Flynn praises putin...calls Zelensky dangerous

Amazing. You’re completely deranged.
Nope, the Founders did not intend this country to be entangled in endless foreign nonsense. They did not intend for this country to be interventionist across the globe. The deranged ones are those who think we should abandon our roots to aid evil and corrupt regimes like Ukraine.
Dumbassed dupes like you swallow the narrative whole.

Ukraine is a corrupt shithole along with Russia.
We have no business funding this insane proxy war.
Liberals are the new Neocons.
He’s a self hating Russian.

Yeah he buys the narrative completely and ignorantly.
Dumbassed dupes like you swallow the narrative whole.

Ukraine is a corrupt shithole along with Russia.
We have no business funding this insane proxy war.
Liberals are the new Neocons.

Ukraine is committed to dealing with it's corruption and unlike Russia has made strides in the last 8 years.

They are committed to western democratic values and doing what they need to join EU, that much they are proving with their blood.

Russia has committed itself to bloody, lawless, repressive Czarism.
Ukraine is committed to dealing with it's corruption and unlike Russia has made strides in the last 8 years.

They are committed to western democratic values and doing what they need to join EU, that much they are proving with their blood.

Russia has committed itself to bloody, lawless, repressive Czarism.
And yet they glorify Nazism. WTF is wrong with you?
Trump told the lie Putin wanted. How is that not pathetic?
Ukraine is nothing to you unless you have a connection to it in any way. We are a sovereign nation but the endless attacks on our freedoms by sell out politicians is our waterloo.
Flynn would like to be a Putin-like figure in America. He hasn’t the brains or charisma, but he was perfect as a dumb military front man for Trump, leading up to and defending Trump’s “Big Lie” attempt to remain in power after losing the 2020 elections.

Zelensky and the Ukrainian nationalists certainly have their own problems, from corruption to the need to deal honestly with their own flawed political culture. But of course their very existence was threatened by Putin’s stupid and bloody invasion. Putin wants to destroy the Ukrainian nation-state, but cannot.

Our support to the Ukrainians has to be defensive, limited, but effective. So far this has been the case. We should seek to encourage a cease fire and negotiations, and should quietly and diplomatically pressure Ukraine to abandon its aims to continue the war until Putin is overthrown and Crimea is conquered by military means. We must avoid a never-ending “proxy war” with Russia, which will be fought to the “last Ukrainian” or “last Russian” standing, and which “threatens Armageddon” — or at least chaos and economic catastrophe in Europe.
Ukraine is nothing to you unless you have a connection to it in any way. We are a sovereign nation but the endless attacks on our freedoms by sell out politicians is our waterloo.
It’s called empathy. Something sorely lacking in the pro-Trump crowd.
Trump would have overlooked Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Trump hates Ukraine and Zelensky.
Because he Zelensky would not lie and help trump trash his political opponent. If the MAGA repubs gain control again, we will become a satellite of Poootin.

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