Florida woman's insurance rate increases from $54 to $591 under Obamacare

3) The article makes no mention if the woman qualifies for a federal subsidy which will pay for most, if not all, of her new policy. The video DOES say she is eligible for subsidies. So she may end up actually paying LESS for her insurance. And she will have a better policy than her old one..

Enough of this BS... A Single person age 40 making $35,000 or more a year gets a tax credit of $0.00
A Married couple making more than $61,000 per year does not qualify for for a tax credit either.
So again the working middle class is screwed not to mention there appears to be a marriage penalty associated with the tax credit but that is normal for the Dem to penalize those that are married.
Figure out your own tax credit here:
Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

According to your link, a single mother of 2 children who earns $35,000 would have a $5,739 annual premium and would receive a $3,220 subsidy. This works out to her share being $209 a month.

A couple earning $61,000 a year with 2 children would have a $8,267 annual premium, with a $3,197 subsidy. That works out to $422.50 a month.

Median household income is about $50,000.

Both of those policies are far, far cheaper than what an employer would be paying for health insurance for those two families.

Stop with your dipshit thinking.

The cost of those policies does not change just because there are subsidies attached, all that changes is who pays the cost.
Little-Nut writes, "Florida woman's insurance rate increases from $54 to $591 under Obamacare" but does not tell you what is the subsidy.

Again you are talking as if the "Subsidy" is a given! It is not. If you are making middle class wages you will not qualify for a subsidy.

That is patently false. I just proved it by using your own link!

The law says that the only way to get a subsidy is to buy insurance through a state run exchange. Since Florida does not have a state run exchange no one in Florida is eligible for subsidies. That makes any reference you make to subsidies for a policy in Florida an example of dipshit thinking, or a lie. I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and keep you in the dipsit category, but you really should think about not saying anything about subsidies after you read this post.
Sent her a bill? Obamacare doesn't send you a bill.

She was waving the renewal packet around that was sent her by her insurance company, it reminded her of what she had and what they were recommending her to move to.

It occurred to me the other day that this is another scam the insurance companies are pulling. They're ending the old policies, which means people have to transition to something in the post-Obamacare market,

but what the companies are trying to do is suck people directly into one of their own products instead of the customer going shopping. It's a classic scam.

I'll bet the woman in the OP has never been near the exchange.

Obeying the law is a scam now?

How ae you going to feel when Obama bails out all the insurance companies next year?
3) The article makes no mention if the woman qualifies for a federal subsidy which will pay for most, if not all, of her new policy. The video DOES say she is eligible for subsidies. So she may end up actually paying LESS for her insurance. And she will have a better policy than her old one..

Enough of this BS... A Single person age 40 making $35,000 or more a year gets a tax credit of $0.00
A Married couple making more than $61,000 per year does not qualify for for a tax credit either.
So again the working middle class is screwed not to mention there appears to be a marriage penalty associated with the tax credit but that is normal for the Dem to penalize those that are married.
Figure out your own tax credit here:
Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

My husband and I are 60 & 61.
With our annual income (approx 74,000), our premium would be $15,025 / yr. No tax credit, no subsidy. Comes to 20.3% of our household income. That's for the Silver plan.
Our max out of pocket would be over $12,000 / yr.

Today, with my employer insurance (which thank God I can keep because their plans pass what is needed!) I pay $156.00 / month premium. They pay 80% on most things. My max out of pocket per yr is $1,500.00. I have the best plan and it covers all that I need. My husband and I work at the same place and he's on my policy.
she told us what she had , what she was happy with and what she now has to pay*shrugs*.....if you have any further information please share.

She had a 54 dollar a month policy which is for all practical purposes no insurance at all.

Show us the BCBS plan at that price.

Since I work for BCBS I think I can safely say she was/is on a Temp plan...you remember those....you tried to show me that not ALL individual plans were going away by showing me someone you knew was one and not losing it.

Oh yes....SOME individual plans have one more year...then thsy go away too.

The only way that an individual plan is grandfathered in under the law is if there are no changes to it since 2009.
Now, I will say that I have seen some situations where those who are over 60 are getting hit pretty hard. It seems many of those policies are jumping in price considerably. There is also, what I consider to be, a flaw in the way the subsidies work, at least for those over 60. If you have a husband and wife over the age of 60 but not yet on Medicare, if they earn $62,000 per year or less, they will receive a subsidy that pays for over half of their insurance. The rates for silver plans for a couple over the age of 60 is going to cost approximately $14,000, give or take. If that same couple earns over $62,200, then they get zero subsidy and must pay the full amount for their insurance. So by earning an extra $200 per year, they must spend an extra $8000 on health insurance. That to me is a big problem, and I imagine that the same thing happens at all age levels when it gets to the cutoff.

You are correct this is a major concern for all age groups.....
If you go over the limit even by just $1.00, you loose your entire subsidy.
Going to have a lot of people reconsidering working that overtime or god forbid you win a few bucks at your neighborhood casino or buying a lottery ticket.

This is why the TeaPs are losing: the lies. Like Desperado just did. Auditor did not say "all age groups", he said over 60.
She had a 54 dollar a month policy which is for all practical purposes no insurance at all.

Show us the BCBS plan at that price.

Since I work for BCBS I think I can safely say she was/is on a Temp plan...you remember those....you tried to show me that not ALL individual plans were going away by showing me someone you knew was one and not losing it.

Oh yes....SOME individual plans have one more year...then thsy go away too.

The only way that an individual plan is grandfathered in under the law is if there are no changes to it since 2009.

I know.
Antares, your positions have been competently rebuked across the board so, no, we are not playing "just once for me".
At $54. the woman likely has junk insurance, which will be illegal to sell under ObamaCare.
Those policies have very high deductibles and pay out little.
I just saw a woman on TV from Consumer Reports, who said this.
Antares, your positions have been competently rebuked across the board so, no, we are not playing "just once for me".

Sorry Jake, your bullshit won't fly :)
My positions come solely from the truth....and as I this is what I do everyday.....deal with this obama bullshit...you lose...thus has it always been for you.

...and since I am Roo we both know this to be true.

You don't know shit about it...I do....another thing we both know.
Antares, you don't get "just once more."

You have been competently, completely rebuked across the board.

There is no contest, because you can offer none.

Tis what tis, kid.
Since I work for BCBS I think I can safely say she was/is on a Temp plan...you remember those....you tried to show me that not ALL individual plans were going away by showing me someone you knew was one and not losing it.

Oh yes....SOME individual plans have one more year...then thsy go away too.

The only way that an individual plan is grandfathered in under the law is if there are no changes to it since 2009.

I know.

I was just summarizing your post for the idiots that think Obamacare doesn't force insurers to cancel policies.

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