Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' Bill

There isz nothing wrong with kids being politically active. You don't like it because they do not support your position.
There certainly is, douchebag, because the only thing they know about politics is what their douchebag prog teachers ram into them. Their parents are the only ones who should be teaching them anything about politics.
It is freedom forf Republicans but not for groups the Republicans don't like. Gay people do exist and we should respect that decision. That is called tolerancxe.
Everything was in some what of a balance through out time until it became a situation where people's children are being forced taught in a public setting to understand or agree to thing's that aren't being taught or believed in from their home teachings.

Denying Christian parent's their teaching of the Bible and their Christian beliefs to then thrive in their needed space, has caused a serious riff or problem in the country now.

Christian's are doing everything they can to leave the public schools now, and it's all because of their faith and beliefs otherwise not allowing them to entertain what they see as sinful things, otherwise at the expense of losing their children to a teaching that is totally in opposition to their core values and belief systems.

They can't have their kids coming home saying "dad/mom" you lied or you didn't tell me this or that or I didn't know that there was 120 genders or am I a girl or a boy I wonder etc.......... That isn't acceptable to most if not all parent's when it comes to the forced realigning of their core values and teachings by the schools over them as parent's, otherwise teaching their kid's what the public system believes now, and why they believe what they believe, instead of honoring the Christian parent's teachings and beliefs somehow within the same settings. They should only be teaching what the children need to know about reading, writing and arithmetic or what it takes to have and keep a job, while leaving the social brainwashing and manipulated cultural transformations out of it.

No parent wants to be accused by their kids of teaching them wrong in life, so this issue is huge in America, and probably is all around the world.

The teaching of one side or the condemning of another side without giving each side an out, otherwise in order to go to an alternate teaching space in order to solve the dilemma, is like throwing an alligator into a pit with a lion having no exit ramp, and just heaping a fresh cut of meat in between them as they fight for the spoils. Schools should immediately be separated now, and options available (School choice). No other way to look at it. Christianity isn't going away anytime soon, and it can't be forced into reclusion, so this nation had best recognize quickly this fact.

As for my family "we choose Christianity", and let no one think to use that against us, because we shall not be moved. My grands are in a private school because of the world going mad now, and it has proved to be the right thing especially during the pandemic. Thank you Lord for all you do for us, as we believe and have Faith in the second coming, and in your Kingdom and righteous judgements. Amen.
First you claim we shouldn't interfere. The you admit you want to indoctrinate them.

I think that what busybee01 meant is that it only wants those who support the specific depraved agenda with which it wants children to be indoctrinated to interfere, and that those who do not support that agenda it wants to not be allowed to interfere.
Everything was in some what of a balance through out time until it became a situation where people's children are being forced taught in a public setting to understand or agree to thing's that aren't being taught or believed in from their home teachings.

Denying Christian parent's their teaching of the Bible and their Christian beliefs to then thrive in their needed space, has caused a serious riff or problem in the country now.

Ostensibly, we forced “religion” out of schools.

But really, what we have done is to allow a false religion to be created, made out of depraved sexual perversions, and destructive cultural Marxism, and for that religion to be taught in schools instead of any positive religion. We've almost literally forced God out of the schools, and let Satan in to take His place.

If we are not to allow God's religion to be taught in schools, then we need at least equally to not allow Satan's religion in either. I think it is an error to treat evil as equal to good, but here, we are openly allowing evil to be elevated above good.
Conservative haters need to leave people who aren't like them, alone. First Amendment assholes!!!!

So you support grooming 4 years olds for sexual exploitation.

No real surprise there,

The Anti-Grooming bill is law now. At least in Florida, sexual predators will no longer be able to use schools for grooming your victims.

You sick fuckers.
Conservative haters need to leave people who aren't like them, alone. First Amendment assholes!!!!
prog douchebags need to leave our children alone. They want to indoctrinate them with a perverted Marxist homosexual agenda. Parents have called for an end to this child abuse. It's about time.
Schools teach a lot of things you may not agree with. That's why you also discuss these things with them at home. Quit whining on a message board, and be a fucking parent.
They hate children and the only time they ever actually want to interact with them is to hurt them or turn them into corrupt little ghoulish copies of themselves.

Dragonlady , Do you hate children? You want to kill them with abortion, and you want them sexually abused through grooming gangs in public schools. Is this because you hate children?
Schools teach a lot of things you may not agree with. That's why you also discuss these things with them at home. Quit whining on a message board, and be a fucking parent.
Schools shouldn't be teaching anything that parents don't want them to teach. That's why we have parental oversight of the schools. At least, we are supposed to have that.
Ostensibly, we forced “religion” out of schools.

But really, what we have done is to allow a false religion to be created, made out of depraved sexual perversions, and destructive cultural Marxism, and for that religion to be taught in schools instead of any positive religion. We've almost literally forced God out of the schools, and let Satan in to take His place.

If we are not to allow God's religion to be taught in schools, then we need at least equally to not allow Satan's religion in either. I think it is an error to treat evil as equal to good, but here, we are openly allowing evil to be elevated above good.

"Depraved sexual perversions". I consider the right wing Christian patriarchy to be a "depraved sexual perversion" because it forces women to babies until their uterus gives out. The "destructive cultural behaviour" that needs to be dealt with is the toxic male culture where men think they have the right to control women's bodies and ban abortion, or refuse service to people they don't like, or who don't look like them or believe like them.

You're trying to "disappear gay people". Treat them as second class citizens and deny their existence. Since that is exactly what Putin is doing in Russia, who's the "cultural Marxist" here??????
"Depraved sexual perversions". I consider the right wing Christian patriarchy to be a "depraved sexual perversion" because it forces women to babies until their uterus gives out. The "destructive cultural behaviour" that needs to be dealt with is the toxic male culture where men think they have the right to control women's bodies and ban abortion, or refuse service to people they don't like, or who don't look like them or believe like them.

You're trying to "disappear gay people". Treat them as second class citizens and deny their existence. Since that is exactly what Putin is doing in Russia, who's the "cultural Marxist" here??????

This your brain on drugs. Any questions?


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