Florida - Want Welfare? Take a Urinalysis

Cons have a real bad assumption problem. 1st, you have no proof that anyone getting the freebie uses drugs. 2nd you base the law on your 1st assumption. 3rd you use ignorance over constitutional matters when you assume 1&2, and then assume I use the benefits or have a dog in the race or do drugs.

My only point is the law opens the door to further government intrusion, and you are it's next victim. You let down all the veterans that died to protect your freedoms, without so much as a fight in your hatred and vindictiveness. And it is clear to Fla. legislative members that this law is a stepping stone towards drug testing you, at your own expense, if you want a social security check.

Please don't insult my intelligence by claiming to be a Libertarian, because you are not.



just like you asswipes do with the TSA.. Hell.

Nanny Staters can't have their cake and eat it too. Someone is always somewhere working very hard to pay for these Freebies. So it's not really Free in the end. Someone has to pay for the Freebies. If Florida requires you to be clean to receive Welfare Benefits,than so be it. You can always move to another State and demand Freebies there. No one is being forced to take these Drug Tests. You don't get to have everything your way in life. You don't want to give up getting high,then don't expect Freebies in Florida. I don't see anything unreasonable here. It looks like it's only the Nanny Staters who who have a problem with this. But they're the reason these Laws have to be passed huh? So one shouldn't expect a Nanny Stater to support this. That's just not a realistic expectation.
Well, to this date dud, it hasn't been ruled unconstitutional, so until it is it's the law. Don't want to follow the law? Move.

Well, I don't live in Fla., so no need to move. But if I did live there, I wouldn't move. And I wouldn't 'sit down and shut up'. I'd join the fight for freedom.
Well, to this date dud, it hasn't been ruled unconstitutional, so until it is it's the law. Don't want to follow the law? Move.

Well, I don't live in Fla., so no need to move. But if I did live there, I wouldn't move. And I wouldn't 'sit down and shut up'. I'd join the fight for freedom.

don't want to pee in the cup? don't take my hard earned money. Freedom doesn't mean I have to be your slave.
Gotta love how so many proponents of this bill are unwilling to discuss it's efficacy, or lack thereof.

The bill appeals to their most base emotions and that's good enough for them.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

There is no efficacy to this bill. We are a humanitarian nation and we don't want people to starve to death and be stacked like cordwood outside our neat little condos. I think they are idiots to even try this. As soon as they perfect it another 'program' will spring up to help the poor addicts. And until we can improve outcomes in treatment of addictions this will just be another ever growing ball of money being thrown at a problem no one really understands or knows how to fix.

I hosted a group of nurses from Tokyo several years back. One question they had was about how we treat addicts. They said their outcomes, there, are not good. Helplessly, I could only say that our outcomes are not good either.

How many veterans in the audience. How long before veterans will have to be drug tested before they get services? Don't like the laws? Move! :razz:
It looks like it's only the Nanny Staters who who have a problem with this. But they're the reason these Laws have to be passed huh? So one shouldn't expect a Nanny Stater to support this. That's just not a realistic expectation.

Aww.. now you're just being silly. You've heard from all the libertarians who 'have a problem with this'. You should read up on it. It's an interesting ideology. Here's a link to get you started:

Libertarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gotta love how so many proponents of this bill are unwilling to discuss it's efficacy, or lack thereof.

The bill appeals to their most base emotions and that's good enough for them.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

There is no efficacy to this bill. We are a humanitarian nation and we don't want people to starve to death and be stacked like cordwood outside our neat little condos. I think they are idiots to even try this. As soon as they perfect it another 'program' will spring up to help the poor addicts. And until we can improve outcomes in treatment of addictions this will just be another ever growing ball of money being thrown at a problem no one really understands or knows how to fix.

I hosted a group of nurses from Tokyo several years back. One question they had was about how we treat addicts. They said their outcomes, there, are not good. Helplessly, I could only say that our outcomes are not good either.

How many veterans in the audience. How long before veterans will have to be drug tested before they get services? Don't like the laws? Move! :razz:

Yeahhh,, just like the anti gun states make it so friggin hard and expensive to own a gun.. don't like it? then move..
There's nothing Free in life. The Government will always take something from you for giving you your Freebies. And it's usually your Freedom & Liberty. Is that a good Trade-Off? Well i'll have to let the individual decide that for themselves. But just keep in mind,you shouldn't be surprised you're being treated like a slave when you become a slave. Your best bet is to get a Job and make it. Don't be a slave.
I live in Fla. I don't have to move. I don't have to subsidize drug addicts either. Checkmate!

Heh... ok. I'll concede.

For now.

I really hope that law gets challenged in court though. Not that I have ANY faith in our judicial system - but we shouldn't just role over for such nonsense.
I am sure the Florida Sugar Kings will be exempt for this massive extension of the government, who receive billions in political favoritism and crony capitalism.

Its is always amusing watching right wings advocate larger and larger government.
Nanny Staters can't have their cake and eat it too. Someone is always somewhere working very hard to pay for these Freebies. So it's not really Free in the end. Someone has to pay for the Freebies. If Florida requires you to be clean to receive Welfare Benefits,than so be it. You can always move to another State and demand Freebies there. No one is being forced to take these Drug Tests. You don't get to have everything your way in life. You don't want to give up getting high,then don't expect Freebies in Florida. I don't see anything unreasonable here. It looks like it's only the Nanny Staters who who have a problem with this. But they're the reason these Laws have to be passed huh? So one shouldn't expect a Nanny Stater to support this. That's just not a realistic expectation.

Who is to say that these Nanny's are not the ones who were working and paying taxes, so when the collapse came they could draw benefits?? YOU ASSUME TOO MUCH.

No one will be forced to pay for a drug test for social security either, will they? I assume you agree the SSer's should move to another country because it is a reasonable request. I also assume it will only be the Nanny's who have a problem with it, like the patriot act, like murdering, torturing & raping women & children, like invading sovereign nations, etc. If is unlawful or unconstitutional you have no problem with it. You are the reason these laws past as well.
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I live in Fla. I don't have to move. I don't have to subsidize drug addicts either. Checkmate!

When the feds demand you drug test for that SS check, I hope I am around to see it. :lol:

It's a deal. I've been tested all my life. for my job. You'll be so disappointed.. I'd love to see your face..

Oh a true facist living proudly in submission of freedoms & liberty. HA! You will have your pantys down, so I think I would enjoy seeing your face as well. LOL!:lol:
I'm all for Florida's new law, plus there should be a signed agreement between single mothers that are on government assistance to not have anymore children until they have a job, and they have actively been off of public assistance for a certain amount of time, or they understand that their benefits can be pulled.
I'm all for Florida's new law, plus there should be a signed agreement between single mothers that are on government assistance to not have anymore children until they have a job, and they have actively been off of public assistance for a certain amount of time, or they understand that their benefits can be pulled.

Can we make them come over to my house and clean out my garage, while we're at it?
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"Governor Scott's new drug testing law is not only an affront to families in need and detrimental to our nation's ongoing economic recovery, it is downright unconstitutional," said Rep. Alcee Hastings. "If Governor Scott wants to drug test recipients of TANF benefits, where does he draw the line? Are families receiving Medicaid, state emergency relief, or educational grants and loans next?"

Florida governor signs welfare drug-screen measure - CNN

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