Florida - Want Welfare? Take a Urinalysis

Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?

Awesome. This will be an important strategy in balancing state budgets. We could use it to save money on all kinds of expensive government services. Some suggestions:

1. Public Schools:

Why should we taxpayer be providing subsidized daycare/education for families just because they push out squalling brats? We should require routine monitoring of their parenting skills (to make sure our money isn't being wasted) and install surveillance cameras in their homes to make sure the kids are doing their homework.

2. Public Transportation and Roads:

Freeloading scum use our transportation system to further their illegal drug trade. Anyone on the road should be subject to random searches for anything illegal they might be up to.

3. Libraries:

In many states and municipalities the libraries are funded with taxpayer money! We should keep a public record of the books people are reading and hold them accountable for any subversive ideas they may absorb.

These are just a few, but I'm sure we can come up with others ....

Zip it zippy...

I get flustered with democrats connecting drug tests to public schools and public libraries.
I'm still waiting for someone, anyone, to provide factual evidence to suggest that druggies on welfare is a problem large enough that it needs fixing.
Florida really is onto something. Look for other States to follow suit. These Laws really do thin the massive Entitlement herds. The only ones who wont like this Law are the ones you would like to see leave your State. But hey,there's always California and New York for those people. Good riddance.
The people they'll catch, unfortunately, will be those who smoked a little pot a few weeks ago. Legalize and tax it...

If you have no money and are relying on the taxpayers to feed you - you shouldn't be smoking pot.

If you can support yourself and have a job I have absolutely no problem with anyone that wants to smoke pot or get high on anything they want just as long as they can show up to work and be productive.
It does not apply to rental assistance, medicaid, food stamps, etc. It is only for those who get TANF - FREE MONEY. The charitable taxpayers of FL will still continue to pay for their basic needs. If they want to smoke their dope, they're just gonna have to find another way to pay for it.

Some food stamp recipients will trade their stamps for cash at a discount for drugs and alcohol. Happens all the time.

"I'll give you $50 worth of food if you give me $40 in cash." Welfare fraud at its finest.

Republican propaganda, there is no such thing as food stamps to be traded.

Let me be the one to inform you how this works. We make an agreement food for money. I take my bridge card, buy fifty dollars worth of food which I then sell to you for forty dollars cash.
Sorry bout that,

1. While we give money to illegal aliens, pay their rents, medical, child care, waste, waste, waste, fuck em.
2. Make those who are on public assistance, pay the cost of the test, and if they fail, fuck em.
3. Do it within 15 hours of the notice being received, if no compliance, fuck em.
4. Some people don't even need assistance, but through greed, they want it, find out who they are and, fuck em.
5 They get used to being on the *tit* of the American tax payers, they need to have their heads pushed down off the *tit*, and put to the floor, and fuck em.


How do you propose they force them to pay for the test? hunt them down with our expensive police, put them on trial with expensive court system and throw them in our expensive jails?

Damn - you seem awfly concerned with this issue.

Is your FEMA trailer located in Florida?
Florida really is onto something. Look for other States to follow suit. These Laws really do thin the massive Entitlement herds. The only ones who wont like this Law are the ones you would like to see leave your State. But hey,there's always California and New York for those people. Good riddance.

Definitely. It's the one, two punch. We already have all the policies and laws pushing people into state dependency, now we crack the whip on the other side. I love it when a plan comes together.

Think how awesome it will be when we get everyone dependent on the state for health care. We'll really have them by the 'balls' then!
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I'm still waiting for someone, anyone, to provide factual evidence to suggest that druggies on welfare is a problem large enough that it needs fixing.

Take a drive through an inner-city ghetto and get out and ask, "Show of hands, who does drugs."
Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?

Awesome. This will be an important strategy in balancing state budgets. We could use it to save money on all kinds of expensive government services. Some suggestions:

1. Public Schools:

Why should we taxpayer be providing subsidized daycare/education for families just because they push out squalling brats? We should require routine monitoring of their parenting skills (to make sure our money isn't being wasted) and install surveillance cameras in their homes to make sure the kids are doing their homework.

2. Public Transportation and Roads:

Freeloading scum use our transportation system to further their illegal drug trade. Anyone on the road should be subject to random searches for anything illegal they might be up to.

3. Libraries:

In many states and municipalities the libraries are funded with taxpayer money! We should keep a public record of the books people are reading and hold them accountable for any subversive ideas they may absorb.

These are just a few, but I'm sure we can come up with others ....

And all we have to do is quadruple the size of government. Good plan.
funny how everyone is all about drug testing but mention putting dead beat parents in jail.....for not paying child support ...tunes change quickly...why not drug test everyone?

what about the soc sec benefits...lets drug test them...and military retirees...should we be supporting them if they use drugs? it just goes on and on....you can argue that earned benefits are different but are they? shouldnt we drug test everyone...since that suddenly is the yard stick people want to go by....

This paricular military retiree would be delighted to piss in a cup, if that was the requirement. I have got nothing to hide and I don't do drugs. I also don't think my 90 year old Dad would mind either in order to continue receiving Medicare and Social Security. He doesn't lay around assisted living all day smoking doobies with the other residents.
I'm still waiting for someone, anyone, to provide factual evidence to suggest that druggies on welfare is a problem large enough that it needs fixing.

Take a drive through an inner-city ghetto and get out and ask, "Show of hands, who does drugs."

They'd be like: "you wanna buy a sack homie?"

"What do you want to hit this blunt? - this is some fire, its golden dog.."
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Take a drive through an inner-city ghetto and get out and ask, "Show of hands, who does drugs."


...I'm still waiting.

Thanks for nothing. :thup:

Is your Google broke?

It sure isn't. :thup:

Feel free to provide some actual evidence that druggies on welfare is indeed a problem so big it needs to be fixed. That is, if you can.

Or you can continue to solidify my point by repeatedly replying to my posts without providing any real evidence. It's up to you.
Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?

Florida governor signs welfare drug-screen measure - CNN

Hmmm, no. Drug tests are not free, they are an added expense, so nothing saved except vindictiveness. Not to mention there are meds to take that can hide any drug in your system ~ available on the WWW for a few bucks. http://www.passadrugtest.com/index.html

This also opens the door to the 4th Amendment, and like I keep telling you people, EVERYTIME YOU LIMIT SOMEONE ELSES RIGHTS, YOU HAVE JUST LIMITED YOUR OWN.

Get a government check? Your next, as gov. always expands its authority. ie. drug war
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...I'm still waiting.

Thanks for nothing. :thup:

Is your Google broke?

It sure isn't. :thup:

Feel free to provide some actual evidence that druggies on welfare is indeed a problem so big it needs to be fixed. That is, if you can.

Or you can continue to solidify my point by repeatedly replying to my posts without providing any real evidence. It's up to you.

No, it's actually up to you. Look it up yourself. I'm not you're freaking secretary. Typical Lib, always expecting someone to take care of you.

Get lost fool.

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