Florist Sued for Refusing Service to Gay Couple Pens Defiant Letter Rejecting Gov’t Settlement Offer

The bigots want STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries and florists and lunch counters.

They will need a sign like this one:


Comrade Jake, how would these bakeries and florists even know a customer was gay - unless the customer announces it?

Behavior <> skin color - even if your filthy party tries to make it so,

The same way our baker 'knew' were were 'straight' when my wife and I went in and ordered the wedding cake that said our names on it?

Under Washington State law prohibit discrimination by business's based upon the following:

  • Race
  • Honorably discharged veteran or military status
  • Color
  • HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis C status
  • National Origin
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Sex • Sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Creed
  • Use of a guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability
  • Disability
None of them are based upon behavior- no matter how much you filthy bigots try to make it so.
The florist had sold these people flowers for nine years. She wasn't refusing to sell them flowers she was refusing to sell them her artistry.

The entire concept of artistic freedom is being taken away.
The florist had sold these people flowers for nine years. She wasn't refusing to sell them flowers she was refusing to sell them her artistry.

The entire concept of artistic freedom is being taken away.
So for nine years she made inartistic flower arrangements for them?
You are one sick puppy.

38% of Democrats consider themselves 'born again'
Most Democrats are Christian.
57% of Catholics are Democrats.

Just sick pos like you try to pretend that you are 'victims' because you are expected to obey the laws too.

You democrats are at war with civil rights and especially with Christians.
You would side with any group, individual or party that would support discrimination against homosexuals.

You would buddy up to Mengele if he were still alive and was part of the Million Mom's boycott.

You're just being stupid. Stop

Oh if I used that rational, then I would be forced to say that every time you posted.

There is an ignore feature, you're free to use it

Great idea. First Uncensored 2008 and now zapping another rednecked bigot.


You're going to be saying that a lot here.
You are one sick puppy.

38% of Democrats consider themselves 'born again'
Most Democrats are Christian.
57% of Catholics are Democrats.

Just sick pos like you try to pretend that you are 'victims' because you are expected to obey the laws too.

You democrats are at war with civil rights and especially with Christians.
You're at war with intelligence and higher learning.
She never refused to sell them flowers. That would be discrimination. What she refused to sell was her artistry. An artist should always have the right to refuse their artistry to anyone for any reason or no reason.
So, a guy paints a picture, puts it up for sale, and then a fag tries to buy it and the guy says no, I don't sell to fags? Yeah, ain't gonna happen. In business the only criteria that matters is whether the check clears.
An artist paints a picture that catches the eye of two lesbians. They want the artist to paint their wedding portrait. The artists says I don't like you get the fuck out of my business.

No mention of the check clearing.
If she doesn't do weddings, no problem. If she does, she's fucked.
The florist had sold these people flowers for nine years. She wasn't refusing to sell them flowers she was refusing to sell them her artistry.

The entire concept of artistic freedom is being taken away.
So for nine years she made inartistic flower arrangements for them?
Maybe they were premade?
Is every wedding floral arrangement completely new from every other wedding floral arrangement?
The florist had sold these people flowers for nine years. She wasn't refusing to sell them flowers she was refusing to sell them her artistry.

The entire concept of artistic freedom is being taken away.
So for nine years she made inartistic flower arrangements for them?
Maybe they were premade?
Is every wedding floral arrangement completely new from every other wedding floral arrangement?
Well there goes that theory.
The florist had sold these people flowers for nine years. She wasn't refusing to sell them flowers she was refusing to sell them her artistry.

The entire concept of artistic freedom is being taken away.
So for nine years she made inartistic flower arrangements for them?
She may not have made any arrangements at all. They come in for a bouquet of flowers or a dozen roses to fill the vase at home. They walk out with the unarranged flowers.
In the state in question, homosexuals are protected by anti-discrimination laws.

False - Arkansas has no law protecting sexual choice from discrimination.

And no, it is not a similar situation. Children are part of a protected class, as they should be. You enjoy using them as tools, doncha, shitstain?

It's an identical situation. In both cases the vendor refuses to sell because the antagonism of the customer makes the vendor question the purpose the sale serves.

Arkansas isn't where this happened. It happened in Washington state. And yes, Washington state has PA laws that include homosexuals.

That woman violated the state law.
You are one sick puppy.

38% of Democrats consider themselves 'born again'
Most Democrats are Christian.
57% of Catholics are Democrats.

Just sick pos like you try to pretend that you are 'victims' because you are expected to obey the laws too.

You democrats are at war with civil rights and especially with Christians.
We sane people are only at war with bigoted Christians, and all other bigots, who want to hang STRAIGHTS ONLY signs on their shops.
The florist had sold these people flowers for nine years. She wasn't refusing to sell them flowers she was refusing to sell them her artistry.

The entire concept of artistic freedom is being taken away.
So for nine years she made inartistic flower arrangements for them?
She may not have made any arrangements at all. They come in for a bouquet of flowers or a dozen roses to fill the vase at home. They walk out with the unarranged flowers.
Did she just throw the flowers at the couple or did she arrange them?
The florist had sold these people flowers for nine years. She wasn't refusing to sell them flowers she was refusing to sell them her artistry.

The entire concept of artistic freedom is being taken away.
So for nine years she made inartistic flower arrangements for them?
Maybe they were premade?
Is every wedding floral arrangement completely new from every other wedding floral arrangement?
It doesn't matter. Otherwise the customers could buy the loose flowers and arrange them themselves.
In the state in question, homosexuals are protected by anti-discrimination laws.

False - Arkansas has no law protecting sexual choice from discrimination.

And no, it is not a similar situation. Children are part of a protected class, as they should be. You enjoy using them as tools, doncha, shitstain?

It's an identical situation. In both cases the vendor refuses to sell because the antagonism of the customer makes the vendor question the purpose the sale serves.

Arkansas isn't where this happened. It happened in Washington state. And yes, Washington state has PA laws that include homosexuals.

That woman violated the state law.
He is not too bright. I dont know how he messed that up.

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