Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' Bill

If it was a typo then you're even more confused. I've been advocating parents teaching their children throughout this entire thread.
We're not talking about parents teaching their children. We're talking about government school teachers pumping our kids full of pernicious horseshit. Taxpayers have a right to put a stop to that.
We're not talking about parents teaching their children. We're talking about teachers pumping our kids full of pernicious horseshit. Taxpayers have a right to put a stop to that.
Taxpayers do have a right to that. That's why Desantis' bill exists.
Aren't you arguing against the DeSantis bill?
Not at all. If it passes it passes. If it doesn't it doesn't. The taxpayers do have a say in the end. My argument is that parents are the first line of defense against their children being taught anything they don't want them being taught.
Not at all. If it passes it passes. If it doesn't it doesn't. The taxpayers do have a say in the end. My argument is that parents are the first line of defense against their children being taught anything they don't want them being taught.
No ones is arguing against that, not even the douchebags who oppose the Bill DeSantis submitted.
The reality is that sexual predator's belong to all political party's or no party at all. This insane labeling fixes nothing,
You know, folks, there is a reason we have such a long childhood compared to any other animal. Our brains need time to develop, and protecting the innocence of our children is vital to their healthy development. Sexualizing children at too early an age is terribly destructive to them.

This isn't about about whether people think homosexuality is wrong or have no problem with it. I have absolutely no problem with it, myself, since it is not innately harmful. The issue has to do with the headlong rush by the radical left to destroy the innocence of childhood which DOES harm children.

The prevailing attitude among liberals several decades ago was to wait until children showed curiosity and then approach the subject at the child's level and with great care to consider their developmental stage. For today's illiberal leftists, though, it is all about INTRUDUCING sexual subjects to the children, and acting as if an 8 year old is really 18, instead.
Not at all. If it passes it passes. If it doesn't it doesn't. The taxpayers do have a say in the end. My argument is that parents are the first line of defense against their children being taught anything they don't want them being taught.

If that were true, then none of this harmful horseshit would be “taught” to any child without it first being cleared by the parents. This is not reconcilable with the idea that it is left to the parents to correct the bullshit that is dumped into their child's heads after the fact.
The reality is that sexual predator's belong to all political party's or no party at all. This insane labeling fixes nothing,

As a matter of observable fact, the Democrapic party is the party of dangerous sexual predators.

Sure, a few emerge here and there among Republicans, but are quickly and solidly condemned and repudiated by mainstream Republicans. In the mean time, the Democrapic party not only does not condemn and repudiate sexual predators, but actually supports and embraces them.

Your attempt at a tu quoque defense of the Democraps' support of sexual predators by trying to point a finger at us Republicans fails. No, we Republicans absolutely do not accept sexual predators, much less support them, as you Democraps do.
Those who want to fuck children will see a greater ease and freedom of doing so as a positive outcome. And if there were not enough such degenerates in our population to skew the balance that way, then we wouldn't be where we are now.
Your first statement is sort of confusing to me, otherwise is it a response to what I wrote saying let the best ideology win, otherwise in the school choice idea as a result of ? I'm standing with Christ, so in my opinion the true ideology will win out, and not the evil ideology of the left. Yes you are correct that over time we have created in this country a way out of balance situation that tends to lean left, so the only way to counter is to separate, and let them fall upon their own swords once they begin to self destruct without causing massive collateral damage in the process. We didn't get here overnight, and yes I would be one for fixing things immediately, but I'm also a realist that knows it has to take place precisely, and within a time span in which shows that evilness is not the way to go. Hopefully when the choice's come, we will see a huge exodus from the false prophet of lie's and deception.
Well, to begin with, I am certainly not ever going to hire that cretin to mow my lawn, ever again. And I'm not going to pay him for having mowed my lawn, when he didn't even do that. And very likely, I will take whatever legal actions are necessary to hold him to account for the damage to my driveway.

So, we have teachers, who, instead of teaching children the basic life skills that it is their job to teach, are instead sexually grooming, brainwashing, and exploiting the children that they are supposed to be teaching.

What should be do about those teachers? Obviously, they should not be paid for doing the job that they are willfully failing to do. And they need to be legally held accountable for the abuses that they are perpetuating against the children in their care. For the sort of sexual abuse they are committing, this should involve serious, hard prison time at the very least.
Were the teacher's actually groomed at some point themselves also ??? What a terrible mess it all is, so all that is left is to clean up the system, and make rule's and law's that are exactly what the parent's by a majority want for their children when it comes to their being educated.

No more added social experimentally charged education to any child's curriculum period.. If it doesn't involve strictly a standard education that sticks to only the value of learning what is needed to read, write, comprehend, figure with arithmetic, and to start a career that is productive for them and their future families in American society, then it isn't going to exist in the schools.
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If you hire someone to mow your lawn, and they instead break out your driveway what do you do?

Break their head - which is what parents should do to teachers grooming their children.

Mow your own fucking lawn. If a teacher isn't teaching your children things you believe in what do you do?

Get your kids aways from the pervert - which brings out the immorality of socialism and government mandated schools.
this bill would make it illegal to say "Jimmy and his 2 moms", it would affect mental health of kids who have LGBT parents

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