Folks - you just can’t make this stuff up

Admittedly I thought that this idiocy was very specific only to the region in question.

But here we go, the usual retards on this forum have self identified. They really do think outlawing pumping gas is a good idea. Maybe they should add this to the campaign ticket on 2018 elections.
View attachment 169526

Spain GDP per capita, despite having almost zero minorities: 26,528.49 USD

USA GDP per capita, despite having lots of minorities and paying Spain's defense budget: 57,466.79 USD

Leader of Spain: Some whacko socialist.
Leader of the USA: Donald J. Trump, the God-Emperor.

Still doubts about what works and what doesn't?
You know, I thought many RWrs were very desperate to find fault with liberal ideology, but these two take the cake. Imagine hanging on to the failed assertion of the OP, hanging on and on and on to such an obiviously failed premise. Hilarious.
3-4 cents per gallon (still cheaper than CA or WA) to employ about 9,800 attendants. What "freedom" is lost? Are you "free" to cook your own food at a restaurant?
I’m free to cook food any time I want, stupid. I do it all the time. :eusa_doh:
At a restaurant? LOL
Restaurants are specifically designed so I don’t have to prepare my own meal. That’s the entire point. That is not the case with gas stations, swetie.
You know, I thought many RWrs were very desperate to find fault with liberal ideology, but these two take the cake. Imagine hanging on to the failed assertion of the OP, hanging on and on and on to such an obiviously failed premise. Hilarious.
You and Wytchy are the only one’s failing here. Tell us again how digging a hole and filling it back in “creates jobs”. :laugh:
Admittedly I thought that this idiocy was very specific only to the region in question.

But here we go, the usual retards on this forum have self identified. They really do think outlawing pumping gas is a good idea. Maybe they should add this to the campaign ticket on 2018 elections.
View attachment 169526

Spain GDP per capita, despite having almost zero minorities: 26,528.49 USD

USA GDP per capita, despite having lots of minorities and paying Spain's defense budget: 57,466.79 USD

Leader of Spain: Some whacko socialist.
Leader of the USA: Donald J. Trump, the God-Emperor.

Still doubts about what works and what doesn't?
You know, I thought many RWrs were very desperate to find fault with liberal ideology, but these two take the cake. Imagine hanging on to the failed assertion of the OP, hanging on and on and on to such an obiviously failed premise. Hilarious.
You and Wytchy are the only one’s failing here. Tell us again how digging a hole and filling it back in “creates jobs”. :laugh:
Now you guys are just trolling.
Admittedly I thought that this idiocy was very specific only to the region in question.

But here we go, the retards on this forum have self identified. They really do think outlawing pumping gas is a good idea. Maybe they should add this to the campaign ticket on 2018 elections.
Well the left doesn’t understand basic economics. People like Esmeralda literally have no clue how wealth is created.

So now 9800 are out of a job. This WAS costing Oregonians about 4¢ a gallon, or about 60¢ a fill up. Tell us how the economics of that are going to play out.

Remember, this change is only affecting rural dwellers.
3-4 cents per gallon (still cheaper than CA or WA) to employ about 9,800 attendants. What "freedom" is lost? Are you "free" to cook your own food at a restaurant?
I’m free to cook food any time I want, stupid. I do it all the time. :eusa_doh:
At a restaurant? LOL
Restaurants are specifically designed so I don’t have to prepare my own meal. That’s the entire point. That is not the case with gas stations, swetie.

Has the person never eaten at all you can eat buffet? It's not outlawed you morons!

Must be like 13 years old.

What freedoms are lost by outlawing fueling your own vehicle?

Fueling your own vehicle, which is how most people prefer to do it. The regressives here are again, getting beyond retarded.
So now 9800 are out of a job. fulfilling a career as pumping gas must be...that’s not for the government to decide. It’s for the market. If those “whopping” 9,800 people were actually providing anything of value to their customers, they will still have their job.

The fact that you’ve already predetermined that all 9,800 jobs will be gone is proof alone that it was a complete and total ripoff for $0.60 per fill up. And those 9,800 people can go find jobs that actually provides something of value to society.
Doesn't anyone miss the days when you could pull into a station with full service? While pumping your gas, the attendant would clean your windshield, check the air in the tires, the oil level under the hood. One friend of mine made pretty good money pushing Bardahl products on customers. Many attendants were high school kids earning extra money doing jobs like this.
So now 9800 are out of a job. fulfilling a career as pumping gas must be...that’s not for the government to decide. It’s for the market. If those “whopping” 9,800 people were actually providing anything of value to their customers, they will still have their job.

The fact that you’ve already predetermined that all 9,800 jobs will be gone is proof alone that it was a complete and total ripoff for $0.60 per fill up. And those 9,800 people can go find jobs that actually provides something of value to society.
So now 9800 are out of a job. fulfilling a career as pumping gas must be...that’s not for the government to decide. It’s for the market. If those “whopping” 9,800 people were actually providing anything of value to their customers, they will still have their job.

The fact that you’ve already predetermined that all 9,800 jobs will be gone is proof alone that it was a complete and total ripoff for $0.60 per fill up. And those 9,800 people can go find jobs that actually provides something of value to society.

Those 9800 people went looking for those jobs and found out that the jobs had gone to china and mexico. Gotta maximize those profits you know.
Doesn't anyone miss the days when you could pull into a station with full service? While pumping your gas, the attendant would clean your windshield, check the air in the tires, the oil level under the hood. One friend of mine made pretty good money pushing Bardahl products on customers. Many attendants were high school kids earning extra money doing jobs like this.
Honestly - I would love to have that as an option where I live. I would use it every day. I miss the days of not having to get out of the vehicle while my tank was filled, my tires were checked, and my windshield was cleaned. But the government has absolutely no business mandating it. If the people want it - the market will provide. If the people don't want it, it will force the market to get rid of it. Apparently, the market has decided (at least for now...maybe it will change in the future).
Those 9800 people went looking for those jobs and found out that the jobs had gone to china and mexico. Gotta maximize those profits you know.
Well...that's the problem with failed progressive policy. It drives jobs overseas where businesses can actually afford to do business.

The highest corporate taxes in the world, the most costly and stifling regulations in the world, the most greedy unions in the world - as usual, progressives create the problem and then whine the loudest about the problem they created.

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