Florida woman's insurance rate increases from $54 to $591 under Obamacare

Like what if she had to be admitted to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, gall bladder attack...or any hospital stay?

Well, does it cover any hospitalization? “Outpatient only." Said the 54 year old lady.

"In sum, it’s a pray-that-you-don’t-really-get-sick “plan.”

Three Fox News shows called Fla. Obamacare detractor

I'm pretty sure she would have wanted it to cover her if she had to be rushed to the hospital (it doesn't cover ambulance either) and had to deal with a hospital-required injury or illness. But she couldn't afford it.

If she did "a middling hospital stay could well have bankrupted Barrette under her current insurance."

Luckily, she likely qualifies for subsidies under the new program

Jesus Fucking Christ how many times do I need to raise this issue with you drooling idiots. So fucking what if she qualifies for a subsidy?? The subsidies aren't free! Somebody has to pay for it so if it's not her then it's the rest of us in higher premiums and/or taxes. The bottom line is a policy that once cost $54 is now costing $550. In what bizarro fifth dimensional universe is that good for anybody?
Jesus Fucking Keerist, how, many times to I have to tell you idiots, WE ALL PAY when people can't afford it - and she would be another one who should an tragic incident occur, would not be able to afford it, and would bankrupt her and/or force the hospital to eat a good portion, and raising rates for all.

If she cant afford real insurance, she certainly could not be able to afford even a fair to middling medical event.

The bigger the pool, the more it is spread around.

But you keep imagining what we had before here worked.

What good is insurance if it doesn't anything?

It covered what she wanted it to cover.

Like what if she had to be admitted to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, gall bladder attack...or any hospital stay?

Well, does it cover any hospitalization? “Outpatient only." Said the 54 year old lady.

"In sum, it’s a pray-that-you-don’t-really-get-sick “plan.”

Three Fox News shows called Fla. Obamacare detractor

I'm pretty sure she would have wanted it to cover her if she had to be rushed to the hospital (it doesn't cover ambulance either) and had to deal with a hospital-required injury or illness. But she couldn't afford it.

If she did "a middling hospital stay could well have bankrupted Barrette under her current insurance."

Luckily, she likely qualifies for subsidies under the new program

I bet you love it when your cable bill goes up because they add in all those naked beach volleyball channels that you don't watch, don't you?

It covered what she wanted it to cover, that is all that matters. It doesn't matter if you don't want it, you weren't paying for it. It doesn't matter if I would have got more, I wasn't paying for it. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Like what if she had to be admitted to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, gall bladder attack...or any hospital stay?

Well, does it cover any hospitalization? “Outpatient only." Said the 54 year old lady.

"In sum, it’s a pray-that-you-don’t-really-get-sick “plan.”

Three Fox News shows called Fla. Obamacare detractor

I'm pretty sure she would have wanted it to cover her if she had to be rushed to the hospital (it doesn't cover ambulance either) and had to deal with a hospital-required injury or illness. But she couldn't afford it.

If she did "a middling hospital stay could well have bankrupted Barrette under her current insurance."

Luckily, she likely qualifies for subsidies under the new program

Jesus Fucking Christ how many times do I need to raise this issue with you drooling idiots. So fucking what if she qualifies for a subsidy?? The subsidies aren't free! Somebody has to pay for it so if it's not her then it's the rest of us in higher premiums and/or taxes. The bottom line is a policy that once cost $54 is now costing $550. In what bizarro fifth dimensional universe is that good for anybody?
Jesus Fucking Keerist, how, many times to I have to tell you idiots, WE ALL PAY when people can't afford it - and she would be another one who should an tragic incident occur, would not be able to afford it, and would bankrupt her and/or force the hospital to eat a good portion, and raising rates for all.

If she cant afford real insurance, she certainly could not be able to afford even a fair to middling medical event.

The bigger the pool, the more it is spread around.

But you keep imagining what we had before here worked.

Actually, we only pay if they use it. Now we pay all the time, which is so much better because we will be forking out $500 a month for everyone in the US before long.
martybegan said:
Obamacare changed how insurance companies can cover people, thus requiring this woman to pay far more than she wants to.
Yup its completly FUCKED UP!!!!!! (A way to force everyone together under ONE BIG PLAN (Part of thier NWO plan))
Florida woman's insurance rate increases from $54 to $591 under Obamacare

Has anybody yet posted the subsidy for this plan?

Without the subsidy, the OP is fail.
I'm quite familiar with it.

Find me a Florida policy for a 56 year old woman for 54 dollars a month. It's not there.

Not that I can see.

You won't find them, they are not available anymore.
A "health insurance" policy that doesn't even cover hospital stays isn't much of a health insurance policy,

Depends on what the consumer wants. I want only hospital coverage and now it isn't available.

I have a more expensive policy which covers things I don't want or need. I negotiate my on price with my doctors, and only pay if a hospital stay went over $5000. Now, I have to co-pay higher priced doctor visits. My x-rays are now more expensive. Between my premiums and deductibles I'll be at almost $9000 a year in expenses. Sad people are not allowed the right to choose their own polices and are being forced to take what they are given.

So I lose my insurance, which Obama claim would not happen, another government lie.
This woman's story was blown up within an hour and Fox was desperately trying yo forget it happened. How is there a five page thread on this?
Here's the truth, that of course not a single rightwing inmate here will acknowledge:

Consider the case of Diane Barrette, the 56-year-old Florida woman whose cancellation horror story was reported by a credulous CBS News and picked up by Fox News, which has been a one-stop shop for your Obamacare misinformation needs. (We mentioned the Barrette case on Tuesday.)

CR's Metcalf examined Barrette's Blue Cross Blue Shield policy and made two discoveries: how junky it really is, and how badly her insurer may have misled her about her options. Barrette's $54 monthly premium bought her almost nothing. The policy pays $50 per office visit (which can run two or three times that) and $15 per prescription (which can run to thousands of dollars a month); above that she's on her own. Nothing for a colonoscopy. Nothing for mental health treatment. Up to $50 for hospital and ER services -- and then only if her treatment is for "complications of pregnancy." Nothing for outpatient services.

"She's paying $650 a year to be uninsured," said an insurance expert Metcalf consulted. If she ever had a serious medical problem, "she would have lost the house she's sitting in."

As for the replacement plan her insurer offered, at a shocking $591 a month? Barrette has much better options via the government insurance exchange. (Or she will once the federal system gets running.) Metcalf estimated that she'll be eligible for "real insurance that covers all essential health benefits" for as little as $165 a month -- a higher premium than she's paying now, sure, but one that won't cost her her home.

Obamacare hysteria: Don't believe the canceled insurance hype - latimes.com
How dare the ACA forbid this woman from buying worthless insurance, which wouldn't pay out when she needed it.
You can poke holes in this ONE case all you want to, the FACT of the matter is that a great many people are going to spend double and triple more under obamacare, than what they would normally pay.

Wether the policy covers more or not is irrelevant. They are being FORCED to purchase insurance and many cannot afford it.

The Affordable Care Act is anything but affordable.
Like what if she had to be admitted to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, gall bladder attack...or any hospital stay?

Well, does it cover any hospitalization? “Outpatient only." Said the 54 year old lady.

"In sum, it’s a pray-that-you-don’t-really-get-sick “plan.”

Three Fox News shows called Fla. Obamacare detractor

I'm pretty sure she would have wanted it to cover her if she had to be rushed to the hospital (it doesn't cover ambulance either) and had to deal with a hospital-required injury or illness. But she couldn't afford it.

If she did "a middling hospital stay could well have bankrupted Barrette under her current insurance."

Luckily, she likely qualifies for subsidies under the new program

Jesus Fucking Christ how many times do I need to raise this issue with you drooling idiots. So fucking what if she qualifies for a subsidy?? The subsidies aren't free! Somebody has to pay for it so if it's not her then it's the rest of us in higher premiums and/or taxes. The bottom line is a policy that once cost $54 is now costing $550. In what bizarro fifth dimensional universe is that good for anybody?
Jesus Fucking Keerist, how, many times to I have to tell you idiots, WE ALL PAY when people can't afford it - and she would be another one who should an tragic incident occur, would not be able to afford it, and would bankrupt her and/or force the hospital to eat a good portion, and raising rates for all.

If she cant afford real insurance, she certainly could not be able to afford even a fair to middling medical event.

The bigger the pool, the more it is spread around.

But you keep imagining what we had before here worked.

Bull shit dumbass. You are a fucking liar.

We do not pay id someone who doesn't have insurance never gets sick. Idiot.
Jesus Fucking Christ how many times do I need to raise this issue with you drooling idiots. So fucking what if she qualifies for a subsidy?? The subsidies aren't free! Somebody has to pay for it so if it's not her then it's the rest of us in higher premiums and/or taxes. The bottom line is a policy that once cost $54 is now costing $550. In what bizarro fifth dimensional universe is that good for anybody?
Jesus Fucking Keerist, how, many times to I have to tell you idiots, WE ALL PAY when people can't afford it - and she would be another one who should an tragic incident occur, would not be able to afford it, and would bankrupt her and/or force the hospital to eat a good portion, and raising rates for all.

If she cant afford real insurance, she certainly could not be able to afford even a fair to middling medical event.

The bigger the pool, the more it is spread around.

But you keep imagining what we had before here worked.

Actually, we only pay if they use it. Now we pay all the time, which is so much better because we will be forking out $500 a month for everyone in the US before long.

He's not too bright is he?
Here's the truth, that of course not a single rightwing inmate here will acknowledge:

Consider the case of Diane Barrette, the 56-year-old Florida woman whose cancellation horror story was reported by a credulous CBS News and picked up by Fox News, which has been a one-stop shop for your Obamacare misinformation needs. (We mentioned the Barrette case on Tuesday.)

CR's Metcalf examined Barrette's Blue Cross Blue Shield policy and made two discoveries: how junky it really is, and how badly her insurer may have misled her about her options. Barrette's $54 monthly premium bought her almost nothing. The policy pays $50 per office visit (which can run two or three times that) and $15 per prescription (which can run to thousands of dollars a month); above that she's on her own. Nothing for a colonoscopy. Nothing for mental health treatment. Up to $50 for hospital and ER services -- and then only if her treatment is for "complications of pregnancy." Nothing for outpatient services.

"She's paying $650 a year to be uninsured," said an insurance expert Metcalf consulted. If she ever had a serious medical problem, "she would have lost the house she's sitting in."

As for the replacement plan her insurer offered, at a shocking $591 a month? Barrette has much better options via the government insurance exchange. (Or she will once the federal system gets running.) Metcalf estimated that she'll be eligible for "real insurance that covers all essential health benefits" for as little as $165 a month -- a higher premium than she's paying now, sure, but one that won't cost her her home.

Obamacare hysteria: Don't believe the canceled insurance hype - latimes.com


The fact remains that a great many people will be saddled with the burden of paying for unaffordable healthcare. Fact. Wether this one case is true or not is irrelevant.
How dare the ACA forbid this woman from buying worthless insurance, which wouldn't pay out when she needed it.

Another obama zombie.

The government decides that a policy that works for one person doesn't fit their cookie cutter mold so they label it "substandard" and you idiots swallow that shit hook line and sinker.
You can poke holes in this ONE case all you want to, the FACT of the matter is that a great many people are going to spend double and triple more under obamacare, than what they would normally pay.

Wether the policy covers more or not is irrelevant. They are being FORCED to purchase insurance and many cannot afford it.

The Affordable Care Act is anything but affordable.

Exactly. As one O-care advocate who suffered sticker shock said, it should be called the Available Care Act.

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