Foley Was Tortured By ISIS Militants Using CIA Techniques

That line that separates civilized human beings from barbarians, intuitively recognized by most of us, has become blurred, even non-existant in the minds of the wingnut horde. If their morality keeps devolving we may soon not be able to distinguish their bloodthirsty ideology and actions from those of the Islamic extremists we all abhor.
Purposely targeting and killing civilians, burning their homes, destroying the infrastructure, destroying their industry, businesses and factories, stealing their livestock and supplies are war crimes and are the actions of "barbarians".

Except when the union did it to the south...

What nation in the world is the only one to use nuclear weapons?..and who did we purposely target and use them on?

Spare me the "civilized human beings" jargon.


I'm not supporting isis or any muzzies..
I was just pointing out historical facts to counter your attempt to pretend the u.s. has the moral high ground in issues like this.

Did it ever occur to you how many MORE American soldiers the Japanese were going to kill than we killed with our H-bomb? I'm guessing it hasn't. And yes, it would have been more.

We didn't drop an H-bomb. We dropped atom bombs.

President Clinton's White House staff adviser for issues pertaining to WWI and WWII, Professor Paul Fussell, writes in his essay collection, 'Thank God for the Atom Bomb' about being a young infantry lieutenant on Okinawa while the mainland invasion of Japan was about to get underway. He describes the great storage yards at the port city of Naha where 400,000 coffins were off-loaded in anticipation of American deaths during the first 8 months of the battle for the mainland. War planners believed the battle might last well over a year and could cost as many as one million allied lives.

Also germane are 'The Making of the Atomic Bomb' and 'Dark Sun' by Pulitzer Prize winning historian Richard Rhodes. The first is as the title implies; the second is a fascinating if augural history of the development of the hydrogen bomb. In the latter, Rhodes argues very convincingly that the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan actually saved tens if not hundreds off millions of lives since the events. Humanity has never used them since. It's the very acknowledgement of their existence and our comprehension of what they can do, that's kept wars over the past 70 years only atrociously homicidal rather than outright apocalyptic. It's humanity's collective understanding that an exchange of hydrogen weapons could mean the end of life on earth, that's keeping our suicidal impulses marginally in check.
That line that separates civilized human beings from barbarians, intuitively recognized by most of us, has become blurred, even non-existant in the minds of the wingnut horde. If their morality keeps devolving we may soon not be able to distinguish their bloodthirsty ideology and actions from those of the Islamic extremists we all abhor.
Purposely targeting and killing civilians, burning their homes, destroying the infrastructure, destroying their industry, businesses and factories, stealing their livestock and supplies are war crimes and are the actions of "barbarians".

Except when the union did it to the south...

What nation in the world is the only one to use nuclear weapons?..and who did we purposely target and use them on?

Spare me the "civilized human beings" jargon.


I'm not supporting isis or any muzzies..
I was just pointing out historical facts to counter your attempt to pretend the u.s. has the moral high ground in issues like this.

Did it ever occur to you how many MORE American soldiers the Japanese were going to kill than we killed with our H-bomb? I'm guessing it hasn't. And yes, it would have been more.

I'm not sure why he raised the subject of the A-Bomb, I don't believe it was relevant to my post and doesn't really reflect my opinion on it's use. The last time I did comment on the subject was an Aug 5 reply to a post on the 69th anniversary. Unfortunately some glitch in the search function or my original posting truncates the post but it still reflects my feelings on the matter so I think I'll take this opportunity to repost it just to clarify and just because.....

69 years ago today US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

that the horrifying destructive power of these weapons was demonstrated to the world on such a relatively small scale. The thermo-nuclear weapons developed soon after would be hundreds of times more lethal. It's just too bad that human beings seem to need such reinforcement to act rationally. Hopefully the death-shadows on the walls are indelibly etched onto the human conscience.
I have seen criticism of the strategic need to use high density civillian targets for the demonstration of the power unleashed when E=MC2 is proved in the real world and not just on paper. I just don't know if the Japanese high command was rational enough to be swayed by less murderous scenarios. And I've never been completely convinced by the argument you use. Some historians have presented evidence that Japan would have collapsed soon anyway and that invasion was not an historical inevitability.
It's another one of the ethical dilemmas I have not resolved in my own mind in my 60+ yrs.
Good Lord the liberals on this website are consummate pussies. First of all, they use guns just like we use. SOOOOO?

Just because they do something we allegedly do means nothing. The argument fell apart just based on that alone.

Secondly, do you know how many of our military people go through waterboarding for training?

Where do I see you people running around protesting that it stop?

I myself went through a survival school where techniques were used that would make you sissies cry.

Good Lord you liberals are fragile.
Survival school? Why pray tell?

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Good Lord the liberals on this website are consummate pussies. First of all, they use guns just like we use. SOOOOO?

Just because they do something we allegedly do means nothing. The argument fell apart just based on that alone.

Secondly, do you know how many of our military people go through waterboarding for training?

Where do I see you people running around protesting that it stop?

I myself went through a survival school where techniques were used that would make you sissies cry.

Good Lord you liberals are fragile.
Survival school? Why pray tell?

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Oh, look, the class clown has chimed in on something she knows absolutely nothing about.

Imagine that.
I wish the right-wing nutjobs here could get it together and form a coherent opinion on this Foley thing. Was he tortured to death by ISIS solely because the U.S. withdrew from Iraq, or was the beheading video a fake because it's all a conspiracy by President Obama to take your guns or whatever?

Pick a stance and stick to it, conservatards.
I wish the right-wing nutjobs here could get it together and form a coherent opinion on this Foley thing. Was he tortured to death by ISIS solely because the U.S. withdrew from Iraq, or was the beheading video a fake because it's all a conspiracy by President Obama to take your guns or whatever?

Pick a stance and stick to it, conservatards.

Oh, good. Another liberal idiot not to be taken seriously. There are some worth taking the time to debate with. You are just a hack.
I wish the right-wing nutjobs here could get it together and form a coherent opinion on this Foley thing. Was he tortured to death by ISIS solely because the U.S. withdrew from Iraq, or was the beheading video a fake because it's all a conspiracy by President Obama to take your guns or whatever?

Pick a stance and stick to it, conservatards.

Oh, good. Another liberal idiot not to be taken seriously. There are some worth taking the time to debate with. You are just a hack.

Bullshit, prove it.
Good Lord the liberals on this website are consummate pussies. First of all, they use guns just like we use. SOOOOO?

Just because they do something we allegedly do means nothing. The argument fell apart just based on that alone.

Secondly, do you know how many of our military people go through waterboarding for training?

Where do I see you people running around protesting that it stop?

I myself went through a survival school where techniques were used that would make you sissies cry.

Good Lord you liberals are fragile.
Survival school? Why pray tell?

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Where'd ya run to dotcommmmie? You're always throwing a rock and then runnnnnnnnning to the hills like a scraaaardy cat.

Dum dum.
I wish the right-wing nutjobs here could get it together and form a coherent opinion on this Foley thing. Was he tortured to death by ISIS solely because the U.S. withdrew from Iraq, or was the beheading video a fake because it's all a conspiracy by President Obama to take your guns or whatever?

Pick a stance and stick to it, conservatards.

Oh, good. Another liberal idiot not to be taken seriously. There are some worth taking the time to debate with. You are just a hack.

Bullshit, prove it.

Did you not just read what I said? I said you're not worth engaging because you don't pass the basic intelligence test.
I wish the right-wing nutjobs here could get it together and form a coherent opinion on this Foley thing. Was he tortured to death by ISIS solely because the U.S. withdrew from Iraq, or was the beheading video a fake because it's all a conspiracy by President Obama to take your guns or whatever?

Pick a stance and stick to it, conservatards.

Oh, good. Another liberal idiot not to be taken seriously. There are some worth taking the time to debate with. You are just a hack.

Bullshit, prove it.

Did you not just read what I said? I said you're not worth engaging because you don't pass the basic intelligence test.

You're doing a great job so far with forming an opinion and remaining consistent. Now proceed to the next step of providing supporting evidence for your syxyst claims.
Yep. Typical liberal America the Bad Guy stuff again. I hope we tortured the fuck out of every terrorist cocksucker we got our hands on. Then I hope we shot them right in the fucking head.

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