Florida - Want Welfare? Take a Urinalysis

Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?

Awesome. This will be an important strategy in balancing state budgets. We could use it to save money on all kinds of expensive government services. Some suggestions:

1. Public Schools:

Why should we taxpayer be providing subsidized daycare/education for families just because they push out squalling brats? We should require routine monitoring of their parenting skills (to make sure our money isn't being wasted) and install surveillance cameras in their homes to make sure the kids are doing their homework.

2. Public Transportation and Roads:

Freeloading scum use our transportation system to further their illegal drug trade. Anyone on the road should be subject to random searches for anything illegal they might be up to.

3. Libraries:

In many states and municipalities the libraries are funded with taxpayer money! We should keep a public record of the books people are reading and hold them accountable for any subversive ideas they may absorb.

These are just a few, but I'm sure we can come up with others ....

You went over the cliff. I hope it isn't far to the bottom, can you see rocks down there?
Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?

Florida governor signs welfare drug-screen measure - CNN

Hmmm, no. Drug tests are not free, they are an added expense, so nothing saved except vindictiveness. Not to mention there are meds to take that can hide any drug in your system ~ available on the WWW for a few bucks.

This also opens the door to the 4th Amendment, and like I keep telling you people, EVERYTIME YOU LIMIT SOMEONE ELSES RIGHTS, YOU HAVE JUST LIMITED YOUR OWN.

Get a government check? Your next, as gov. always expands its authority. ie. drug war

Don't worry - the welfare cases will be reimbursed -

Under the law, which takes effect on July 1, the Florida Department of Children and Family Services will be required to conduct the drug tests on adults applying to the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. The aid recipients would be responsible for the cost of the screening, which they would recoup in their assistance if they qualify. Those who fail the required drug testing may designate another individual to receive the benefits on behalf of their children.
Is your Google broke?

It sure isn't. :thup:

Feel free to provide some actual evidence that druggies on welfare is indeed a problem so big it needs to be fixed. That is, if you can.

Or you can continue to solidify my point by repeatedly replying to my posts without providing any real evidence. It's up to you.

No, it's actually up to you. Look it up yourself. I'm not you're freaking secretary. Typical Lib, always expecting someone to take care of you.

Get lost fool.

I have researched it. There is no real data to suggest this a problem so big that more government bureaucracy is needed to fix it. I'm simply asking you to provide what you have learned. I guess I should've known that would be nothing.
"If you have no money and are relying on the taxpayers to feed you - you shouldn't be smoking pot."

And you're not allowed to have friends...

"Take a drive through an inner-city ghetto and get out and ask, "Show of hands, who does drugs."

And there you have it- it's the blacks and browns- though stats show drugs are everywhere. The truth is EVERYONE would prefer a good job.
If the Pubs ever stop holding the country hostage, let's make all jobs surviveable. Oz min. wage is $15, NZ $13, every other modern country at least $10- why are we so pathetic? TY Pubs and silly dupes (and for the depression and off the books STUPID wars and pill program)....
It sure isn't. :thup:

Feel free to provide some actual evidence that druggies on welfare is indeed a problem so big it needs to be fixed. That is, if you can.

Or you can continue to solidify my point by repeatedly replying to my posts without providing any real evidence. It's up to you.

No, it's actually up to you. Look it up yourself. I'm not you're freaking secretary. Typical Lib, always expecting someone to take care of you.

Get lost fool.

I have researched it. There is no real data to suggest this a problem so big that more government bureaucracy is needed to fix it. I'm simply asking you to provide what you have learned. I guess I should've known that would be nothing.

When did I ever say it was a problem (even though any idiot knows it is) ?

You seem to be hearing/reading things that people are not saying.

Come back when you sober up.
It sure isn't. :thup:

Feel free to provide some actual evidence that druggies on welfare is indeed a problem so big it needs to be fixed. That is, if you can.

Or you can continue to solidify my point by repeatedly replying to my posts without providing any real evidence. It's up to you.

No, it's actually up to you. Look it up yourself. I'm not you're freaking secretary. Typical Lib, always expecting someone to take care of you.

Get lost fool.

I have researched it. There is no real data to suggest this a problem so big that more government bureaucracy is needed to fix it. I'm simply asking you to provide what you have learned. I guess I should've known that would be nothing.

Seriously? Money, deaths, poverty, crime, children??????

The economic cost of drug abuse in the US was estimated at $180.9 billion in 2002, the last available estimate. This value represents both the use of resources to address health and crime consequences as well as the loss of potential productivity from disability, premature death, and withdrawal from the legitimate workforce.

"If you have no money and are relying on the taxpayers to feed you - you shouldn't be smoking pot."

And you're not allowed to have friends...

"Take a drive through an inner-city ghetto and get out and ask, "Show of hands, who does drugs."

And there you have it- it's the blacks and browns- though stats show drugs are everywhere. The truth is EVERYONE would prefer a good job.
If the Pubs ever stop holding the country hostage, let's make all jobs surviveable. Oz min. wage is $15, NZ $13, every other modern country at least $10- why are we so pathetic? TY Pubs and silly dupes (and for the depression and off the books STUPID wars and pill program)....

And there you have it - the Liberal race card.

Who said anything about blacks or browns, or are you "stereotyping" who lives in ghettos?

What will happen with this law is that children will start starving, as their parents will be ineligible for foodstamps, reducing the food in the home...and then child welfare will have to remove them..and we're going to have a huge influx of the children of addicts straining our already taxed foster care system.

It's going to lead to the institutionalization of children of the poor and addicted. Which is exactly what the lefties want. Good job, fellow Republicans, you're playing right along.
Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?

Florida governor signs welfare drug-screen measure - CNN

So, the testing is free? Wait a second...that costs money too. I'm sure it comes from somewhere else though...no worries.

Under the law, which takes effect on July 1, the Florida Department of Children and Family Services will be required to conduct the drug tests on adults applying to the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. The aid recipients would be responsible for the cost of the screening, which they would recoup in their assistance if they qualify. Those who fail the required drug testing may designate another individual to receive the benefits on behalf of their children.

Wonder what they do if there is medical marajuana (sp?) involved? I guess there is an appeals process, lawyers get involved, etc...
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No, it's actually up to you. Look it up yourself. I'm not you're freaking secretary. Typical Lib, always expecting someone to take care of you.

Get lost fool.

I have researched it. There is no real data to suggest this a problem so big that more government bureaucracy is needed to fix it. I'm simply asking you to provide what you have learned. I guess I should've known that would be nothing.

When did I ever say it was a problem (even though any idiot knows it is) ?

You seem to be hearing/reading things that people are not saying.

Come back when you sober up.

You just said it was a problem. Unless you're claiming to be an idiot.

So go ahead and provide one shred of factual evidence to support this notion. Just one.

Or admit that you can't. Either is fine with me.
No, it's actually up to you. Look it up yourself. I'm not you're freaking secretary. Typical Lib, always expecting someone to take care of you.

Get lost fool.

I have researched it. There is no real data to suggest this a problem so big that more government bureaucracy is needed to fix it. I'm simply asking you to provide what you have learned. I guess I should've known that would be nothing.

Seriously? Money, deaths, poverty, crime, children??????

The economic cost of drug abuse in the US was estimated at $180.9 billion in 2002, the last available estimate. This value represents both the use of resources to address health and crime consequences as well as the loss of potential productivity from disability, premature death, and withdrawal from the legitimate workforce.


And all those people bought their drugs with welfare money I'm sure. :doubt:

Tell me again how you're an advocate for 'small' government? :lmao:
I have researched it. There is no real data to suggest this a problem so big that more government bureaucracy is needed to fix it. I'm simply asking you to provide what you have learned. I guess I should've known that would be nothing.

When did I ever say it was a problem (even though any idiot knows it is) ?

You seem to be hearing/reading things that people are not saying.

Come back when you sober up.

You just said it was a problem. Unless you're claiming to be an idiot.

So go ahead and provide one shred of factual evidence to support this notion. Just one.

Or admit that you can't. Either is fine with me.

Is this your offician admission that you can't provide evidenc that drugs are an issue in the welfare system?

After all, you refused to provide the evidence. Which is supremely lazy of you, since I'm sure it exists.
Can you imagine how much money would be saved if all 50 states enacted this ?

Florida governor signs welfare drug-screen measure - CNN

So, the testing is free? Wait a second...that costs money too. I'm sure it comes from somewhere else though...no worries.

Yes, rest assured taxpayers, like me will pay for their urinalysis. And if they pass, I will even continue paying for their cable tv, heat, air, apartment, and everything else. Fear not Liberals - all is not lost.
If you're doing Drugs while raising children,you should probably be arrested and incarcerated for child abuse. Not getting your Freebies should be the least of your problems. If they do test Positive,imprisonment will probably have to be considered. The Children are being abused. Period,end of story.

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