Foley Was Tortured By ISIS Militants Using CIA Techniques

Leo Thorsness...another expert on actual torture...again, having experienced it at the hands of the socialists in Vietnam...

Leo Thorsness Torture thoughts on Memorial Day Power Line

Our world is not completely good or evil. To proclaim we will never use any form of enhanced interrogations causes our friends to think we are naïve and eases our enemies’ recruitment of radical terrorists to plot attacks on innocent kids, men and women – or any infidel. If I were to catch a “mad bomber” running away from an explosive I would not hesitate a second to use “enhanced interrogation,” including waterboarding, if it would save lives of innocent people.
This was always an argument against torture.

James Foley Was Tortured By ISIS Militants Using CIA Techniques

James Foley was tortured by members of the militant Islamic State group who were modeling some of their techniques on those used by the CIA, the Washington Postreported on Thursday.

Foley was held by ISIS in Syria for nearly two years before his horrific beheading last week. The Post reported that, during that time, he and at least three others were "waterboarded several times."

Waterboarding became perhaps the most notorious method of torture practiced by American interrogators in the years after September 11th.

Interestingly, while the Post has, like most mainstream outlets, typically been reluctant to call methods such as waterboarding "torture" when it was practiced by Americans, the paper had no apparent problem calling what ISIS did to Foley "torture."
Waterboarding and other methods of torture have been around long before the CIA was even a thought in the mind of the most paranoid politician
Leo Thorsness discusses waterboarding vs. real torture...

McCain rsquo s fellow POWs support waterboarding - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Like Day, Col. Leo Thorsness was awarded the Medal of Honor for extraordinary heroism during the Vietnam War. He experienced excruciating torture during his captivity — his back broken, his body wrenched apart. He says what the CIA did to al-Qaeda terrorists in its custody was not torture:

“To me, waterboarding is intensive interrogation. It is not torture. Torture involves extreme, brutal pain — breaking bones, passing out from pain, beatings so severe that blood spatters the walls . . . when you pop shoulders out of joints.. . . In my mind, there’s a difference, and in most POWs’ minds there’s a difference.. . . I would not hesitate a second to use ‘enhanced interrogation,’ including waterboarding, if it would save the lives of innocent people.”

and here is another American who was tortured by the socialists in Vietnam Nam...and still supports water boarding these monsters...

Another torture victim who supports waterboarding is Adm. Jeremiah Denton — the POW who famously winked the word “T-O-R-T-U-R-E” in Morse code during a North Vietnamese propaganda interview. It was the first message to the outside world that American prisoners were being tortured. Denton later received the Navy Cross for this courageous and costly act of defiance, for which he paid dearly when his captors figured out what he had done. I asked Denton if he thought waterboarding was torture. He told me:

“No, I think it’s persuasive.. . . The big, monstrous difference here is that the gentlemen we are waterboarding are people who swore to kill Americans. They will wreak any kind of torture just for the hell of it on anybody. When they are captured by the U.S., and we know or have reason to believe that they know of a subsequent event after 9/11, if you don’t interrogate them, more misery will take place.. . . Waterboarding is not an evil. Some of the things they did to us were torture. I passed out a dozen times from torture. We’re not exerting that kind of excruciation.”
Interestingly, while the Post has, like most mainstream outlets, typically been reluctant to call methods such as waterboarding "torture" when it was practiced by Americans, the paper had no apparent problem calling what ISIS did to Foley "torture

Because what Isis did was torture, since they obviously did not use the method the CIA some research...learn the difference...
I think one of the best things you can do is watch Mancow Muller and Christopher Hitchens get water boarded, which they both did for reporting purposes...they both get off the board and say, yes, it is torture....

but look at what actually happened...when each of them gives the signal they have had enough...what actually happens?....are bones skin cut and bleeding...are they in continued agony after it they cry, roll around in even close...

What happens is each of them towels off...Hitchens immediately lights,a cigarette, and they were completely fine...Mancow and Hitchens probably had a good drink and a nice dinner afterward as well...all of which would not be possible if they had been really tortured....that is the method we please...don't try to claim what we did has anything in common with what the Japanese, the socialists in Vietnam and Cambodia did, or theInquisition or any other group that actually tortured people did...
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a rational look at this topic...

Left Goes Ballistic over ISIS Waterboarding of Foley

This may be correct. But focusing in on the waterboarding of James Foley seems mildly disproportionate given that ISIS cut off his head. And ISIS routinely engages in activities far worse for its victims than waterboarding, including systematic rape of women. Nonetheless, the leftist tendency to blame America’s war on terror – rather than its abandonment of Iraq – for the rise of ISIS seems to be growing in volume.

the left thinks funny...
Like how people who have no idea what they're talking about make waterboarding appear like torture. Is it unpleasant? Sure. But by comparison to most ever 80s horror movie it's a splash of water on your face. Want an example of real torture? Watch "Marathon Man" or "Unthinkable."

Until you have, for the love of God, shut up.
This was always an argument against torture.

James Foley Was Tortured By ISIS Militants Using CIA Techniques

James Foley was tortured by members of the militant Islamic State group who were modeling some of their techniques on those used by the CIA, the Washington Postreported on Thursday.

Foley was held by ISIS in Syria for nearly two years before his horrific beheading last week. The Post reported that, during that time, he and at least three others were "waterboarded several times."

Waterboarding became perhaps the most notorious method of torture practiced by American interrogators in the years after September 11th.

Interestingly, while the Post has, like most mainstream outlets, typically been reluctant to call methods such as waterboarding "torture" when it was practiced by Americans, the paper had no apparent problem calling what ISIS did to Foley "torture."
But But But the LIB pussies here have been screaming that waterboarding doesn't work. Right?
Then why the fuck do the terrorists waterboard?
You don't keep someone alive by torturing them. ISIL tried to ransom Foley but no one would pay. So they murdered him.
so, you have a method that causes no pemanent harm to the guy you are tilt him back, run water down his nose and when you stop, he is physically and mentally unharmed...all he needs to recover is a towel to dry off....a method that all of your elite military personnel used to go through as standard survival training and the only reason it was. was too successful at getting them to talk....

We are talking the toughest of all military warriors...Green Berets and Navy Seals as well as military aviators...all of them give up the goods...and they are not physically or psychologically impaired after the water boarding....

so, you take three monsters, the men who planned and carried out the murder of three thousand people...remember 9/11? You know, that day in, as Andrew Klavan calls it, "history time" when we were attacked...I know it was a long time ago, a whole 13 years and all...and you dribble water down their nose...and then these toughest of the toughest who declared they would die for their cause of killing Americans...start not only talking...but telling everything....they use a towel to dry off...they have a nice dinner...prey to Mecca, and they are completely fine...

and guys see no moral difference in using the least harmful but most effective technique against 3 monsters to save American lives...whose moral compass is broken...

Again...Ask the three men who suffered at the hands of real torture...the communists in their stories...guys who really know what torture is...and they say they would weatherboard these guys without a doubt...because it is safe, humane, and gets hardened monsters to tell you how they plan on killing innocent people...

No wonder Putin, the Chinese, and isis are winning...

If it's "safe and humane," why does it "get hardened monsters to tell you how they plan on killing innocent people"?

The only difference between putting a plastic bag over someone's head and keeping it there until they lose consciousness for lack of oxygen and waterboarding, is that waterboarding utilizes water instead of a plastic bag. Both techniques are designed to suffocate/drown the victim to death except they are pulled back from actual death and/or the infliction of brain damage just in time. As far as the victim is concerned, they experience 100% of the sensation of suffocating or drowning, depending on the method used.

That may not be considered torture by all of you Internet tough guys out there, but to a civilized person, it most certainly is.
Treasonous liberals whose open border power grab is putting all of us at risk.. If one American dies from the open border treason, EVERY DAMN LEFTIST who supported it, should be brought up on charges..
The orange that James Foley wore when he was decapitated was a copy of the ones that prisoners at Gitmo wear. All that was a message.
Not a single Gitmo prisoner has been decapitated or marched into the desert to be executed in their underwear and then posted online. We don't demand ransom with the threat of death. We go out of our way to supply Korans and prayer mats, give health care, and supply food suitable for a diet for Muslim beliefs. Better treatment than many Americans get when they are sent to a State or Federal prison. There is a very stark difference between how we treat prisoners compared to the ruthless treatment prisoners captured by the Islamists receive.
All that is a message.
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suffocate/drown the victim to death except they are pulled back from actual death and/or the infliction of brain damage just in time. As far as the victim is concerned,

You have no idea what you are talking about...the water never cuts off the air passage,or enters the lungs...have you ever done a sinus rice for allergies? That is what they do to these more research...

That may not be considered torture by all of you Internet tough guys out there, but to a civilized person, it most certainly is.

You obviously haven't read all the threads...the guys saying it isn't torture are Vietnam POWs actually tortured by the socialists at the Hanoi Hilton...three of them, two Medal of Honor awardees and one Navy Cross awardee stated that they would water board these to them about your opinion on who is or isn't a tough the earlier posts and see what they know...the real experts because they were actually tortured...for years...tell them...

Read their stories and the actual things hat were done to them...then come back and research the water boarding the CIA did...then maybe you can comment with some understanding...

To save you some time...from earlier posts...

Another torture victim who supports waterboarding is Adm. Jeremiah Denton — the POW who famously winked the word “T-O-R-T-U-R-E” in Morse code during a North Vietnamese propaganda interview. It was the first message to the outside world that American prisoners were being tortured. Denton later received the Navy Cross for this courageous and costly act of defiance, for which he paid dearly when his captors figured out what he had done. I asked Denton if he thought waterboarding was torture. He told me:

“No, I think it’s persuasive.. . . The big, monstrous difference here is that the gentlemen we are waterboarding are people who swore to kill Americans. They will wreak any kind of torture just for the hell of it on anybody. When they are captured by the U.S., and we know or have reason to believe that they know of a subsequent event after 9/11, if you don’t interrogate them, more misery will take place.. . . Waterboarding is not an evil. Some of the things they did to us were torture. I passed out a dozen times from torture. We’re not exerting that kind of excruciation.
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If it's "safe and humane," why does it "get hardened monsters to tell you how they plan on killing innocent people"?

Not only makes,Green Berets and Navy Seals give up the goods...and they do it in training...knowing the whole time they won't be killed, that they are in training and that they will shortly have the process ended...and they still give it up. creates such a sensation of helplessness it gets through the mental works and it doesn't harm them...
This was always an argument against torture.

James Foley Was Tortured By ISIS Militants Using CIA Techniques

James Foley was tortured by members of the militant Islamic State group who were modeling some of their techniques on those used by the CIA, the Washington Postreported on Thursday.

Foley was held by ISIS in Syria for nearly two years before his horrific beheading last week. The Post reported that, during that time, he and at least three others were "waterboarded several times."

Waterboarding became perhaps the most notorious method of torture practiced by American interrogators in the years after September 11th.

Interestingly, while the Post has, like most mainstream outlets, typically been reluctant to call methods such as waterboarding "torture" when it was practiced by Americans, the paper had no apparent problem calling what ISIS did to Foley "torture."

I have some news for you:

The majority of the rocket technology that landed the United States on the moon was perfected by former NAZI scientists.

Nuclear fission and fusion were products of U.S. research scientists, which resulted in the atomic bomb and nuclear power plants, among other applications, and the whole world uses this technology, for good and for evil.

I wonder where ISIS got the idea of lopping off the heads of innocent civilians from?

If I drink Russian Vodka, does that make me a Communist?
This was always an argument against torture.

James Foley Was Tortured By ISIS Militants Using CIA Techniques

James Foley was tortured by members of the militant Islamic State group who were modeling some of their techniques on those used by the CIA, the Washington Postreported on Thursday.

Foley was held by ISIS in Syria for nearly two years before his horrific beheading last week. The Post reported that, during that time, he and at least three others were "waterboarded several times."

Waterboarding became perhaps the most notorious method of torture practiced by American interrogators in the years after September 11th.

Interestingly, while the Post has, like most mainstream outlets, typically been reluctant to call methods such as waterboarding "torture" when it was practiced by Americans, the paper had no apparent problem calling what ISIS did to Foley "torture."

That line that separates civilized human beings from barbarians, intuitively recognized by most of us, has become blurred, even non-existant in the minds of the wingnut horde. If their morality keeps devolving we may soon not be able to distinguish their bloodthirsty ideology and actions from those of the Islamic extremists we all abhor.

Spoken by someone with exactly ZERO real world experience.
That line that separates civilized human beings from barbarians, intuitively recognized by most of us, has become blurred, even non-existant in the minds of the wingnut horde. If their morality keeps devolving we may soon not be able to distinguish their bloodthirsty ideology and actions from those of the Islamic extremists we all abhor.
Purposely targeting and killing civilians, burning their homes, destroying the infrastructure, destroying their industry, businesses and factories, stealing their livestock and supplies are war crimes and are the actions of "barbarians".

Except when the union did it to the south...

What nation in the world is the only one to use nuclear weapons?..and who did we purposely target and use them on?

Spare me the "civilized human beings" jargon.


I'm not supporting isis or any muzzies..
I was just pointing out historical facts to counter your attempt to pretend the u.s. has the moral high ground in issues like this.

Did it ever occur to you how many MORE American soldiers the Japanese were going to kill than we killed with our H-bomb? I'm guessing it hasn't. And yes, it would have been more.
Good Lord the liberals on this website are consummate pussies. First of all, they use guns just like we use. SOOOOO?

Just because they do something we allegedly do means nothing. The argument fell apart just based on that alone.

Secondly, do you know how many of our military people go through waterboarding for training?

Where do I see you people running around protesting that it stop?

I myself went through a survival school where techniques were used that would make you sissies cry.

Good Lord you liberals are fragile.

Okay, so you're the resident expert on all things military. Is it true that the aim of SERE "Code of Conduct" training is to "prepare US military personnel for possible capture and torture by an enemy that does not follow Geneva conventions guidelines."


From an internal DOD memo;

"The Clare memo stated, in part:

3. Area of Concern: The JPRA official stance is that the water board should not be used as a physical pressure during Level C SERE training. This position is based on factors that have the potential to affect not only students but also the whole DoD SERE program. The way the water board is most often employed, it leaves students psychologically defeated with no ability to resist under pressure. Once a student is taught that they can be beaten, and there is no way to resist, it is difficult to develop psychological hardiness. None of the other schools use the water board that leaves the San Diego school as a standout.

In an attachment to Colonel Clare’s memo, "Observations and Recommendations," JPRA indicates that the waterboard technique as used in the SERE schools is "inconsistent" with the JPRA philosophy that its training and procedures be "safe, effective" and provides "a positive learning experience."

The water board has always been the most extreme pressure that required intense supervision and oversight because of the inherent risks associated with its employment…. Forcing answers under the extreme duress of the water board does not teach resistance or resilience, but teaches that you can be beaten. When a student’s ability to develop psychological resiliency is compromised… it may create unintended consequences regarding their perception of survivability during a real world SERE event. Based on these concerns and the risks associated with using the water board, we strongly recommend that you discontinue using it[underlined in the original].

Was this Colonel Clare guy one of those pussys you were referring to?

Do you have ANY idea how many different opinions there are about waterboarding? I know one thing, what I actually experienced in survival school and what the regs said were two different things. And that's common in the military.

Speaking of Geneva Convention, you been hearing that word recently????? No, because we're not dealing with an enemy who shows once ounce of concern for it, unlike our other enemies of the past 50 years. It's not even a part of the WoT.

As for pussies, as I said in my post, I'm talking about certain people on this thread. I really wish you libs would take some reading comprehension classes.
This was always an argument against torture.

James Foley Was Tortured By ISIS Militants Using CIA Techniques

James Foley was tortured by members of the militant Islamic State group who were modeling some of their techniques on those used by the CIA, the Washington Postreported on Thursday.

Foley was held by ISIS in Syria for nearly two years before his horrific beheading last week. The Post reported that, during that time, he and at least three others were "waterboarded several times."

Waterboarding became perhaps the most notorious method of torture practiced by American interrogators in the years after September 11th.

Interestingly, while the Post has, like most mainstream outlets, typically been reluctant to call methods such as waterboarding "torture" when it was practiced by Americans, the paper had no apparent problem calling what ISIS did to Foley "torture."

That's just awful. Now, ummm, why don't you fly over to Iraq and apologize on behalf of the CIA and America in general, for the horrible torture techniques of the horrible CIA, without which Isis would probably be attending cub scout meetings and crafting leather wallets for their grandpas. Finish your litany quickly though, because it'll be difficult to commence while you're on your knees with your head lying behind you staring up at your bunghole.
I'll take water boarding over castration, fingernail removal, teeth removal, flayed alive, eye removal, finger removal, blowtorching, and acid...

...but that's just me.

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