FNC’s Dr. Makary: ‘We’ve Never Seen This Level of Martial Law and Paternalism to Prevent Mild Infection’

The democrats are constantly looking for ways to limit your freedoms and your rights in favor of more govt control. Is there a reason why I should not believe their end goal is a totalitarian regime?
You leftoid sheep are like lambs to the slaughter and you keep trying to take the rest of us with you. We ain't going. Our Liberty was too har won, too hard kept.

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Faulkner Focus,” Fox News Medical Contributor and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Professor Dr. Marty Makary argued that the biggest failure in the coronavirus pandemic response is the failure to tailor policies based on individual risk, and that “those who have chosen not to get vaccinated and have not had COVID, they do so at their own individual risk. We’ve never seen this level of martial law and paternalism to prevent mild infection in 300 million Americans.”
Makary said, [relevant remarks begin around 5:45 ] “Look, the greatest failure of the pandemic response by public health officials has been the failure to recognize that the risk of this virus is not equally distributed in the population, and while it may have made sense when we didn’t know what we were dealing with to have one simple message for everybody. Now, it has to be custom-tailored. That means if — look, if somebody has no immunity and they’re old and vulnerable, they’ve got no vaccinated and no natural immunity, sure, they need to be very careful. We need to protect those people right now. But the risk in a young, healthy person is very different from somebody in that situation. We’ve never acknowledged that we need to custom-tailor the policies according to the individuals. And those who have chosen not to get vaccinated and have not had COVID, they do so at their own individual risk. We’ve never seen this level of martial law and paternalism to prevent mild infection in 300 million Americans.”

As he says. One size fits all is baloney and government is not our parent telling us when where and how to blow our nose.

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