Follow the (Climate Change) Money


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Everything. And I mean EVERYTHING that the left does all has one single goal in mind. To transfer all power to government by slowly taking rights away from people and destroying this country.

The whole global warming scam, or more specifically the global warming solution scam, is designed to redistribute wealth and give government cause to take over the entire private sector. All those involved in this are making billions. They even bitch about farmers growing too much food. Yea, the one world government advocates are hoping to eventually have government control everything. Food. Energy. Healthcare. Industry. People. They are slowly ensuring that we all work for them. Slaves to government. We have no money. It's theirs and they will promise to take care of us in exchange for our labor. Despite the state not having the ability or desire to protect us, we will surrender our arms (for our own safety, of course) and we will cede all rights (for the good of all, of course) and we will allow ourselves to be ruled by dictators who know better than us how we should live. Of course, the leftists are more concerned with ensuring that maybe half the population dies because there are too many of us. How are they supposed to rule over so many people, especially armed people? How are they supposed to control us if we have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the freedom to choose how we live? They can't.

The global warming scam was actually conceived ages ago. Part of the plan to take down the U.S. was to come up with a crisis of global proportions. Something that would require massive government control to solve.

We can't solve the issue of global warming. They have no intentions of trying. What they do want is for government to take over all things listed above so they can have a one world government ruling over a socialist world. No borders. No means of personal protection. No property rights. No rights at all. And this global warming scam is how they intend to take over the entire private sector.

Those who agree with the solutions will be wealthy. Those who question it will be vilified. Some leftists even want to make it a crime to disagree with the state on this. Al Gore declared that it is not debatable. Agree with them or face consequences.

And the liberals have dutifully fallen in line and will toe the line on this one. The one world government scam artists are demanding 4 trillion dollars to throw at this problem with no measurable results expected.

"Apparently, if you take money from the private sector to fund research, your work is inherently biased, but if you get multimillion-dollar grants from Uncle Sam, you are as pure as the freshly fallen snow.

How big is the climate change industrial complex today? Surprisingly, no one seems to be keeping track of all the channels of funding. A few years ago, Forbes magazine went through the federal budget and estimated about $150 billion in spending on climate change and green energy subsidies during President Obama's first term.

That didn't include the tax subsidies that provide a 30 percent tax credit for wind and solar power — so add to those numbers about $8 billion to $10 billion a year. Then add billions more in costs attributable to the 29 states with renewable energy mandates that require utilities to buy expensive "green" energy.

Worldwide the numbers are gargantuan. Five years ago, a leftist group called the Climate Policy Initiative issued a study that found that "global investment in climate change" reached $359 billion that year. Then to give you a sense of how money-hungry these planet-saviors are, the CPI moaned that this spending "falls far short of what's needed" a number estimated at $5 trillion.

For $5 trillion we could feed everyone on the planet, end malaria, and provide clean water and reliable electricity to every remote village in Africa. And we would probably have enough money left over to find a cure for cancer and Alzheimer's.

The entire Apollo project to put a man on the moon cost less than $200 billion. We are spending twice that much every year on climate change.

This tsunami of government money distorts science in hidden ways that even the scientists who are corrupted often don't appreciate. If you are a young eager-beaver researcher who decides to devote your life to the study of global warming, you're probably not going to do your career any good or get famous by publishing research that the crisis isn't happening.

But if you've built bogus models that predict the crisis is getting worse by the day, then step right up and get a multimillion-dollar grant.

Now here's the real scandal of the near trillion dollars that governments have stolen from taxpayers to fund climate change hysteria and research. By the industry's own admission, there has been almost no progress worldwide in combatting climate change. The latest reports by the U.S. government and the United Nations say the problem is getting worse, and we have not delayed the apocalypse by a single day.

Has there ever been such a massive government expenditure that has had such miniscule returns on investment? After three decades of "research" the only "solution" is for the world to stop using fossil fuels, which is like saying that we should stop growing food.

Really? The greatest minds of the world entrusted with hundreds of billions of dollars can only come up with a solution that would entail the largest government power grab in world history, shutting down industrial production (just look at the catastrophe in Germany when they went all in for green energy), and throwing perhaps billions of human beings into poverty? If that's the remedy, I will take my chances on a warming planet.

President Donald Trump should tell these so-called scientists that "you're fired." And we taxpayers should demand our money back."

Stephen Moore: Follow the (Climate Change) Money
Definitely all the countless people who have dedicated their lives and education to science and the pursuit of truth are totally all in on some massive, coordinated scam that only a handful of conspiracy theorists, most with zero scientific background, are able to see through.

They were inspired by great heroes of science to study and learn, often sacrificing decades of their lives to master their fields; all to abandon their calling and collude with each other to coordinate a massive fraud so they can “transfer all power to government by slowly taking rights from people and destroying this country.”

Actually, my son and his then fiancé interned with some research environmental scientists, and they both described it as a complete joke.
Definitely all the countless people who have dedicated their lives and education to science and the pursuit of truth are totally all in on some massive, coordinated scam that only a handful of conspiracy theorists, most with zero scientific background, are able to see through.

They were inspired by great heroes of science to study and learn, often sacrificing decades of their lives to master their fields; all to abandon their calling and collude with each other to coordinate a massive fraud so they can “transfer all power to government by slowly taking rights from people and destroying this country.”

Actually, my son and his then fiancé interned with some research environmental scientists, and they both described it as a complete joke.
Definitely all the countless people who have dedicated their lives and education to science and the pursuit of truth are totally all in on some massive, coordinated scam that only a handful of conspiracy theorists, most with zero scientific background, are able to see through.

They were inspired by great heroes of science to study and learn, often sacrificing decades of their lives to master their fields; all to abandon their calling and collude with each other to coordinate a massive fraud so they can “transfer all power to government by slowly taking rights from people and destroying this country.”

I assume they at least believe the climate can change. Which used to not be the case among you rubes. Progress.
Oh, you are so wrong. We have always believed the climate can and does change. It has since the beginning of time.
Actually, my son and his then fiancé interned with some research environmental scientists, and they both described it as a complete joke.
Definitely all the countless people who have dedicated their lives and education to science and the pursuit of truth are totally all in on some massive, coordinated scam that only a handful of conspiracy theorists, most with zero scientific background, are able to see through.

They were inspired by great heroes of science to study and learn, often sacrificing decades of their lives to master their fields; all to abandon their calling and collude with each other to coordinate a massive fraud so they can “transfer all power to government by slowly taking rights from people and destroying this country.”

I assume they at least believe the climate can change. Which used to not be the case among you rubes. Progress.
Stephen Moore is an economist.
How is an economist qualified on climate change?

Because all the solutions liberal/progressives, and government propose are purely ECONOMIC. Nobody can explain what they will do with the money to combat climate change, and how they will measure what effect the money is having. So, basically, just give us even MORE of your hard earned money, make energy more expensive, and TRUST US.

Total scam, and a hoax.
if the climate is changing, there is nothing anyone can do about it
Stephen Moore is an economist.
How is an economist qualified on climate change?

Because all the solutions liberal/progressives, and government propose are purely ECONOMIC. Nobody can explain what they will do with the money to combat climate change, and how they will measure what effect the money is having. So, basically, just give us even MORE of your hard earned money, make energy more expensive, and TRUST US.

Total scam, and a hoax.
Climate is a science, based on objective truth.
Economics is only applicable to the solutions of climate change.
In the real world, climate change costs $35 billion per year. Even Trump himself admits its not a hoax.
Climate changes naturally all the time. When you figure out what is Man's fault, and what is natures fault, let me know. So, don't extort MONEY from me, and make ALL the solutions economic, and in a punitive way, until you can objectively answer that question.
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