Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' Bill

You are the filthy NAZI. A person has a right to be who they are. We have no right to interfere. We should teach tolerance of differing views and they should not be rejected for that view.
NEGATIVE….Fuck tolerance.
We are a civilized first world nation founded and built on moral order. This moral order lies at the bedrock of what made us the exceptional nation we were before the emergence of the filthy disgusting Left.
You are the filthy NAZI. A person has a right to be who they are. We have no right to interfere. We should teach tolerance of differing views and they should not be rejected for that view.

“Tolerance” for evil, perversion, and madness, is no virtue; and it is not something that school should be brainwashing into young children.
"When you actually look at the bill and it says 'no sexual instruction to kids pre-K through three,' how many parents want their kids to have transgenderism or something injected into classroom instruction?" DeSantis said. "It's basically saying for our younger students, do you really want them being taught about sex? And this is any sexual stuff. But I think clearly right now, we see a focus on transgenderism, telling kids they may be able to pick genders and all of that." -- DeSantis
It should only be taught to kids in the 7th grade or higher, like it used to be.
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You are the fucking NAZI. You want to teach hatred of everything that you don't agree with.
I don't want prog douchebags teaching about homosexuality to kids under 5 at all. They shouldn't be exposed to sex education until the 7th grade.
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You are the filthy NAZI. A person has a right to be who they are. We have no right to interfere. We should teach tolerance of differing views and they should not be rejected for that view.
Then don't interfere. Quit ramming your homosexual propaganda down their throats.
You are the one who is indoctrinating others. Teaching tolerance of differing beliefs is not indoctrination.
Yes it is. Teaching tolerance of lynching is indoctrination. What makes you believe ramming your beliefs down their throats is any better?
busybee said:
There isz nothing wrong with kids being politically active. You don't like it because they do not support your position.

no one likes it because the left uses school time, tv time, social media time to propagandize and pervert young skulls full of mush. It means that in addition to raising their kids right, parents have to undo the lefts vile teachings to pervert their kids minds and souls. But we do it. Gladly.
Busy thinks parents don't see what is going on. Granted many parents didn't until they got to see just exactly WHAT their kids were exposed to on a daily basis for 5 out of 7 days a week. Now they know and THAT is why more and more parents are opting out of gov't sponsored public school sexualization of children.
They need to be mindful that they are dealing with OTHER PEOPLE'S children. They have no right passing their perversions onto other peoples children. Sexual talk to children should be CRIMINAL, and usually is
Yeah, back when it was "the talk" in sixth grade, back in 1965, the school needed written consent from the parents to include the student.
It was a very sad thing to see. For many decades, the Boy Scouts were a major force in helping boys to grow up to be men, to instill in us the skills and moral values that would help us to be good adults.

They allowed the organization to be infiltrated with elements that were contrary to its core values, and within a decade, the organization was destroyed from within.
I remember the commercial of the president's in their boy scouts uniform's promoting the scout's with Gerald Ford and other's representing on the commercial. My daughter's were in the girl scouts, and they loved it way back then. We saw it all as a great thing, but then it was destroyed some year's afterwards by all the bull crap that was allowed to take place. What a shame as valued institutions became target's by group's that led those institutions to their ultimate destruction.
I remember the commercial of the president's in their boy scouts uniform's promoting the scout's with Gerald Ford and other's representing on the commercial. My daughter's were in the girl scouts, and they loved it way back then. We saw it all as a great thing, but then it was destroyed some year's afterwards by all the bull crap that was allowed to take place. What a shame as valued institutions became target's by group's that led those institutions to their ultimate destruction.
I treasured my time in Camp Fire Girls in the 60's. I can't even imagine what the organization is like now.

The cultural marxism has trashed the experience for at least some, I'm sure.

"Faggot" used to be a word that meant something other than homosexual male. In Camp Fire, I earned an honor I cherished, as a "Faggot Finder", which is a gatherer of bundles of firewood, or faggots. It was acknowledgement of my skills in the natural world. I earned a lovely sterling silver Faggot Finder's Ring. That was many years before the word came to be associated with anything but firewood. I still have the ring and cherish it, because it was a very real validation of something about myself of which I was proud. Self esteem. It helped me define myself in positive terms.

What is happening in the greater world that gives young people a real belief in themselves? It happens in my town -- a tiny rural community in the Midwest. In the schools in large blue cities, kids are only being taught to value themselves if they are members of the victimhood tribe. Sickening.
Thats all the COMMON SENSE legislature and governor are saying.

Leftists are such a dishonest bunch

Leftists dubbed this the "don't say gay" bill.
A kid was just expelled for handing out rainbow flags

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