Florida - Want Welfare? Take a Urinalysis

lol Republicans are such idiots.

Indeed.......far smarter to send taxpayer $$ to junkies!!!:2up:

I agree with you skookerasbil, but in fairness Republicans are idiots. Just not for the reason that Truthseeker thinks they are.

Both parties suck.........the GOP just sucks less.

What some of the hopelessly naive dont understand is that the day's of blank checks are soon ending. Half of the people on welfare have cell phones etc...........and bull shit to that. Shit like that is gonna end.......and soon. Now.......we may have to go through some significant civil unrest to get there, but so be it.
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funny how everyone is all about drug testing but mention putting dead beat parents in jail.....for not paying child support ...tunes change quickly...why not drug test everyone?

what about the soc sec benefits...lets drug test them...and military retirees...should we be supporting them if they use drugs? it just goes on and on....you can argue that earned benefits are different but are they? shouldnt we drug test everyone...since that suddenly is the yard stick people want to go by....

Yes, earned benefits are different. They aren't hand outs. You are FORCED to pay into Social Security. FORCED... and being enrolled in Medicare is AUTOMATIC and mandatory. but I have no fear of being tested. none at all.
funny how everyone is all about drug testing but mention putting dead beat parents in jail.....for not paying child support ...tunes change quickly...why not drug test everyone?

what about the soc sec benefits...lets drug test them...and military retirees...should we be supporting them if they use drugs? it just goes on and on....you can argue that earned benefits are different but are they? shouldnt we drug test everyone...since that suddenly is the yard stick people want to go by....

how about any business owner who takes corporarate welfare.
We should expand the drug testing to politicians. All Politicians should be regularially drug tested with the hair drug test. It show illegal drug use for maybe a year.

My justification is the same as this threads, they are getting tax money.

That is a great idea, if you get any kind of assistance, or tax break you should get a drug test. Like GM executives, Pharmasuetical company executives, Oil company executives, and everyone else who gets a dime of government money.

Tax break? Yes comrade, government not taking someone's money is the same as giving someone someone else's money. All money is the people's money.

If allowing a tax cut to expire is considered a tax increase, Then a tax break surely must fall into the peoples money. yes?
funny how everyone is all about drug testing but mention putting dead beat parents in jail.....for not paying child support ...tunes change quickly...why not drug test everyone?

what about the soc sec benefits...lets drug test them...and military retirees...should we be supporting them if they use drugs? it just goes on and on....you can argue that earned benefits are different but are they? shouldnt we drug test everyone...since that suddenly is the yard stick people want to go by....

how about any business owner who takes corporarate welfare.

Define corporate welfare. Usually liberals call allowing corporations to not pay taxes on their expenses "welfare." If you want to end corporate welfare, then stop regulating markets, which protects big companies and end earmarks which are government checks to private companies. Ironically what is really corporate welfare, liberals want. Then when companies deduct their expenses, bam, it's welfare.
That is a great idea, if you get any kind of assistance, or tax break you should get a drug test. Like GM executives, Pharmasuetical company executives, Oil company executives, and everyone else who gets a dime of government money.

Tax break? Yes comrade, government not taking someone's money is the same as giving someone someone else's money. All money is the people's money.

If allowing a tax cut to expire is considered a tax increase, Then a tax break surely must fall into the peoples money. yes?

Yes, I agreed comrade. Government not taking money from people or companies is giving them money. As you say, comrade, all money is the people's money.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. While we give money to illegal aliens, pay their rents, medical, child care, waste, waste, waste, fuck em.
2. Make those who are on public assistance, pay the cost of the test, and if they fail, fuck em.
3. Do it within 15 hours of the notice being received, if no compliance, fuck em.
4. Some people don't even need assistance, but through greed, they want it, find out who they are and, fuck em.
5 They get used to being on the *tit* of the American tax payers, they need to have their heads pushed down off the *tit*, and put to the floor, and fuck em.


How do you propose they force them to pay for the test? hunt them down with our expensive police, put them on trial with expensive court system and throw them in our expensive jails?

1. If they can't pay for it, fuck em.
2. Its that simple.
3. If getting welfare is important to them, they will *all* some how rush down within the 15 hours of getting the notice and pee in da cup.
4. If not, then, fuck em.
5. They can decide, whats important.

Sorry bout that,

1. While we give money to illegal aliens, pay their rents, medical, child care, waste, waste, waste, fuck em.
2. Make those who are on public assistance, pay the cost of the test, and if they fail, fuck em.
3. Do it within 15 hours of the notice being received, if no compliance, fuck em.
4. Some people don't even need assistance, but through greed, they want it, find out who they are and, fuck em.
5 They get used to being on the *tit* of the American tax payers, they need to have their heads pushed down off the *tit*, and put to the floor, and fuck em.


How do you propose they force them to pay for the test? hunt them down with our expensive police, put them on trial with expensive court system and throw them in our expensive jails?

You libturds make everything so hard. Withold their welfare check til they show up and pay for the drug test. No police, no money no hunting.. get a little smarter whydonchya?
It does not apply to rental assistance, medicaid, food stamps, etc. It is only for those who get TANF - FREE MONEY. The charitable taxpayers of FL will still continue to pay for their basic needs. If they want to smoke their dope, they're just gonna have to find another way to pay for it.
In our city Goodwill provides drug screening services and charges the city $50 a pop.

The welfare recipient cannot afford the $50 buck so who pays for it? the city.

So the money the state spends on screening welfare recipients for drugs every month eats away and may possibly become more expensive than just giving them the money in the first place.

do the math. 100 people screened at $50 a head equals $5,000 per month. For a year that comes to $60,000. How long is the wait period for results?

This is just a bad idea all the way around.

Personally I'd love a job where my only responsibility is not taking drugs. But as for you, you count the cost of the drug screening, but not the savings from not giving checks to people who fail it? Liberal math...

You are missing the point, It is too easy to beat a drug test. Cocaine is only in the system for a few days, Marijuanna can be masked, Opiates I'm not sure on but the point is paying for drug screening that can be beat in the first place is pointless. The honest ones who actually need welfare are not the one we are after. The ones we are after are the ones who know how to beat the system, they do it all the time.

If they would do hair tests it would practically solve the problem of beating the test! Our company has started doing this. If the person has used any type of drug it's gonna show up. The only way to cover it up is to buy some EXPENSIVE shampoo's that they sell at head shops, could cost up to $100 for it. If they don't have money for food, most aren't going to have the money to buy that shampoo.
Sorry bout that,

It does not apply to rental assistance, medicaid, food stamps, etc. It is only for those who get TANF - FREE MONEY. The charitable taxpayers of FL will still continue to pay for their basic needs. If they want to smoke their dope, they're just gonna have to find another way to pay for it.

1. If this is true, we are *all* fucked.
2. Fuck us then!
3. Fuck the dumb ass people of Florida, too!
4. And fuck the people of every state across America!
5. We are *all* fucked.
6. Unless we turn the tables of those who are on *da tit*.
7. Unless we have the balls to do whats right?
8. Unless we end this waste, end this greed, end these hand outs to those who are just sucking on the tit, because *they can*.
9. All this crap is unconstitutional, its not their right to receive this at mine and others accounts without representation.
10. Unless we take control of this, we fuck ourselves!:cuckoo:

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It does not apply to rental assistance, medicaid, food stamps, etc. It is only for those who get TANF - FREE MONEY. The charitable taxpayers of FL will still continue to pay for their basic needs. If they want to smoke their dope, they're just gonna have to find another way to pay for it.

Some food stamp recipients will trade their stamps for cash at a discount for drugs and alcohol. Happens all the time.

"I'll give you $50 worth of food if you give me $40 in cash." Welfare fraud at its finest.
Sorry bout that,

1. While we give money to illegal aliens, pay their rents, medical, child care, waste, waste, waste, fuck em.
2. Make those who are on public assistance, pay the cost of the test, and if they fail, fuck em.
3. Do it within 15 hours of the notice being received, if no compliance, fuck em.
4. Some people don't even need assistance, but through greed, they want it, find out who they are and, fuck em.
5 They get used to being on the *tit* of the American tax payers, they need to have their heads pushed down off the *tit*, and put to the floor, and fuck em.


How do you propose they force them to pay for the test? hunt them down with our expensive police, put them on trial with expensive court system and throw them in our expensive jails?

You libturds make everything so hard. Withold their welfare check til they show up and pay for the drug test. No police, no money no hunting.. get a little smarter whydonchya?

lol you're gonna ask someone who is applying for welfare to give 50 bucks or starve? wouldn't the police be involved when he knocked you over the head for 50 bucks?
Personally I'd love a job where my only responsibility is not taking drugs. But as for you, you count the cost of the drug screening, but not the savings from not giving checks to people who fail it? Liberal math...

You are missing the point, It is too easy to beat a drug test. Cocaine is only in the system for a few days, Marijuanna can be masked, Opiates I'm not sure on but the point is paying for drug screening that can be beat in the first place is pointless. The honest ones who actually need welfare are not the one we are after. The ones we are after are the ones who know how to beat the system, they do it all the time.

If they would do hair tests it would practically solve the problem of beating the test! Our company has started doing this. If the person has used any type of drug it's gonna show up. The only way to cover it up is to buy some EXPENSIVE shampoo's that they sell at head shops, could cost up to $100 for it. If they don't have money for food, most aren't going to have the money to buy that shampoo.

Drug users are the most resourceful people in the world. They will pull resources, steal, and go without to achieve their goals.
It does not apply to rental assistance, medicaid, food stamps, etc. It is only for those who get TANF - FREE MONEY. The charitable taxpayers of FL will still continue to pay for their basic needs. If they want to smoke their dope, they're just gonna have to find another way to pay for it.

Some food stamp recipients will trade their stamps for cash at a discount for drugs and alcohol. Happens all the time.

"I'll give you $50 worth of food if you give me $40 in cash." Welfare fraud at its finest.

I've seen it happen many times.

It was one of the reasons I flipped from liberal to libertarian/conservative..

Libfucks claim they want to help people but they do nothing of the sort...

All they do is sustain/enslave a drug/alcohol addicted voting base. Those fools want their money and democrats will gladly give it to them and those who are dependent will vote for whoever will give them the most benefits.

I'd love to take one of these snug libfucks on a tour through "the hood."
In our city Goodwill provides drug screening services and charges the city $50 a pop.

The welfare recipient cannot afford the $50 buck so who pays for it? the city.

So the money the state spends on screening welfare recipients for drugs every month eats away and may possibly become more expensive than just giving them the money in the first place.

do the math. 100 people screened at $50 a head equals $5,000 per month. For a year that comes to $60,000. How long is the wait period for results?

This is just a bad idea all the way around.

Personally I'd love a job where my only responsibility is not taking drugs. But as for you, you count the cost of the drug screening, but not the savings from not giving checks to people who fail it? Liberal math...

You are missing the point, It is too easy to beat a drug test. Cocaine is only in the system for a few days, Marijuanna can be masked, Opiates I'm not sure on but the point is paying for drug screening that can be beat in the first place is pointless. The honest ones who actually need welfare are not the one we are after. The ones we are after are the ones who know how to beat the system, they do it all the time.


the hair test show many drugs used months ago.
You are missing the point, It is too easy to beat a drug test. Cocaine is only in the system for a few days, Marijuanna can be masked, Opiates I'm not sure on but the point is paying for drug screening that can be beat in the first place is pointless. The honest ones who actually need welfare are not the one we are after. The ones we are after are the ones who know how to beat the system, they do it all the time.

If they would do hair tests it would practically solve the problem of beating the test! Our company has started doing this. If the person has used any type of drug it's gonna show up. The only way to cover it up is to buy some EXPENSIVE shampoo's that they sell at head shops, could cost up to $100 for it. If they don't have money for food, most aren't going to have the money to buy that shampoo.

Drug users are the most resourceful people in the world. They will pull resources, steal, and go without to achieve their goals.

Exactly why i think all politicians should be tested.
Yep. No system is perfect. But the recreational user just might rethink their priorities. Dime bag or school supplies? We might end up with a few rehabilitated parents. Even a few would benefit many.
How do you propose they force them to pay for the test? hunt them down with our expensive police, put them on trial with expensive court system and throw them in our expensive jails?

You libturds make everything so hard. Withold their welfare check til they show up and pay for the drug test. No police, no money no hunting.. get a little smarter whydonchya?

lol you're gonna ask someone who is applying for welfare to give 50 bucks or starve? wouldn't the police be involved when he knocked you over the head for 50 bucks?

that's his choice to knock me over the head,, you send him some dope while he's in prison.
In our city Goodwill provides drug screening services and charges the city $50 a pop.

The welfare recipient cannot afford the $50 buck so who pays for it? the city.

So the money the state spends on screening welfare recipients for drugs every month eats away and may possibly become more expensive than just giving them the money in the first place.

do the math. 100 people screened at $50 a head equals $5,000 per month. For a year that comes to $60,000. How long is the wait period for results?

This is just a bad idea all the way around.
They only have to pay for the screening if they test positive. Funny if they test positive they have money for the drugs so they should have money for the screening. I would gladly see my tax dollars to get these dead beat people off the system. Maybe a case of reality will set in and they will clean up and find a real job instead of sticking needles in their arms:doubt:

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