Flynn praises putin...calls Zelensky dangerous

Better how?

You are free to move to Russia. Go! There you can fight and die for Putin and his billionaire buddies! But watch out not to be stampeded by those trying to get out!

You are a complete idiot.

Should we put boots on the ground?
Should we put boots on the ground?
No. Absolutely not. But of course there are already contractors, military advisors and CIA there to train Ukrainians how to use new advanced weapons we provide, to share our satellite and communications intelligence, etc. etc. The new advanced anti-aircraft weapons we just promised to provide will also undoubtedly come with contractors, advisors, etc.
It should not be all that surprising. Submissive cucks have always had a fetish for authoritarians.
They like to be grifted. The send all their money to the "self-proclaimed" billionaire. After the NY AG finishes with him...he will be broke.
Here's the deal: desperate lefties have Media Matters that monitors (only) conservative speech 24/7. Soros's MM team selects certain sound bites out of context and feeds them to left wing blogs. TDS minions find them and pretend outrage and the next thing you know you are discussing is Flynn instead of real world events and Biden's failed administration. That's the plan.

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