Flynn praises putin...calls Zelensky dangerous

The 80's? You have got to be kidding. Lefty-Democrat liberals have put a moratorium on nuclear build up in America and, supposedly, Russia. We need a different kind of defense and Trump knew how to apply that defense. You and Biden are still stuck in the 80's apparently. It's time for new, modern leadership, the kind that Trump offers and has proven he can wield with success. Get in your way-back machine, you don't belong here.
You would be shocked at how similar you MAGA types are to the commie symps of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

It's terrifying just how similar you are.

You even have the same Blame America First and Anti-Establishment, Anti-FBI, pro-Russia, rhetoric.
Why isn't Flynn in a stockade for treason?
It may be easy to mistake this, but we do still have freedom of speech in this country. We're not at war with either Russia or Ukraine, so it is no more a crime to support Russia than to fly a Ukraine flag as an avatar when you would never have an American flag.

I wish no American would take sides in this war. We should stay out of it and hope Russia doesn't go nuclear. If any American does take Ukraine's side, I hope it isn't because Orange Man Bad. That makes no sense whatsoever.

It was Trump who sent weapons to Ukraine when Obama would only send blankets. It was under Obama that Russia invaded and annexed the Crimea, and under Joe Biden that Russia invaded Ukraine.

Under Trump, we had peace.
You would be shocked at how similar you MAGA types are to the commie symps of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

It's terrifying just how similar you are.

You even have the same Blame America First and Anti-Establishment, Anti-FBI, pro-Russia, rhetoric.
I never sad any of that. Stop lying…If you can, which I doubt.
Absolutely I was cheering. Any time the Ukrainians succeed at repelling the illegal Russian invasion, I cheer.
Cheering for one bad guy against another bad guy. Gee when have we seen that before? More false flags to create another proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and Crimea. Armenia is next.

Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Congo, Venezuela, Iraq,Afghanistan....... piece of cake when you have the plausible deniability of using your secret police CIA....and economic sanctions enforced by the IMF cabal....
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Absolutely I was cheering. Any time the Ukrainians succeed at repelling the illegal Russian invasion, I cheer.
Of course you do.

The same idiots that claimed President Trump was going to start WW3 are now cheering a proxy war with Russia that can easily escalate into WW3.

This is what happens when petulant children are put in charge of a country.
When we send politicians to Washington who are in bed with the military industrial complex we should know what to expect.

Same goes for the economy when they're in bed with the WEF and Wall Street and our health when they're in bed with big Pharma.
Of course you do.

The same idiots that claimed President Trump was going to start WW3 are now cheering a proxy war with Russia that can easily escalate into WW3.

This is what happens when petulant children are put in charge of a country.
I never said Traitor Trump was going to start WWIII.

How could he? He was too busy making love to mass murdering commies.

You should see a doctor for your testicular retraction.
Abandoning an entire country to corrupt Russian authoritarian control because they have a neo-nazi unit in their military seems to be throwing the baby out with the bath water.
More than one, but if your principles and morality are so easily swayed, what else are you fools willing to accept, besides muzzling the press, assassinating the children of critics, banning opposition parties, anti-gay/trans policies, and torturing POWs? These are the good guys? I don't think so. The US should have learned by now, backing scumbags always comes back to bite us. There is no place for America in this Eurotrash squabble.
I never said Traitor Trump was going to start WWIII.

How could he? He was too busy making love to mass murdering commies.

You should see a doctor for your testicular retraction.
Biden was too busy helping Putin fill his coffers. Trump never did that and kept Putin in check. He told Rocket Man to back off and it worked. He made Xi hurt with tariffs. Biden has done 0 and ruined our economy single handed. You need to remove Biden's dick from yourself.
More than one, but if your principles and morality are so easily swayed, what else are you fools willing to accept, besides muzzling the press, assassinating the children of critics, banning opposition parties, anti-gay/trans policies, and torturing POWs? These are the good guys? I don't think so. The US should have learned by now, backing scumbags always comes back to bite us. There is no place for America in this Eurotrash squabble.
Compared to Russia, Ukraine is a country of angels.

Ukraine is fighting an existential threat. All countries, including ours, sacrifice their principles when surgical is at stake.
Biden was too busy helping Putin fill his coffers. Trump never did that and kept Putin in check. He told Rocket Man to back off and it worked. He made Xi hurt with tariffs. Biden has done 0 and ruined our economy single handed. You need to remove Biden's dick from yourself.
Trump made Xi hurt with tariffs!?!?! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

All Dumb Donald's far left protectionist trade war achieved was widening our trade deficit with China to a record level, idiot.

And it is our IMPORTERS WHO PAY THE TARIFFS. That is who got hurt, and Trump had to bail them out.

And guess what? Biden has decided not to repeal those far left tariffs, and our trade gap has widened even more. I tried to warn you idiots in 2016 that Trump is and always will be a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

As for Rocket Man, he wrote a nice letter to Dotard Donald and the fat fuck fell in love with the mass murdering dictator.

What these totalitarians knew about Trump is all they have to do is fluff his big ego, and he will never ever say a harsh word about them.

Do your absolute best to find a single instance of Trump saying something negative about Putin.
Of course you do.

The same idiots that claimed President Trump was going to start WW3 are now cheering a proxy war with Russia that can easily escalate into WW3.

This is what happens when petulant children are put in charge of a country.

I agree with you, only one thing..... nobody put these petulant children/criminals in charge of a country.....

These thugs stole the election.

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