Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' Bill

Ostensibly, we forced “religion” out of schools.

But really, what we have done is to allow a false religion to be created, made out of depraved sexual perversions, and destructive cultural Marxism, and for that religion to be taught in schools instead of any positive religion. We've almost literally forced God out of the schools, and let Satan in to take His place.

If we are not to allow God's religion to be taught in schools, then we need at least equally to not allow Satan's religion in either. I think it is an error to treat evil as equal to good, but here, we are openly allowing evil to be elevated above good.
The speration of the schools by choice should be immediate in this country. After that, then let the best ideology and truth win..... I'm going with Christ to win the day, and therefore the Exodus from the false prophet will be great once the positive outcomes begin to show up in great numbers against the negative outcomes. Win them over to Christ by their agreeing by what they should see as the positive results of making Christ their savior in life. Amen.
Parents aren't supposed to teach kids anything? It sounds like you're the one who wants government run schools to brainwash children.

This isn't the troll forum that you generally hang out in. You're not cute nor amusing.

If I hire someone to mow my lawn and they instead break out my driveway, it is a violation of the contract made.

We HIRE teachers to teach our children specific topics. If they instead are grooming gangs indoctrinating children to make them pliable to sexual predators, then they are violating the contract between the parents and the schools.

Parents hire teachers to do a job, it is the duty of the teacher to do the job parents hired them for,
Lefties are the enemy .wake the fuck up before you all become
hermaphrodites, you know they, or us or it must not use the gender-specific pronouns .
This country has to be the laughing stock of the world.
I'm a Nazi for believing that parents should be allowed to contradict what schools teach?
Parent's should be the ones with the mandates on what schools teach, and by the huge push back now being seen by parent's at these school boards, we see that they were blindsided to find out what their kids were begining to be taught without their acceptance of. Go parent's, and take your role as school administrator's back. Sending kid's into a lion's den is the most irresponsible thing ever seen that parent's undoubtedly were duped into doing.
This isn't the troll forum that you generally hang out in. You're not cute nor amusing.

If I hire someone to mow my lawn and they instead break out my driveway, it is a violation of the contract made.

We HIRE teachers to teach our children specific topics. If they instead are grooming gangs indoctrinating children to make them pliable to sexual predators, then they are violating the contract between the parents and the schools.

Parents hire teachers to do a job, it is the duty of the teacher to do the job parents hired them for,
If you hire someone to mow your lawn, and they instead break out your driveway what do you do? Mow your own fucking lawn. If a teacher isn't teaching your children things you believe in what do you do?
The speration [sic] of the schools by choice should be immediate in this country. After that, then let the best ideology and truth win..... I'm going with Christ to win the day, and therefore the Exodus from the false prophet will be great once the positive outcomes begin to show up in great numbers against the negative outcomes. Win them over to Christ by their agreeing by what they should see as the positive results of making Christ their savior in life. Amen.

Those who want to fuck children will see a greater ease and freedom of doing so as a positive outcome. And if there were not enough such degenerates in our population to skew the balance that way, then we wouldn't be where we are now.
I'm a Nazi for believing that parents should be allowed to contradict what schools teach?
You're a NAZI for denying that parents have the right to prevent teachers and government schools from cramming pernicious horseshit into their children.
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This isn't the troll forum that you generally hang out in. You're not cute nor amusing.

If I hire someone to mow my lawn and they instead break out my driveway, it is a violation of the contract made.

We HIRE teachers to teach our children specific topics. If they instead are grooming gangs indoctrinating children to make them pliable to sexual predators, then they are violating the contract between the parents and the schools.

Parents hire teachers to do a job, it is the duty of the teacher to do the job parents hired them for,
That poster knows all that. The disingenuity allows them to feel that they are being clever. They think they are tricking you. Disgusting ghoulish freaks.
If you hire someone to mow your lawn, and they instead break out your driveway what do you do? Mow your own fucking lawn. If a teacher isn't teaching your children things you believe in what do you do?
First you get beck the money you paid the kid to mow your lawn. You're deliberately ignoring the fact that the kid broke the contract.
You're a NAZI for denying that parents have the right to prevent teachers and government schools from cramming horseshit into their children.
I'm not denying a parent's right to prevent teachers from teaching something the parent doesn't agree with. That's what school board meetings were made for. Maybe take a minute off Netflix to talk to your child, or attend a PTA meeting.
Parents aren't supposed to teach kids anything? It sounds like you're the one who wants government run schools to brainwash children.
That's a typo, moron. It should read "You're the one who is confused if you believe parents AREN'T supposed to teach their kids anything." Whatever goes on in schools that isn't teaching strict objective facts" is brainwashing, you fucking NAZI. That's why they should teach the three 'R's and nothing more.
If you hire someone to mow your lawn, and they instead break out your driveway what do you do? Mow your own fucking lawn. If a teacher isn't teaching your children things you believe in what do you do?
Get out, and create private schools that aren't so expensive that choices can be made by anyone that wants better for their children as a customized educational experience.

We have thousands of abandoned shut down public schools across this country, and it's time for the government to donate those schools to anyone qualifying to open up a private or school of choice that meets the education standards set forth in the SAT scores based on reading, writing, and arithmetic etc... What is added to the curriculum after that would be customized by parental agreement on what the children attending should also should learn there in agreeance of by the faculty and the parents.
I'm not denying a parent's right to prevent teachers from teaching something the parent doesn't agree with. That's what school board meetings were made for. Maybe take a minute off Netflix to talk to your child, or attend a PTA meeting.
Yes you are, NAZI. That's why you oppose the bill DeSantis created.
If you hire someone to mow your lawn, and they instead break out your driveway what do you do? Mow your own fucking lawn. If a teacher isn't teaching your children things you believe in what do you do?

Well, to begin with, I am certainly not ever going to hire that cretin to mow my lawn, ever again. And I'm not going to pay him for having mowed my lawn, when he didn't even do that. And very likely, I will take whatever legal actions are necessary to hold him to account for the damage to my driveway.

So, we have teachers, who, instead of teaching children the basic life skills that it is their job to teach, are instead sexually grooming, brainwashing, and exploiting the children that they are supposed to be teaching.

What should be do about those teachers? Obviously, they should not be paid for doing the job that they are willfully failing to do. And they need to be legally held accountable for the abuses that they are perpetuating against the children in their care. For the sort of sexual abuse they are committing, this should involve serious, hard prison time at the very least.
That's a typo, moron. It should read "You're the one who is confused if you believe parents AREN'T supposed to teach their kids anything." Whatever goes on in schools that isn't teaching strict objective facts" is brainwashing, you fucking NAZI. That's why they should teach the three 'R's and nothing more.
If it was a typo then you're even more confused. I've been advocating parents teaching their children throughout this entire thread.
I'm a Nazi for believing that parents should be allowed to contradict what schools teach?

Some things, the parents shouldn't have to be correcting.

Schools should not be “teaching” insane falsehoods, such as that girls can be boys and boys can be girls, or that there is anything normal or appropriate about homosexuality or other depraved sexual perversions. “Teaching” this sort of shit to children is sexual abuse, and anyone who has any willing part in it needs to be permanently removed from free society. This is not something that schools should be allowed to do to children, and then leave it to the parents to try to repair the damage.

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