Florida woman's insurance rate increases from $54 to $591 under Obamacare

Antares, you don't get "just once more."

You have been competently, completely rebuked across the board.

There is no contest, because you can offer none.

Tis what tis, kid.

Prove it dad :)

C'mon.....show us.....apparently I have to wait for Mrs. Robinsn to end......c'mon Jake....lets do it lunger :)
Po Jake boi.....so many lies....so many bitch slaps....you must be punch drunk by now
What a stupid thread.

Another right-wing echo chamber blog quoting another right-wing echo chamber blog.

All they do on the right is make up stories and then convince themselves that those stories are true.

That woman probably doesn't even exist.

On another note, in states where Governors are wanting Obamacare to work, it's working very well, like in Kentucky, which continues to sign up about 1,000 people per day.

In states like Florida that are doing their best to torpedo it aren't seeing the same results yet. But they will, because people will want what other states have got, and will only tolerate stupid Republicans trying to prevent them from affordable healthcare for so long.
Little-Nut writes, "Florida woman's insurance rate increases from $54 to $591 under Obamacare" but does not tell you what is the subsidy.

Again you are talking as if the "Subsidy" is a given! It is not. If you are making middle class wages you will not qualify for a subsidy.

That is patently false. I just proved it by using your own link!

no, you did not. you LIED.

the woman is SINGLE, so who cares about some OTHER woman with kids.

and the other poster was talking about a couple earning 61K not a couple with kids - so stop LYING as usual.

It's hard, but you may try.
Or are you getting paid for your lies, mr. fake "republican"?
She was waving the renewal packet around that was sent her by her insurance company, it reminded her of what she had and what they were recommending her to move to.

It occurred to me the other day that this is another scam the insurance companies are pulling. They're ending the old policies, which means people have to transition to something in the post-Obamacare market,

but what the companies are trying to do is suck people directly into one of their own products instead of the customer going shopping. It's a classic scam.

I'll bet the woman in the OP has never been near the exchange.

but what the companies are trying to do is suck people directly into one of their own products instead of the customer going shopping. It's a classic scam.

LOL, no....it assumes that the insured wishes to stay with their current compay...and in this case, Blue Cross Blue Shield that is quite true, MOST want to stay with them.

I'll bet the woman in the OP has never been near the exchange

Probably not, they aren't working.


Florida Blue IS the exchange.
there no other companies in Fl from obamacare.
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Po Jake boi.....so many lies....so many bitch slaps....you must be punch drunk by now

why do you even respond to this fake bot? :rolleyes:

Playing with someone's ego amuses me......the ego is the surest way to break a man...I broke Jake many moons ago...he still hates me.

he is just so predictable and boring.

But if you are having fan - who am I to interrupt ;)
At $54. the woman likely has junk insurance, which will be illegal to sell under ObamaCare.
Those policies have very high deductibles and pay out little.
I just saw a woman on TV from Consumer Reports, who said this.

it's none of your business what insurance does she have if she was fine with it.
at 54 she does not need OB and pediatrics for sure - all a must under this monstrosity obamacare.

she, probably, had catastrophic insurance - and for most healthy people it is totally enough.
deductibles under obamacare are at least 5 times higher than the highest ones before, plus there is no out of the pocket limit and there is co-payment for services which were "free" before. Plus a percentage of mandatory co-payment AFTER deductibel

In Florida obamacare is the road to hell
What a stupid thread.

Another right-wing echo chamber blog quoting another right-wing echo chamber blog.

All they do on the right is make up stories and then convince themselves that those stories are true.

That woman probably doesn't even exist.

On another note, in states where Governors are wanting Obamacare to work, it's working very well, like in Kentucky, which continues to sign up about 1,000 people per day.

In states like Florida that are doing their best to torpedo it aren't seeing the same results yet. But they will, because people will want what other states have got, and will only tolerate stupid Republicans trying to prevent them from affordable healthcare for so long.

In Kentucky, more than 80% of the people have signed up for Medicaid -- you know, what Obama can't afford to have happen if Obamacare is going to be sustainable. The buyer's remorse stories are coming from across the nation, including from Obama voters in states with their own exchanges.
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From Illinois -- and not just from an Obama voter but actually an Obamacare advocate:

Obamacare jacks up her insurance - Chicago Sun-Times

Sue Klinkhamer has a problem.

It’s called Obamacare.

And the irony of her situation is not lost on her. In a recent email addressed to her former boss, Illinois Congressman Bill Foster, and other Democratic colleagues, she wrote:

“I spent two years defending Obamacare. I had constituents scream at me, spit at me and call me names that I can’t put in print. The congressman was not re-elected in 2010 mainly because of the anti-Obamacare anger. When the congressman was not re-elected, I also (along with the rest of our staff) lost my job. I was upset that because of the health care issue, I didn’t have a job anymore but still defended Obamacare because it would make health care available to everyone at, what I assumed, would be an affordable price. I have now learned that I was wrong. Very wrong.”


Klinkhamer suggests renaming the Affordable Care Act.

“Just call it,” she said dryly, “the Available Care Act.”
I'd like to see the policy she was getting, at 56 years old, for 54 bucks a month.

That sounds like something Alex Trebeck would be selling on tv.

I'm sure those are illegal now.

A middle class family of four with a household income of $61,000:


This middle class family qualifies for a subsidy:


So basically we should expect:

1) even more people who pay little to no federal income tax, thus more people are now no longer producers, they are users.

2) drastic reductions in federal tax reciepts, thus increasing the deficit, thus probably requiring further tax cuts on anyone NOT getting a healthcare subsidy.
Vox and Antares are so predictable and easily dismissed.

Just once, I would like to see either of them bring something of worth to the board on the issue of government healthcare.

They are afraid to discuss the issue of subsidies in context to this OP.
What a stupid thread.

Another right-wing echo chamber blog quoting another right-wing echo chamber blog.

All they do on the right is make up stories and then convince themselves that those stories are true.

That woman probably doesn't even exist.

On another note, in states where Governors are wanting Obamacare to work, it's working very well, like in Kentucky, which continues to sign up about 1,000 people per day.

In states like Florida that are doing their best to torpedo it aren't seeing the same results yet. But they will, because people will want what other states have got, and will only tolerate stupid Republicans trying to prevent them from affordable healthcare for so long.

And yet, they fight so desperately hard to prove what they say must be true. It just has to be. Otherwise their entire little deluded world crumbles like a house of cards.

Little-Nut writes, "Florida woman's insurance rate increases from $54 to $591 under Obamacare" but does not tell you what is the subsidy.

Again you are talking as if the "Subsidy" is a given! It is not. If you are making middle class wages you will not qualify for a subsidy. Obama screws the middle class again.

#17 above rebukes your nonsense.

Really? Go to this page and check if you are eligible for a government subsidy, this page will also show you the fine you have to pay if you are not Obama insured.

Now, I will say that I have seen some situations where those who are over 60 are getting hit pretty hard. It seems many of those policies are jumping in price considerably. There is also, what I consider to be, a flaw in the way the subsidies work, at least for those over 60. If you have a husband and wife over the age of 60 but not yet on Medicare, if they earn $62,000 per year or less, they will receive a subsidy that pays for over half of their insurance. The rates for silver plans for a couple over the age of 60 is going to cost approximately $14,000, give or take. If that same couple earns over $62,200, then they get zero subsidy and must pay the full amount for their insurance. So by earning an extra $200 per year, they must spend an extra $8000 on health insurance. That to me is a big problem, and I imagine that the same thing happens at all age levels when it gets to the cutoff.

You are correct this is a major concern for all age groups.....
If you go over the limit even by just $1.00, you loose your entire subsidy.
Going to have a lot of people reconsidering working that overtime or god forbid you win a few bucks at your neighborhood casino or buying a lottery ticket.

This is why the TeaPs are losing: the lies. Like Desperado just did. Auditor did not say "all age groups", he said over 60.

True, Auditor did not say "all age groups", I was expanding on his post to say that it was not only the over 60 age group for this particular problem, it can and will happen across the board for all age groups. Go to the link and see for yourself.
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You are correct this is a major concern for all age groups.....
If you go over the limit even by just $1.00, you loose your entire subsidy.
Going to have a lot of people reconsidering working that overtime or god forbid you win a few bucks at your neighborhood casino or buying a lottery ticket.

This is why the TeaPs are losing: the lies. Like Desperado just did. Auditor did not say "all age groups", he said over 60.

True, Auditor did not say "all age groups", I was expanding on his post to say that it was not only the over 60 age group for this particular problem, it can and will happen across the board for all age groups. Go to the link and see for yourself.

No, Desperado, Auditor did not say that "You are correct that this is a major concern for all age groups. . . . .".

Stop lying. You said it.

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