Flynn needs to be "Locked Up!"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Flynn scandal intensifies amid documented payments from Russia

The connection between the Comrade and his love affair with Putin goes through Mike Flynn. The Justice Department is being gutted, so I don't look for them to find the collusion. The independent press will need to do the work. The spineless Republicans in Congress will need to be hit with a Huge Rock, before they will relaize that Putin has the Comrade by his short, very short, hairs...
Flynn scandal intensifies amid documented payments from Russia

The connection between the Comrade and his love affair with Putin goes through Mike Flynn. The Justice Department is being gutted, so I don't look for them to find the collusion. The independent press will need to do the work. The spineless Republicans in Congress will need to be hit with a Huge Rock, before they will relaize that Putin has the Comrade by his short, very short, hairs...
Fake News!
So Russia helped us get rid of Hillary what's the big deal? She's a lying filth liberal over half the country rejected. Trump won 30 states in a landslide. Sounds like Russia did us a big favor.
By law, Ex Generals in our Military are NOT suppose to do work with enemy foreign Nations and get paid by this foreign nation or an entity of this foreign nation, unless they notify their respective Military Branch, and the Military Branch approves the action, ahead of time.

Flynn was paid by RT, an arm of the Russian propaganda machine, to go to Russia and meet with PUTIN FOR A CELEBRATION/ reward's event...

Flynn was PAID very well for his meeting with the RT News.

Flynn never told the Army, and never got permission from the Army, for his meeting with them.
BluesLegend is clearly indicating treason with the Russians is OK. BL should really not put that in writing, I would think.
Flynn made $40+K from the Russian government because of his former position within the U.S. government... which is illegal. He lied about his relationship with Russia... he failed to register as a lobbyist for a foreign country for his work with Turkey... how is this guy not in jail?
Anyone that works for the russians should be treated as tratiors.

The man has clearance and was in on sensitive meeting with the Orange Clown, and taking money from the Russians at the same time!

The Democrats need to squeeze him with a prison term until he tells what he knows about Putin and the Orange Comrade. AND THEY WILL!

All the while, the Liar in Chief keeps throwing up smoke screens about "wire tapping" to devert attention away from his Russian ties.
I guess that Flynn was not wiretapped either, eh?
He was definitely caught in the govt's routine surveillance of the Russian operative ambassador....

Whether another warrant was approved for surveillance on Flynn individually for probable cause of committing a crime or for the probability that he was working with an agent of a foreign power, is still unknown, imo.
Flynn made $40+K from the Russian government because of his former position within the U.S. government... which is illegal.

The emoluments clause to the U.S. Constitution. Flynn was paid to speak at the meeting because of his position within the U.S. government, and the person making the payment was the Russian government via RT.

Guide to the Constitution
Flynn held no office at the time of the so called infraction. Try again.
So Russia helped us get rid of Hillary what's the big deal? She's a lying filth liberal over half the country rejected. Trump won 30 states in a landslide. Sounds like Russia did us a big favor.


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