Flynn praises putin...calls Zelensky dangerous

Authoritarianism always ends in the violent deaths of its leaders and their brainwashed followers. Get out before the fall, maga freak.
Finally some good news, we now know how the corrupt monkey in Kiev's story ends.
So in your world someone who bans political opposition parties, muzzles the press, has Neo-nazi military units, is what, the bastion of liberal freedom? That's Zelensky, one more reason we need to leave that whole mess to Europe. It has nothing to do with us, nor does Ukraine represent American values.

Second that! :thup:
So in your world someone who bans political opposition parties, muzzles the press, has Neo-nazi military units, is what, the bastion of liberal freedom?

One of the most influential and hostile critics of the infamous Wagner Group—sometimes known as Putin’s private army—died in suspicious circumstances earlier this year. Three sources close to him have told The Daily Beast that they believe he was poisoned.


“The person he had dinner with is someone very close to the Russians,” one of Gbossokotto’s closest friends told The Daily Beast. He was speaking on condition of anonymity as he fears he could be targeted by the Russians. “His wife who was with him when he died said at first he complained of feeling extremely weak and felt like vomiting, and later he began to convulse, with frothy saliva gushing out of his mouth.”

So in your world someone who bans political opposition parties, muzzles the press, has Neo-nazi military units, is what, the bastion of liberal freedom?

The Wagner Groupalso known as PMC Wagner, ChVK[a] Wagner, or CHVK Vagner, is a Russian paramilitary organization. It is variously described as a private military company (PMC), a network of mercenaries, or a de facto private army of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Officially the group does not exist. While the Wagner Group itself is not ideologically driven, various elements of Wagner have been linked to neo-Nazis and far-right extremists.
what’s treasonous or even wrong about warning against a limited nuclear strike?

wow you dembots are crazy
Authoritarianism always ends in the violent deaths of its leaders and their brainwashed followers. Get out before the fall, maga freak.

Authoritarianism is what we have with this Democrat regime. They closed businesses, schools, invoked mask mandates, vax mandates. Now they are raising our taxes and sicing IRS agents on US. Along with all that, now we will not be allowed buy CE cars and will be told when we can or cannot recharge them. Talk about authoritarian!!! Hell, don't even THINK about putting anything on social media they disagree with or you'll be canceled. If you were ever a friend of Trump, WATCH OUT! You'll be raided, put in handcuffs and grilled and you'll be lucky if they don't slap you in jail.
Why isn't Flynn in a stockade for treason?
Maybe because he's telling the truth.

"Anybody who is recommending that we can even consider a limited nuclear strike thinking that that’s going to be the end of it, that they all back off, is not only foolish, they’re a dangerous fool,” he said. “We have many of them at that elite level of this new world order.”
The number of MAGA Poootin sympathizers on this site is frightening.
Understanding the enemy is not sympathizing with the enemy. Frankly, it's frightening to see Biden totally oblivious and ignorant of what we may be facing.
I’m not a Democrat, I don’t follow any authoritarian leaders.
Have you ever noticed Trump has never said an unkind word about Putin?

Quite the opposite, in fact. Trump has heaped lots of praise on Putin. Traitor Trump has hero-worshipped Putin for decades.

This guy? No way!


He was always a mouthpiece for the highest bidder. Be it Putin or Ergodan.

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