Florida woman's insurance rate increases from $54 to $591 under Obamacare

This is why the TeaPs are losing: the lies. Like Desperado just did. Auditor did not say "all age groups", he said over 60.

True, Auditor did not say "all age groups", I was expanding on his post to say that it was not only the over 60 age group for this particular problem, it can and will happen across the board for all age groups. Go to the link and see for yourself.

No, Desperado, Auditor did not say that "You are correct that this is a major concern for all age groups. . . . .".

Stop lying. You said it.

How is your reading comprehension this morning?
I was actually agreeing with you. I said "True, Auditor did not say "all age groups""
I went on to say that this was a problem for all age groups. Which it most certainly is.
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What good is insurance if it doesn't anything?

The lady was happy with her coverage, and that coverage was her choice.
Why should the government step in and force her to get something she did not want at 10 times the price?
Imp. Question: What did her 54 dala a month cover ?
No answer?

Go to:

and explore their Plans starting at $60 per month from these carriers & more
I've done that.

I am self employed and for years negotiated the einsurance rates labyrinth and had to compare plans.

I've used temporary insurance in some spots, and also had a plan not that long ago that was one of the most inexpensive non-temp coverage. (like 450 a month) that appeared to be fairly comprehensive. Had it for two years. Never used it. It covered one check up each year with your doctor as part of the package.

Before I booked that physical, I called up the ins. company to verify I was covered.

They said yes.

Had appointment. With mammograms/blood work/pap, standard physical stuff, came to like 345.00

Get bill from lab and hospital (radiology dept) /doctor for the charges. They said the insurance company denied them.

It took me some 4 months after that and 8 hours on the phone with the insurance company to get them to pay. They agreed it was covered, and should have been paid, but making that happen took forever.

I asked myself: shit, if this is what I had to go through for a freaking covered physical, how the hell bad will it be if something actually happened to me?

They were an accredited company. An insurance policy isn't worth diddly squat if the insurance company writes it so they can easily deny coverage for a lot of things because of some nuance in their policy (which happens to a lot people),

or it outright doesn't even cover it when you really need it,

or in my case, you find out when you actually use the benefits the company is a POS - and denies even the BASIC stuff without having to spend untold hours and rhetorically breaking arms to get them to pay.
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3) The article makes no mention if the woman qualifies for a federal subsidy which will pay for most, if not all, of her new policy. The video DOES say she is eligible for subsidies. So she may end up actually paying LESS for her insurance. And she will have a better policy than her old one..

Enough of this BS... A Single person age 40 making $35,000 or more a year gets a tax credit of $0.00
A Married couple making more than $61,000 per year does not qualify for for a tax credit either.
So again the working middle class is screwed not to mention there appears to be a marriage penalty associated with the tax credit but that is normal for the Dem to penalize those that are married.
Figure out your own tax credit here:
Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

When my 29 year old son was out of work a result of the Great Recession he returned to school and lived at home. We paid for his health care for two full years, $360.00 a month for a Kaiser individual policy. We received no subsidy from the government nor did we expect one. We knew he was healthy but also understood shit happens and a serious illness or injury could result in a bill in excess of $100,000.

IMO it was money well worth spending. It's hard to understand why anyone would risk long term financial distress by not buying health insurance to cover a major illness or injury. Teen agers believe they are immune from catastrophic events, adults should know better.

All of us will one day need expensive and necessary medical treatment, for some sooner than they think. Those who own individual policies are most at risk of financial ruin; it is amazing that some, like that real estate agent in the news in recent days, are so stupid. I suppose freeloaders count their pennies and figure even if they get sick someone else will pick up the tab.

BTW, the Kaiser policy included a free physical each year with his personal doctor, Ten dollar co-pay for 90 days Rx, and Ten dollar co-pay for all other Dr. appts or appts with specialists.
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3) The article makes no mention if the woman qualifies for a federal subsidy which will pay for most, if not all, of her new policy. The video DOES say she is eligible for subsidies. So she may end up actually paying LESS for her insurance. And she will have a better policy than her old one..

Enough of this BS... A Single person age 40 making $35,000 or more a year gets a tax credit of $0.00
A Married couple making more than $61,000 per year does not qualify for for a tax credit either.
So again the working middle class is screwed not to mention there appears to be a marriage penalty associated with the tax credit but that is normal for the Dem to penalize those that are married.
Figure out your own tax credit here:
Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

When my 29 year old son was out of work a result of the Great Recession he returned to school and lived at home. We paid for his health care for two full years, $360.00 a month for a Kaiser individual policy. We received no subsidy from the government nor did we expect one. We knew he was healthy but also understood shit happens and a serious illness or injury could result in a bill in excess of $100,000.

IMO it was money well worth spending. It's hard to understand why anyone would risk long term financial distress by not buying health insurance to cover a major illness or injury. Teen agers believe they are immune from catastrophic events, adults should know better.

All of us will one day need expensive and necessary medical treatment, for some sooner than they think. Those who own individual policies are most at risk of financial ruin; it is amazing that some, like that real estate agent in the news in recent days, are so stupid. I suppose freeloaders count their pennies and figure even if they get sick someone else will pick up the tab.

BTW, the Kaiser policy included a free physical each year with his personal doctor, Ten dollar co-pay for 90 days Rx, and Ten dollar co-pay for all other Dr. appts or appts with specialists.

The only "freeloaders" are people who are receiving free Medicaid. Especially the ones who decided to quit high school or who are serial job quitters because they aren't put in charge on their first day at work. Those are the freeloaders the rest of us are carrying.
It cracks me up when the Left calls someone who is voluntarilty uninsured a "freeloader", as if such people are some kind of financial burden to others. Yet when liberals talk out of the other side of their face, they are demanding the voluntarily uninsured get insurance so their money can be used to pay for other people!

It is amazing their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

Just another example of Democrats using doublethink to assuage their consciences for taking other peoples money by force. "We'll call these people we are robbing 'freeloaders'!"

What a topsy-turvy twisted little world these assholes live in!
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My costs are going up, my current plan which I'm losing is $137 a month, the new policy I have to get is going to be over $400 a month and I am getting stuff I don't want or use. I have negotiated my cost with my doctor, $35 for an office visit if I bypass insurance, will still be able to do that because what I understand is I have deductible of over $4000, that has to be met.

My other bitch is over $4000 premium, over $4000 deductible, that is going to be $9000 a year before I see any benefit.
Imp. Question: What did her 54 dala a month cover ?
No answer?

It was catastrophic coverage. She paid out of pocket for ordinary care and had insurance for accident and catastrophic illness. I had it for years.

These policies are illegal now because the government has decreed minimum standards which ALL insurance policies must cover. My coverage has greatly increased. Democrats are quick to point out how much MORE I have under obamacare now that standards are set for minimum coverage. Because I now get so much more than I did before, I should be happy to pay a greatly increased insurance premium.

I was not covered for contraception, abortion, in vitro fertilization, newborn baby care, maternity costs. By law all insurance companies must provide that coverage to everyone, including me, including single men. See how much more I got under obamacare than I had before!!!! It's like a miracle.

Of course I'm 67 years old and had no need of such coverage and didn't want to pay for it either.
I'm quite familiar with it.

Find me a Florida policy for a 56 year old woman for 54 dollars a month. It's not there.

Not that I can see.
What good is insurance which covers everything except what you need it for? Or which makes the things you need it for so expensive that you can't get them?

My post-menopausal friend doesn't need pregancy covered. She needs pain management which for her was affordable for her until ACA-requirements made it cost $600 a month for her to get it.

What good is insurance if it doesn't anything?

It covered what she wanted it to cover.

Like what if she had to be admitted to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, gall bladder attack...or any hospital stay?

Well, does it cover any hospitalization? “Outpatient only." Said the 54 year old lady.

"In sum, it’s a pray-that-you-don’t-really-get-sick “plan.”

Three Fox News shows called Fla. Obamacare detractor

I'm pretty sure she would have wanted it to cover her if she had to be rushed to the hospital (it doesn't cover ambulance either) and had to deal with a hospital-required injury or illness. But she couldn't afford it.

If she did "a middling hospital stay could well have bankrupted Barrette under her current insurance."

Luckily, she likely qualifies for subsidies under the new program
Like what if she had to be admitted to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, gall bladder attack...or any hospital stay?

Well, does it cover any hospitalization? “Outpatient only." Said the 54 year old lady.

"In sum, it’s a pray-that-you-don’t-really-get-sick “plan.”

Three Fox News shows called Fla. Obamacare detractor

I'm pretty sure she would have wanted it to cover her if she had to be rushed to the hospital (it doesn't cover ambulance either) and had to deal with a hospital-required injury or illness. But she couldn't afford it.

If she did "a middling hospital stay could well have bankrupted Barrette under her current insurance."

Luckily, she likely qualifies for subsidies under the new program

Jesus Fucking Christ how many times do I need to raise this issue with you drooling idiots. So fucking what if she qualifies for a subsidy?? The subsidies aren't free! Somebody has to pay for it so if it's not her then it's the rest of us in higher premiums and/or taxes. The bottom line is a policy that once cost $54 is now costing $550. In what bizarro fifth dimensional universe is that good for anybody?
there is not a single republican anywhere that supports obamacare as much as you do.....more proof you're not a republican mr. democrat in sheep's clothing

YEAH, how dare he listen to facts and truth- Everyone should be a brainwashed ignorant loudmouth moron LOL...



Wonder if he spits while banging away at the key board?
Why "It's hard to understand why anyone would risk long term financial distress by not buying health insurance to cover a major illness or injury"?

Because the fucks want to privatize their accounts and socialize illness and accident on the rest of us.

Fuck em.

They can pay just like everyone.
My costs are going up, my current plan which I'm losing is $137 a month, the new policy I have to get is going to be over $400 a month and I am getting stuff I don't want or use. I have negotiated my cost with my doctor, $35 for an office visit if I bypass insurance, will still be able to do that because what I understand is I have deductible of over $4000, that has to be met.

My other bitch is over $4000 premium, over $4000 deductible, that is going to be $9000 a year before I see any benefit.

Most people would be better off with catastrophic coverage, and paying for routine care out of pocket.

$9,000 covers a lot of visits to the doctor, screening tests, and prescriptions, with money to spare.

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