from birth for their future lives, and are virtually imprisoned in the communities.

Let's start with "Quiverful":

19 Kids and Counting - are a quiverful family. Their oldest son molested his sisters. The family "forgave" him and didn't report it. He since been caught on a "cheating website" and is currently in federal prison for sex crimes against children.

As for polygamy and marrying teenagers, there's Warren Jeffs. Jeffs is the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of the Latter Day Saints. Jeff's cult believes in polygamy, and marries off girls once they start menstrating. If they bleed, they breed. Young boys are turned out of the communities. Any attempts to prosecute the abuse going on lead to cries of "First Amendment".

Women and girl born into these communities are brainwashed and groomed from birth for their future lives, and are virtually imprisoned in the communities.

I accept that every "source" you cited is known for peddling biased lies. I'm not, however, surprised that you swallow their lies whole.

Try again until you can come up with some truth.

PS -- Can children tell the difference between fake breasts and real ones?
I accept that every "source" you cited is known for peddling biased lies. I'm not, however, surprised that you swallow their lies whole.

Try again until you can come up with some truth.

PS -- Can children tell the difference between fake breasts and real ones?

You accepted nothing and denied everything, and lied about what you were doing.

Every source I used has an excellent fact check record, unlike your "Libs of Tik Tok" source in the OP which has been banned from numerous platforms for promoting lies and disinformation.

Yes, I think children are more than capable of spotting plastic breast plates. As one kid said to me after a birthday party which featured a clown doing magic tricks: "He wasn't a real clown. He was just some guy wearing makeup."
You accepted nothing and denied everything, and lied about what you were doing.

Every source I used has an excellent fact check record, unlike your "Libs of Tik Tok" source in the OP which has been banned from numerous platforms for promoting lies and disinformation.

Yes, I think children are more than capable of spotting plastic breast plates. As one kid said to me after a birthday party which featured a clown doing magic tricks: "He wasn't a real clown. He was just some guy wearing makeup."
You didn't look at the video in the OP so you can't say what kind of "fake" breasts they were. So you really can't answer my question. But if fake breasts are okay, are dildos okay too?

Dragonlady, are dildos okay for children's entertainment?
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When you say "I would have to see it to comment on it" then say "I won't see it" then you ruin your already rock bottom credibility.

SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED rock bottom levels of credibility.

As with cross examination, you led yourself to having to see it, and thus your denial to see it is admissible as evidence of your inability and/or unwillingness to argue the point at hand.
Don't even address them. Especially her. Any of them. I dressed that guy pogo this morning though....

But yeah.

We shouldn't waste our time.
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